When was the foundation of Nizhny Novgorod? History of Nizhny Novgorod

According to statistics, the population of Nizhny Novgorod is huge - more than 1 million 260 thousand people of different nationalities. Russians make up the majority of its population - 95%.

The peculiarity is that most of the Lower is located on the hills. This is the main natural attraction of the wonderful old city.

In the article you can find other information relating to this amazing historical corner of Russia: the year of foundation of Nizhny Novgorod, sights, history of formation, etc.

Nizhny Novgorod: location, general information

The famous Russian river Oka divides the whole city into 2 parts, which are practically unconnected: the upper - office and historical, the lower - residential and industrial. Geographically, the city is located on the so-called Strelka - at the confluence of the largest rivers: the Oka and Volga.

The foundation of Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is located on both banks of the Oka River and on the right bank of the Volga. It is built up quite chaotically - it does not have a certain shape, even the center is located on the outskirts of the city.

On the high hills (Dyatlovy Mountains) the right-bank territory of the city spread, on the plains and lowlands (floodplain of the Oka River) - the left-bank.

What attracts the city of Nizhny Novgorod? He beckons with his amazing provinciality, despite its size and proximity to metropolitan standards.

Unfold and come to life from the 40-year inaccessibility of the Soviet era, Nizhny began only recently. This is due to the fact that in 1959, entry into the city for foreigners was closed due to the fact that, to a greater extent, visitors were interested not in historical sights, but in local industry (defense). Perhaps due to this, the historical side here remained almost in its original form.

The year of foundation of Nizhny Novgorod

What is the great city famous for?

The great Russian writer M. Gorky (born, created his works) and the famous patriots Minin and Pozharsky, who liberated the city of Moscow from the Poles, are the glory and pride of the city.

In the very center of Nizhny Novgorod there are several houses where M. Gorky lived and worked. During the writer's life in 1932, in honor of him, the city was renamed Gorky and was so called until 1990.

The Stone Kremlin, numerous majestic cathedrals, the GAZ automobile plant are the main of many attractions of the city.

Today, the great historical architectural masterpieces here are adjacent to the clearly distinguished modern buildings.

History of Nizhny Novgorod

The Tatar-Mongol invasion destroyed Nizhny Novgorod. In total, about 17 attacks in the history of its existence were carried out on the city. However, he again and again revived and strengthened his position (economic, political, religious and cultural).

Due to its favorable geographical position, excellent transport interchange (both by land and by river), the city was strengthened quite thoroughly. Rivers allowed the transportation of goods throughout the country. The city began to be called the pocket of Russia - the main shopping center of the 18-19 centuries.

In former times, as noted above, Nizhny Novgorod became famous for its heroes who came to fight against the invaders from Poland. This was in 1612, when the militias of Nizhny Novgorod under the command of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky came out against the Poles. The annual celebration of National Unity Day (November 4th) in Russia is dedicated to the feat of these heroes of Nizhny Novgorod.

On the very spot (in the Lower), where the leaders gathered people to battle against the invaders, a monument was erected in their honor (the same stands on Red Square in Moscow).

The year of foundation of Nizhny Novgorod

Why is Novgorod "Nizhny"? Most people believe that this is due to the fact that the city is located below the famous Novgorod.

In fact, the fact is that in the middle of the 7th century, about 4 versts up the mouth of the Oka River, a fortified Slavic settlement was once founded. Such a mention of the Old Town remained until the beginning of the 17th century.

The victorious campaigns of 1221 made it possible in a rather advantageous place (above the confluence of the Volga and the Oka) in terms of military-strategic construction of a new "Lower" city. At that time, wooden and earthen military fortifications were erected here, inside which the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral was erected. So the foundation of Nizhny Novgorod happened.

The main attractions of the city

This wonderful city rich in historical events has numerous architectural monuments. UNESCO included Nizhny Novgorod among the 100 cities of world value.

City Nizhny Novgorod
The most interesting place is the historical center - st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya with ancient buildings and magnificent bronze figures.

The Lower Kremlin is the heart of the city. The foundation of Nizhny Novgorod took place on this very spot.

Here is the Eternal Flame, government buildings, large concert halls, the church of M. Archangel (the remains of the Grand Dukes and K. Minin are buried here). In this place, at the time, the foundation of Nizhny Novgorod took place.

History of Nizhny Novgorod

A monument was erected near the Kremlin to the hero of the Nizhny Novgorod hero V. Chkalov and the ladder, chosen by tourists and residents of the city, is located. From its height, a wonderful view of the great Volga River is visible.

The foundation of Nizhny Novgorod is associated with the construction of beautiful cathedrals and monasteries: the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin, the Makaryevsky monastery, the church of Alexander Nevsky (right on the banks of the river), the Old Fair Cathedral and many others. other

One of the most favorite activities for vacationers are boat trips. During the cruise, wonderful views of the city, the Chkalov stairs and the Verkhnepechersky monastery open up.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4032/

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