Altai Territory and the Altai Republic - amazing places for outdoor activities

Altai Krai and the Altai Republic are popular places for active tourism. Geographically, these two administrative units are located nearby - in the south of the Asian part of Russia. Their names are similar because of the common territory - mountain ranges and valleys with a total length of 2 thousand kilometers. In all other points - history, population, traditions - these associations are completely different. Therefore, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic are divided completely by chance.

Background and development

The first Russian immigrants in the valleys began to appear after 1650. At the beginning of the 18th century, two fortresses were built to repel raids by nomads. In the 1730s, Akinfy Demidov laid the village of Barnaul. After this, the region began active development, the basis of which was the mining of metals of all kinds. After the abolition of serfdom, the factories lost their profitability and gradually closed.

With the entry into the USSR, agrarians from all over the country rushed to work on the fertile soils of the region. The virgin lands plowed up new lands and harvested record crops. After 1991, production, as in many regions of the country, fell into decay. In the new millennium, positive shifts are evident - cereal production and animal husbandry are being restored, the flow of tourists is gradually increasing.

Altai Territory and the Altai Republic

Development difference

Altai Territory and the Altai Republic did not join the territory of Russia at the same time. So, the area, which was located southeast of metallurgical mining, remained inhabited by local peoples - the southern Altai. They voluntarily became part of the Russian Empire after 1756.

Migrants less penetrated deep into the highlands due to the severity of the climate and rugged terrain. Very long and harsh winters and short hot summers, ridges and narrow valleys were unusual for Russian farmers. Therefore, inaccessible mountainous regions preserved the culture of local peoples.

In the Soviet years, the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai were combined and were part of various administrative units. Since 1991 they act as independent subjects of the Russian Federation.

Tourist points and routes

Simply put, the whole area is one big attraction. Being in the low parts, you can admire the snowy peaks, rising up, you will see indescribable panoramas.

Altai republic sights

So, what are the attractions of the Altai Republic? First of all, it is wildlife, which has almost no human footprints. Attractions include the Ukok Plateau. It is located high in the mountains in the border zone between Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. There are many legends about this place; many mysterious corners have been preserved here.

Many cave paintings can be seen in the tract Kalbak-Tash. They were created several centuries. Now every traveler can plunge into their secret and mysterious worlds. In the same area, at a distance of 14 kilometers, you can see the world's first two-cable suspension bridge. It was laid across the Katun River in 1936. Having spent quite a bit of time on the road, you can see the Stone Women, the confluence of Chui and Katun, the Stone Warrior. What other attractions does the Altai Republic have? The Elangash tract, the Mazhoy Glacier, the Red Gate and other interesting places.

To get to all these places is possible only with all-wheel drive car. It is imperative to stock up on an extra wheel and fuel canister. A similar characteristic of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic is the lack of a sufficient number of paved roads. The most modern canvas has the Chuysky tract - a direction of federal significance.

characteristics of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic
The roads to large settlements are in working condition. But in the most interesting points of the terrain only an all-terrain vehicle can reach.


Alpine areas are famous for clean air and water. The rivers of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic are usually formed from the melting of glaciers and replenished due to precipitation. In rare cases, they flow from lakes. The nature of the flow depends on the terrain. If the channel goes through the mountains, then the waters can be quite stormy, and during rains quickly leave the coast. There you can often meet rapids or waterfalls. In the river valleys are poured by serene smoothness. If we take into account those channels that dry out in the dry period, then there will be about 20 thousand.

rivers of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic

Deep rivers attract rafting enthusiasts. Their bizarre course gives a lot of thrills to inveterate extremals. And the steep rocky coast amazes the imagination with grandeur and nobility.


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