How to write inverted letters: services, instructions, troubleshooting

To attract attention to their post on Twitter, Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki or simply to surprise relatives and friends with an unusual personal message, Internet users came up with a lot of interesting chips. Do you know how to write inverted letters? Not? Then we will show you and tell you all!

How to write inverted letters?

To decorate your account on social networks with outlandish inverted text, we recommend readers to turn to simple and convenient services, which you will find in large numbers on the Web. You will find some of them in the following subtitle.

Work with the "flip" is simple:

  1. Insert or print the desired fragment in the "Normal text" field.
  2. In the "Inverted" section, after a while or instantly displays the option upside down.
  3. Select the inverted text with the mouse or finger, copy.
  4. Then you can paste it wherever you want - into a Twitter post, a Word document, a message in Viber, an image in a video editor, Photoshop or in their mobile versions.

How to write inverted letters yet? You can collect the desired word using the characters listed below:

  • Russian alphabet.

ʁ o.ı є ƍ qm Һ ǹ x ȸ ʎ ɯ ɔ du on w w ʞ and ε w ǝ ɓ ɹ ʚ ƍ ɐ

  • English alphabet.

z ʎ xn ʇ s ɹ ᕹ dou ɯ l ʞ ɾ ı ɥ ƃ ɟ ǝ p ɔ q ɐ

Useful Services

If you are interested in how to write inverted letters on an iPhone, PC, Android, then we recommend that you turn to the services of automatic "flip". Here are some of them that will allow you to display top-down Russian and English text:

  • Go to the "Games" section of the social network "Vkontakte" and type in the search "Flip text". You will see applications that will help in this matter. Launch your favorite and experiment!
how to write inverted letters

If it doesn’t work ...

We learned how to write inverted letters. But some users complain that instead of the desired text, unreadable characters are displayed upside down during insertion. The problem can be fixed as follows:

  • If possible, experiment with the font: perhaps, otherwise, the text will be displayed as it should.
  • Try flipping letters in another service.
  • Switch from the mobile version of the smartphone application to the full version of the site and try to post a message there.
how to write inverted letters on an iPhone

Now you know how you can decorate your post or message on social networks with the text upside down. The easiest way to do this is with the help of special services on the network. As an option, use the letters of the inverted alphabet that we presented in this article. We wish you successful experiments!


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