How is the repayment of mortgages at the expense of the state?

Everyone can have unforeseen situations. Often they are associated with a decrease in income, which affects many areas of human life. If there are credit obligations, for example, a mortgage, then you have to save a lot. You also need to look for loan repayment methods. Now it is possible to repay the mortgage at the expense of the state, if the decrease in income is due to objective reasons. This allows you to save housing purchased on credit. The rules of the program will be discussed in the article.


The norm is spelled out in the government decree No. 373, which is valid from 07.23.2015. Later, the document was amended, and the new edition is valid from 07.12.2015. It was introduced by presidential decree No. 1331. The latest edition took into account all the flaws that were in the previous bill.

mortgage repayment at the expense of the state

The state repayment program for mortgages involves:

  • debt reduction by 600 thousand rubles;
  • conversion of a loan issued in foreign currency based on the rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • decrease in regular payments up to 18 months.


Be sure to take into account the position of the borrower before choosing a method of payment of debt. Sometimes compensation of 10 and 20% of the main debt is chosen. At first it was envisaged to reduce debt by 10%. From 12/12/2016 20% is already compensated.

state-funded mortgage repayment program

For example, a client has a loan of 5 million rubles. Of these, he paid 3 million. It turns out that the balance is 2 million rubles, of which 20% (400 thousand rubles) will be paid by the state.

Write-off up to 600 thousand rubles

Partial repayment of mortgages at the expense of the state is possible. 600 thousand rubles is the maximum amount that is paid by the state against debt. At the same time, the price of real estate should be higher than 8 million rubles, since the first payment of 20% of the cost is required at the time of registration of the mortgage.

Birth of a child

The mortgage is repaid at the expense of the state at the birth of the child. After the firstborn and the second baby, you can get compensation for 18 square meters. meters. And with the birth of a third child, the entire mortgage is paid.

mortgage repayment at the expense of the state 2017

How is the repayment of mortgages at the expense of the state? To receive debt relief with the birth of a child, one must visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This body shall be provided with:

  • certificate of maternity capital;
  • baby birth certificates;
  • marriage certificate;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • proof of ownership;
  • certificate of debt balance.

You need to make copies of the documents, but the originals must still be taken with you. After verification, the funds are received in payment of the debt, and the mortgage is closed. Such an opportunity is available for families that draw up a contract for the state program. If another type of loan was obtained , then it must be reissued to get such benefits.

Income reduction

In order to arrange the repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state due to a decrease in income, it is necessary to confirm a decrease in the level of material wealth. This may be a decrease in salary by no less than 30%. The borrower must apply for restructuring 3 months after the decrease in income.

mortgage repayment at the expense of the state 2016

There is another reason why it is possible to repay the mortgage at the expense of the state. This is a loan in foreign currency. State support is provided if, after a change in the exchange rate, the payment increased by 30% without revenue growth. The increase in costs is equal to the decrease in salary.


Who can count on paying off mortgages at the expense of the state? 2016, like 2015, made it possible to apply for such benefits to the following categories of citizens:

  • young family with a child under 18 years old;
  • family with 2 children;
  • a family where the child or parents are disabled;
  • the presence of a dependent up to 24 years of age who has no official income;
  • civil servants;
  • workers of a city-forming enterprise ;
  • participants in government programs ;
  • employees of the innovation sphere;
  • former combatants;
  • employees of RAS institutions, Academy of Sciences and scientists.

Only persons of these categories need to apply for participation in the program.

Property Requirements

There are several requirements due to which the mortgage repayment is executed at the expense of the state. 2017, like 2016, was no exception for beneficiaries. Benefits are granted on the basis of the following conditions:

  • real estate is the only housing or not more than 50% of the share in another property;
  • cost of 1 sq. m. should be less than 60% of the price of average real estate;
  • The legal cleanliness of the property is important.

Housing must meet the requirements for area. If the borrower lives there alone, then the object should not be more than 50 square meters. m. For 2 people, the limit is 35 meters for each. The entire area is not more than 70 meters. If there are three residents, then the requirement for the object is up to 100 square meters. m

Income requirements

There are requirements not only for real estate, but also for income for borrowers. In 2017, an innovation began to operate. A client can receive benefits if his personal or family income has decreased. The deterioration of material status is indicated by the balance after the payment of the contribution. If it is below 2 living wages, the borrower has the right to arrange the repayment of the mortgage at the expense of the state.

repayment of mortgage debt at the expense of the state

In Moscow, the cost of living is equal to:

  • 17,000 rubles - for adult workers;
  • 13,000 - for children;
  • 11,000 - for pensioners.

A borrower who wants to take advantage of support should not have bankruptcy status by court order. You can participate in the program if you have a targeted loan. In this case, the delay should be within 30 - 120 days.

agreement date

According to the first edition of document No. 373, customers who issued loans until 2015 had the right to arrange repayment of mortgage debt at the expense of the state. The next decree does not indicate anything about this. Only the period from the execution of the contract to the appeal for help is determined. It should be at least 1 year.

Procedure at Sberbank

Such services are available at all banks. Many have a mortgage in Sberbank, because there are favorable conditions. To receive compensation guaranteed by the state program, you must perform the following steps:

  • come to Sberbank;
  • consult with a specialist about the possibility of applying for benefits, and also take a sample of writing an application;
  • write a statement, collect documents;
  • get help;
  • transfer the documentation to the bank.

how is the repayment of mortgages at the expense of the state

After this, we must wait for the decision of AHML. If the result is positive, then funds are transferred to the account, due to which the amount of debt is reduced. The client must sign a contract with the bank, which sets out the terms of the transaction. Then the mortgage is adjusted, it is carried out with Rosreestr and the bank.

Required documents

The borrower must submit the following list of documents:

  • passport;
  • confirmation of the right to participate in the program: income statements;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a notary;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • real estate papers
  • agreement on participation in shared construction;
  • extract from the Unified State Register.

The list of papers is subject to change. In addition, documents may be required on the disability of the client or his children, on participation in hostilities. For the fulfillment of other conditions prescribed in the contract, the borrower is responsible independently. These include life and real estate insurance.

Federal programs

Since 2011, Russian citizens can enter into a program that allows for debt restructuring. It acts for young families. It reduces the financial liability.

repayment of a mortgage at the expense of the state at birth

Participants must meet several conditions:

  • age - up to 35 years;
  • no more than 15 sq. m. meters of housing;
  • availability of funds to fulfill loan obligations;
  • proof of participation in social housing.

Compensation will be a great help to the family. Although for some the amount will be small, given the cost of housing, it still saves a lot of money. Therefore, if all the requirements are met, it is imperative to participate in such a program; to refuse such assistance is extremely unreasonable.


Naturally, in this matter can not do without pitfalls:

  • lenders cannot take money from clients for the restructuring procedure;
  • even with the program, the client needs to make payments, and this does not eliminate fines;
  • the lender may forgive the fines in full or in part, if this is due to the deterioration of the financial situation of the client;
  • the client continues to be liable for property and health insurance, as specified in the mortgage agreement;
  • the application for restructuring is considered within the terms approved by the credit institution;
  • the subsidy is not provided to the borrower, the funds are transferred to the bank, which helps to avoid spending for other purposes;
  • if after receiving the mortgage another 1 child appears, then assistance is provided up to 5% of the amount;
  • when participating in the program a certificate is issued;
  • mortgage can be registered not only in Sberbank, but also in other banks of the country;
  • You can use the help only 1 time.

Repayment of part of the mortgage by the state will be an excellent help for borrowers. It is necessary to collect the necessary documents and wait for a decision. Previously, a specialist should consult about the chances of participation in the program. Sometimes some nuances can affect the decision of the commission, so it is important to make sure that you meet all the requirements for a participant in this program. Show a little perseverance, and you will certainly achieve the goal! The state takes care of its citizens and does everything possible for their comfort!


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