What a good refrigerator to buy for home: tips

The vast majority of products require special storage conditions: temperature, humidity, lighting. To provide them, you need to know what to buy a good refrigerator, and how to properly service it. If you understand the principles of the device, it can last more than a dozen years and maintain the useful properties of the products for a long time.

A huge assortment allows you to choose the most suitable model when you first go to a household appliance store. Prices for refrigerators can vary significantly, if you purchase a new model, be prepared to pay for it from 10 to 300 thousand rubles. You can also purchase equipment "with hands", but in this case no one guarantees its normal operation.


Such household appliances cannot be dismantled and brought into the apartment in parts, which is why not only the appearance of the refrigerator, but also its dimensions will play a huge role when buying. It will be necessary to immediately take into account the dimensions of the front door, as well as the openings between the rooms. Most models have a standard width of 60 centimeters, the height in this case will depend solely on your needs.

It should be borne in mind that in a very high refrigerator it is not very convenient to use the upper shelves. The most optimal option is a small but wide refrigerator, it is convenient enough for them to use for both children and adults. Manufacturers of household appliances meet their customers, which is why refrigerators with a width of 70, 80 and even 90 centimeters have recently appeared on sale.

which refrigerator to choose

The wider the refrigerator, the more it costs, adding even 10 centimeters to the total width gives about 20% of the cost of acquiring it. The price for its purchase will directly depend on the brand, technical specifications, ease of use, as well as demand. If you are thinking about which refrigerator to choose, remember that a well-known name can add up to 30% to the cost of a refrigerator. Total, the size and overpayment for the brand increase the price by at least one and a half times.

Please note that all large manufacturers of household appliances have long had their own facilities in Russia, so you are unlikely to find the original model of the refrigerator made in Europe in our stores. Even if this happens, the device will be quite expensive, and it will be possible to purchase it only in expensive stores of household appliances.

Refrigerator Options

The number of cameras is a factor that needs to be considered when thinking about how to buy a good refrigerator. If you constantly use frozen food for food, it is easiest to take a single-door refrigerator, it is perfect for storing semi-finished products, but it is not recommended to store perishable products in it. If you periodically cook semi-finished or frozen vegetables, and most of your diet consists of home-cooked dishes, it is best to consider a combined model.

The most convenient of them is the one where the freezer is located at the bottom of the refrigerator. Today, manufacturers offer a fairly large number of models of this household appliance with a different number and type of cameras, the volume of which can be up to 600 liters. Some refrigerators also have โ€œzeroโ€ chambers where you can store perishable food products - salads, fruits and some vegetables.

Energy Consumption and Quality

When you do not know which refrigerator to buy, the advice of a wizard can help you in choosing. But if there is no specialist nearby, you will have to learn to independently understand the parameters of household appliances. One of the most important parameters of the refrigerator is the energy consumption class.

It is advisable to acquire a device that belongs to the class โ€œAโ€, it consumes a minimum amount of electricity, which will allow you to achieve good savings in the future. However, these refrigerators have a drawback - a higher price, due to the presence of high-quality thermal insulation and the most modern design. However, if you now overpay a little, in the future this money will be returned to you when paying electricity bills.

which refrigerator system is better

Information about which energy class you like from the rating of refrigerators belongs to can be found on its back wall or on the door of the refrigerator. Also check with the seller if the device is able to work during power surges, this question may be relevant if you live in an area where this situation occurs quite often.

Refrigerators can also differ from each other in control method - there are electronic and electromechanical varieties, in the first case each of them has a special digital display on which you can select any mode and check the correct operation of the device. In the second case, the setting can be done using the thermostat knob located inside the camera or on the top panel of the refrigerator itself.

Defrost system

Each refrigerator has one of three varieties of defrosting systems: No Frost, auto-defrost, and forced defrost. In the latter case, the device is turned off when a specific frost coating forms inside it, auto-freezing implies a process in which the compressor periodically stops as soon as frost forms on it.

The accumulated ice melts and fills the vessel placed on the compressor, after which the resulting water evaporates. In the No Frost system, frost in the freezer does not form at all, here the mechanism acts differently. Once every few hours, the fan in the refrigerator must stop, after which the heater starts, and the water accumulated as a result of the melting of the ice is sent to the tray, where it completely evaporates.

No frost

Sellers in household appliances stores are often forced to answer the question of which refrigerator system is better, and most often they say that there is no specific answer. The No Frost system, for example, has a number of pluses and minuses. The main advantage is that the refrigerator with this system is very unpretentious and does not need constant care, the same temperature is constantly observed in all its compartments, the products freeze much faster and there is no condensation on the walls. In addition, after closing all doors, the temperature in the chambers is restored in a matter of seconds.

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This home appliance also has disadvantages. The most important of them is the need to allocate a large space for the fan, because of this, not all products can fit in the chamber. Some models of refrigerators with No Frost system are very noisy and consume a huge amount of electricity, in addition, we must not forget about the high price for this kind of freezers.

Drip refrigerators

Household appliances with auto-freezing and forced thawing are called drip. If you were wondering which refrigerators are quiet, and you need one of them, pay attention to such models. This technique is very easy to find in stores at fairly affordable prices, with its help it is possible to save up to 25% of electricity per month. The vast majority of such refrigerators have a large camera and work as quietly as possible, but it is still recommended to check this directly in the store when buying a device.

The disadvantages of such refrigerators are that they must be thawed at least twice a year. The temperature difference between the cameras is also a serious drawback, in the freezer this system does not work and condensation forms on the walls. Another unpleasant surprise is that after defrosting, the temperature in the chambers is restored for a long time. Which device is best for you is up to you.


When choosing a device, be sure to be interested in what operating temperature the refrigerator you like. The maximum temperature in the freezer may be -18 or -20 degrees Celsius. However, some models have an additional super-freezing mode, with it the products will be frozen much faster, and the temperature in the chamber will reach -25 degrees.

which refrigerators are quiet

In an office designed to store foods that do not require freezing, the air temperature should average +3 degrees. When buying a refrigerator, you must definitely specify the time during which the optimum temperature will be maintained in it, in case of an unplanned outage. Some models are able to do this for 30-36 hours without an additional source, while the optimal amount of time is considered to be 20-24 hours.

Price quality

If you are interested in which refrigerators are better in quality and how much they cost, then the price tags for them will unpleasantly surprise you. The best quality models can cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, despite such a high cost, they are in demand in the market, as many buyers are willing to overpay once, but instead get high-quality household appliances. If you are limited in funds, it is best to consider buying a refrigerator in terms of value for money.

If you ask experts about what to look for when buying a refrigerator, they will primarily talk about energy consumption. From this point of view, it is best to pay attention to refrigerators from the manufacturer LG, namely from the GA series, these devices belong to the energy class โ€œA ++โ€, their volume is 360 liters, which is enough for a standard family. In the models of this line, the No Frost system is used, there is also an ultramodern display, child protection, a zero camera and a holiday mode.

When you go to the store, most often your thoughts are related to trying to guess which refrigerators are the most reliable. And in this sense, you can turn your attention to the BOSCH KGN line, this household appliance has all the necessary qualities, but is quite expensive, because it has an unusual design.

The device is able to keep cold for 18 hours without power, and also has super-freezing and super-cooling modes. The internal components of the refrigerator are made of high quality materials, therefore it is the most reliable, as, indeed, all German equipment. The main drawback of this line is the price, the average cost of one model is about 60,000 rubles.

review of refrigerators

There is also a more budget option from the manufacturer Liebherr, we are talking about the CNef 3915 model with energy efficiency class "A ++" and a chamber volume of 340 liters. This refrigerator is suitable for those who would like to have household appliances with a low noise level, and which can be easily controlled. As a disadvantage, various defrosting systems can be distinguished for different chambers: No Frost is used in the freezer, and the refrigerator uses a drip system.

Brand of refrigerator

In household appliances stores, you can find a huge number of devices from completely different manufacturers, so the question of which brand of refrigerator to choose can sometimes confuse the buyer. It should be borne in mind that several completely different brands may refer to the same manufacturer of household appliances, for example, the names Ariston, ARDO, Indesit refer to the same company.

When thinking about how to buy a good refrigerator, look at Indesit. Models from this manufacturer have long been implemented in Russia and are in certain demand, since they are very reliable in everyday life and do not require expensive repairs. Not so long ago, an Italian brand called Candy appeared on the Russian market, whose refrigerators have excellent design and quality. But there is one caveat - the company very often updates its line of models, and therefore, in the event of a breakdown, it can be very difficult to find the necessary parts.

Samsung and LG refrigerators, which are produced by Korean companies of the same name, also have high quality and a long history of successful sales in Russia, spare parts for refrigerators of these brands can be found without any difficulties.

which refrigerators are the most reliable

If you conduct a survey on the topic of which refrigerator to buy, the advice of the masters involved in their maintenance will be surprisingly similar. Most experts recommend paying attention to European brands - BOSCH, Electrolux, Zanussi. German brands are especially popular because the refrigerators produced under them have high performance and long life, however, the main and significant drawback of such refrigerators is the high price.

Nobody is particularly involved in the production of refrigerators in Russia , however, you can find models developed in the countries of the former CIS, for example, Atlant from Belarus. Despite the fact that refrigerators from this manufacturer have received low ratings for quality, they are in demand due to the low price. Among the creators of inexpensive refrigerators, you can also pay attention to the Turkish company VEKO, household appliances from this manufacturer are available at very reasonable prices that correspond to quality.

Budget models

As a rule, money for the purchase of new household appliances falls urgently when the old one fails. If this is the situation that happened to you, then in the rating of refrigerators you should first of all consider low-budget models, including those from little-known manufacturers.

In particular, we are talking about the XM series from the Belarusian manufacturer Atlant. In the technology of this line there is no ultra-modern filling, control is carried out using electromechanics, but the unit is reliable and therefore will last a long time. The device is capable of freezing more than 14 kg of products per day, the chambers in it can be thawed separately, since there are 2 compressors in the refrigerator. The average cost of the model is about 23 thousand rubles.

Another inexpensive option that you should pay attention to when reviewing refrigerators is the model from VEKO from the CN series, which can be purchased for 19 thousand rubles. The capacity of the device is 265 liters, it has a No Frost system and a special antibacterial coating that prevents unpleasant odors, bacteria and mold. However, this refrigerator has a very serious drawback - low build quality and plastic used.

For 29 thousand rubles, you can buy a LG refrigerator from the GA series. It has electronic control, No Frost freezing system, original shelf arrangement. The devices from this line have almost no negative reviews due to the excellent design and high quality work, which makes them most acceptable in the low price segment.

What do the experts say?

If you think that when the question arises about which refrigerator to choose, the opinion of experts will help you make a decision, then this is not so. Wizards can only give a few tips and recommendations that you need to adhere to when buying a device. First you need to determine the place where the refrigerator will stand, and based on this, choose the size of the unit. Shelves in it should be glass, because it is easier to care for them, and they serve much longer.

what to buy a good refrigerator

Even in the store, it will be necessary to check the seals for their elasticity, the craftsmen recommend purchasing household appliances with the No Frost system. If you donโ€™t know which one to buy a good refrigerator, itโ€™s best to bring someone from close friends and acquaintances who knows at least a little about them. You need to inspect the device before it starts to work, if after turning on the outlet from the refrigerator an unpleasant smell will come, this means that it is made of poor quality plastic. Be sure to ask the seller to show the equipment in working condition.

If your family consists of three to four people, a refrigerator is suitable for you, the volume of which is no more than 250 liters. If you have a small kitchen, choose a model that has a โ€œrecessedโ€ handle in the case. Choose refrigerators on wheels, they are much easier to move than those that are on the legs. And most importantly, the noise level from the refrigerator you bought should be no more than 40 decibels.


When choosing household appliances, also pay attention to the additional features that it has. For example, you already know that the presence of a fan in the camera implies a decrease in its usable space, so when choosing from several options it will be easier for you to decide which refrigerator to choose and get the most out of the purchased device.

Also, these functions include fast freezing and thawing modes, ice generators, special batteries, irradiators with infrared light and much more. Especially popular is the ability to set the standby mode on the refrigerator, this function plays the role of a โ€œlockโ€ for those who are on a diet and should eat only at certain times.

In some cases, store consultants are not competent enough to answer your questions. That is why it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all the parameters of the refrigerator that interests you in advance so that you do not waste time in the store talking too much, but immediately purchase the right product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40377/

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