Women in the Great Patriotic War: influence and role, interesting facts

In June 1941, without warning of war, fascist troops entered the territory of our country. A bloody war claimed millions of lives. Countless orphans, destitute people. Death and devastation are everywhere. May 9, 1945 we won. The war was won at the cost of the lives of great people. Women and men fought side by side, not thinking about their true destiny. The goal was one for all - victory at all costs. Do not allow the enemy to enslave the country, the homeland. This is a great victory.

Women at the front

According to official statistics, about 490 thousand women were called up for war. They fought along with men, won honorary awards, died for their homeland, drove the Nazis to their last breath. Who are these great women? Mothers, wives, thanks to whom we now live under a peaceful sky, breathe free air. In total, 3 air regiments were formed - 46, 125, 586. Women pilots of the Great Patriotic War instilled fear into the hearts of Germans. A female company of sailors, a volunteer rifle brigade, female snipers, a female rifle regiment. This is only official data, and how many women were in the rear in the Great Patriotic War. Underground fighters, at the cost of life, forged victory behind enemy lines. Women scouts, partisans, nurses. It will be about the great heroes of World War II - women who made an unbearable contribution to the victory over fascism.

"Night witches", award-winning and terrifying the German occupiers: Litvyak, Raskova, Budanova

Pilots received the most awards during the war. Fearless fragile girls went to ram, fought in the air, participated in night bombing. For their courage, they received the nickname "night witches." Experienced German aces were afraid of a witch's raid. On U-2 plywood biplanes they raided German squadrons. Seven of the slightly more than thirty pilots were awarded the Order of the Cavalier of the highest rank posthumously.

The most famous "witches" who made more than one sortie, on the account of which there are more than a dozen Nazi planes shot down:

  • Budanova Catherine. By the rank of the Guard, the senior lieutenant, was a commander, served in the fighter regiments. On the account of the fragile girl 266 sorties. Budanova personally shot down about 6 fascist planes and with her comrades another 5. Katya did not sleep and did not eat, the plane went on combat sorties around the clock. Budanova avenged the death of her family. Experienced aces were amazed at the courage, endurance and self-control of a fragile girl who looked like a guy. In the biography of the great aviator there are such feats - one against 12 enemy aircraft. And this is not the last feat of a woman during the Great Patriotic War. Once, returning from a combat mission, Budanova saw a Me-109 troika. It was not possible to warn her squadron, the girl entered into an unequal battle, despite the fact that there was no longer any fuel in the tanks, the ammunition was over. Having shot the last cartridges, Budanova starved the Nazis. They simply could not stand the nerves, they believed that the girl was attacking them. Budanova was bluffing at her own risk, the ammunition was over. The enemy’s nerves surrendered, the bombs were dropped, and did not reach a specific target. In 1943, Budanova made her last flight. In an unequal battle, she was injured, but managed to land a plane on her territory. The chassis touched the ground, Katya let out her last breath. It was her 11th victory, the girl was only 26 years old. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded only in 1993.
women heroes of the great patriotic war
  • Lydia Litvyak is a pilot of a fighter aviation regiment, on whose account there is more than one German soul. Litvyak made more than 150 sorties, on her account 6 enemy aircraft. In one of the aircraft was a colonel of an elite squadron. The German ace did not believe that he was hit by a young girl. The most fierce battles on the account of Litvyak are near Stalingrad. 89 sorties and 7 downed planes. In the cabin Litvyak there were always wildflowers, and on the plane a drawing of a white lily is depicted. For this she received the nickname "White Lily of Stalingrad." Litvyak perished near Donbass. Having made three sorties, she never returned from the last. The remains were discovered in 1969 and reburied in a mass grave. The pretty girl was only 21 years old. In 1990, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
women snipers of the great patriotic war
  • Eugene Rudnev. On her account 645 night sorties. Destroyed railway crossings, enemy equipment, manpower. In 1944 she did not return from a combat mission.
  • Marina Raskova is a famous pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, founder and commander of a women's aviation regiment. Killed in a plane crash.
  • Ekaterina Zelenko is the first and only woman to commit an air ram. During reconnaissance missions, Soviet aircraft were attacked by the Me-109. Zelenko shot down one plane, and the second went to ram. In honor of this girl was named a small planet of the solar system.

Women pilots were the wings of victory. They carried her on their fragile shoulders. Bravely fighting under the heavens, sometimes sacrificing their own lives.

Silent War of Strong Women

Women of the underground, partisans, scouts waged their quiet war. They made their way into the camp of the enemy, arranged sabotage. Many were awarded the Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Almost everything is posthumous. Great feats were accomplished by such girls as Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Zina Portnova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Ulyana Gromova, Matrena Volskaya, Vera Voloshina. At the cost of their own lives, not giving up under torture, they forged a victory, committed sabotage.

Matrena Volskaya, on the orders of the commander of the partisan movement, brought 3,000 children across the front line. Hungry, exhausted, but alive thanks to the teacher Matrena Volskaya.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - the very first woman Hero of the Great Patriotic War. The girl was a saboteur, an underground partisan. Grabbed her on a combat mission, preparing a sabotage. The girl was tortured for a long time, trying to find out any information. But she endured all the torment. The scout was hanged in front of local residents. The last words of Zoe were addressed to the people: "Fight, do not be afraid, beat the damned fascists, for the Motherland, for life, for children."

first woman hero of the great patriotic war

Voloshina Vera served in the same reconnaissance unit with Kosmodemyanskaya. On one of the missions, Vera’s detachment came under fire, and the wounded girl was captured. She was tortured all night, but Voloshina was silent; in the morning she was hanged. She was only 22 years old, she dreamed of a wedding and children, but she could not wear a white dress.

Zina Portnova is the youngest underground member during the war years. With 15 years old girl joined the ranks of the partisan movement. In the territory occupied by the Germans in Vitebsk, the underground organized sabotage against the Nazis. Set fire to flax, destruction of ammunition. Young Portnova killed 100 Germans, poisoning them in the dining room. The girl managed to avert suspicion from herself by tasting poisoned food. Grandmother managed to pump out the brave granddaughter. Soon she leaves for the partisan detachment and from there begins to carry on her underground sabotage activities. But in the ranks of the partisans is a traitor, and the girl, like other participants in the underground movement, is arrested. After prolonged and painful torture, Zina Portnova was shot. The girl was 17 years old; she was led by a blind and completely gray-haired woman to be shot.

The silent war of strong women during the years of World War II ended almost always with one outcome - death. Until the last breath, they fought with the enemy, destroying him slowly, actively acting underground.

Faithful companions on the battlefield - nurse

Female doctors have always been at the forefront. They carried the wounded under shelling and bombing. Many received the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union posthumously.

For example, the medical officer of the 355th battalion, the sailor Maria Tsukanova. A female volunteer saved the life of 52 sailors. Tsukanova died in 1945.

Another heroine of World War II is Zinaida Shipanova. Forging documents and secretly escaping to the front, saved the lives of more than one hundred wounded. She pulled out a soldier from under the fire, bandaged her wounds. Psychologically calmed the fallen warriors. The main feat of a woman in World War II occurred in 1944 in Romania. In the early morning, she was the first to spot sneaking fascists through a corn field. Zina told the commander. The battalion commander ordered the fighters to go into battle, but the tired soldiers were bewildered and in no hurry to enter the fray. Then the young girl fell to the aid of her commander, not taking the road, she rushed to the attack. All life flashed before my eyes, and here the fighters, inspired by her courage, rushed to the Nazis. The nurse Shipanova more than once inspired and gathered soldiers. She didn’t get to Berlin; she ended up in a hospital with shrapnel wounds and shell shock.

Female doctors, like guardian angels, protected, treated, encouraged, as if covering fighters with their wings of mercy.

Female Foot Soldiers - Workhorses of War

Marines have always been considered workhorses of war. It is they who begin and end each battle, bear all its burdens on their shoulders. Women were here too. They walked side by side with the men, mastered hand weapons. The courage of such foot soldiers can be envied. Among the infantry women, 6 Heroes of the Soviet Union, five received the title posthumously.

The main character became the machine gunner Manshuk Mametova. Freeing Nevel, she alone defended her height with one machine gun against a company of German soldiers, having shot everyone, she died from wounds, but did not let the Germans pass.

Great Patriotic War feats of women

Lady is death. Great snipers of World War II

Snipers made a significant contribution to the victory over fascist Germany. Women during the Great Patriotic War endured all the hardships. For days in a shelter, they tracked down the enemy. Without water, food, in the heat and cold. Many were awarded significant awards, but not all in life.

Lyubov Makarova after graduating from a sniper school in 1943 falls on the Kalinin front. On account of the green girl 84 fascists. She was awarded the medal "For Military Merit", "Order of Glory".

Tatyana Baramzina destroyed 36 fascists. Before the war, she worked in kindergarten. During World War II, as part of intelligence, it was abandoned behind enemy lines. She managed to destroy 36 soldiers, but was captured. Baramzina was brutally abused before her death, she was tortured, that after she could be identified only by her uniform.

women during the great patriotic war

Anastasia Stepanova managed to eliminate 40 fascists. Initially, she served as a nurse, but after graduating from a sniper school, she actively takes part in battles near Leningrad. She was awarded the prize "For the Defense of Leningrad."

Elizabeth Mironova destroyed 100 fascists. He served in the 255th Red Banner Brigade of the Marines. She died in 1943. Lisa destroyed many soldiers of the enemy army, endured all difficulties.

the role of women in the great patriotic war

The death lady, or the great Lyudmila Pavlichenko, destroyed 309 fascists. This legendary Soviet woman in the Great Patriotic War terrified the German invaders. At the front came among the volunteers. Having successfully completed the first combat mission, Pavlichenko falls into the 25 rifle division named after Chapaev. The Nazis were afraid of Pavlichenko like fire. The glory of a woman sniper of World War II quickly spread in the circles of the enemy. For her head awards were appointed. Despite the weather, hunger and thirst, the "lady death" calmly waited for her victim. Participated in battles near Odessa and Moldova. She destroyed the Germans in groups, the command sent Lyudmila to the most dangerous missions. Pavlichenko was wounded four times. "Lady Death" was invited with a delegation to the United States. At the conference, she loudly told reporters sitting in the hall: “I have 309 fascists in my account, how much more I will do your work.” “Lady Death” went down in the history of Russia as the most successful sniper, who saved more than one hundred lives of Soviet soldiers with well-aimed shots. The amazing female sniper of World War II was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

feats of women during the great patriotic war

Tank built with money of a heroine woman

Women flew, shot, fought along with men. Without hesitation, hundreds of thousands of women stood up under the gun voluntarily. Among them were tankers. So, with the money raised from Maria Oktyabrskaya, the Battle Friend tank was built. Mary was kept in the rear for a long time and was not allowed to the front. But she still managed to convince the command that it would be more useful on the battlefields. She proved. October was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. She died repairing her tank under shelling.

Signalers - wartime “pigeons”

Persistent, attentive, with good hearing. Girls were willingly taken to the front by signalmen, radio operators. They were trained in special schools. But here also found Heroes of the Soviet Union. Both girls received the title posthumously. The feat of one of them makes one shudder. Elena Stempkovskaya during the battle of her battalion caused artillery fire on herself. The girl died, at the cost of her life a victory was won.

The signalmen were wartime “pigeons”; they could find any person upon request. And at the same time, they are brave heroes capable of a feat for the sake of a common victory.

The role of women in World War II

A woman in wartime has become an integral part of the economy. Almost 2/3 of the workers, 3/4 of the agricultural workers were women. From the first hours of the war until the last day there was no longer a division into male and female professions. Selfless toilers plowed the land, sowed bread, loaded bales, worked as welders and lumberjacks. Raised the industry. All forces were sent to fulfill orders for the front.

Hundreds of them came to the factories, working for 16 hours at the machine tool, and managed to raise their children. In the fields sown, grown bread to send to the front. Thanks to the work of these women, the army was provided with food, raw materials, and parts for aircraft and tanks. The stiff, steel heroines of the labor front are admirable. It is impossible to single out any one feat of the rear woman during the years of World War II. This is a common merit to the Motherland, all women who were not afraid of hard work.

Do not forget their feat in front of the motherland

During the years of the war, it is impossible to count the number of exploits by women. Each was ready to give her life for her homeland, for the country in which she lives.

Vera Andrianova, a reconnaissance radio operator, was awarded the posthumous medal "For Courage". The young girl participated in the liberation of Kaluga in 1941, after completing the courses of radio intelligence officers, she was sent to the front for casting behind enemy lines.

In one of the raids behind the rear of German troops, the U-2 pilot did not find a place to land, and this woman-hero of the Great Patriotic War without a parachute jumped, jumping into the snow. Despite frostbite, she completed the headquarters mission. Andrianova many times made sorties into the camp of enemy troops. Due to the penetration of the girl in the location of the Army Group Center, she managed to destroy the ammunition depot and block the communications center of the Nazis. The trouble happened in the summer of 1942, Vera was arrested. During interrogations, they tried to lure her to the side of the enemy. Adrianova was not old, but during the execution she refused to turn her back to the enemy, called them insignificant cowards. The soldiers shot Vera, firing pistols right into her face.

Alexandra Rashchupkina - for the sake of military service she impersonated a man. Having once again been refused a military registration and enlistment office, Rashchupkina changed her name and went to fight for the motherland with a T-34 tank driver named Alexander. Only after the wound received her secret was revealed.

Rimma Shershneva - served in the ranks of partisans, actively participated in sabotage against the Nazis. She covered the embrasure of the enemy bunker with her body.

A deep bow and eternal memory to the Great Heroes of the Patriotic Won. We will not forget

How many of them were courageous, selfless, blocking themselves from bullets, going to the embrasure - a great many. The female warrior became the personification of the motherland. They went through all the hardships of the war, bearing on their fragile shoulders grief from the loss of loved ones, hunger, deprivation, military service.

We must remember those who defended their homeland from the Nazi invaders, who gave their lives for the sake of victory, remember the deeds, women and men, children and the elderly. As long as we remember and pass on the memory of that war to our children, they will live. These people gave us peace, we must preserve the memory of them. And on May 9, stand in line with the dead and go through the parade of eternal memory. I bow to you, veterans, thank you for the sky above your head, for the sun, for life in a world without war.

Female warriors are an example to follow, how to love your country, homeland.

Thank you, your death is not in vain. We will remember your feat, you will live forever in our hearts!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40382/

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