Salento, Italy: description, attractions, weather, reviews of tourists

Many travelers want to visit sunny Italy. The life, culture and values ​​of this people attract many tourists. Beautiful nature, mild climate, delicious food and untouched natural monuments - all this can be seen in Salento (Italy).

There are not only nature reserves, parks and biological stations, but also ancient sights. Medieval buildings, cave paintings and the ruins of ancient buildings can be seen on local lands.

About the peninsula

A commune in Italy is an administrative unit. It consists of a city (it gives the name) and adjacent territories. "Heel", or the Salento Peninsula (Italy), is located in the southeastern part of the country. This is the region of Apulia, which is the link between the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas. On the lands of this peninsula is the province of Lecce, as well as the main part of Brindisi and Taranto.

rocky arch

This place, surrounded by seas, has many names. The ancient Greeks called him Messapia, and the Italians themselves speak of him as Terra d'Otranto. All these names translated from different languages ​​mean "among the water." In ancient times, most of the population of the island were messups. They laid the foundation for the development of this place.

Campania (Italy) is an area in the country. It extends along the Tyrrhenian Sea to Basilicata in the southwest. In the east, the region borders on Molise and Puglia. The capital of this administrative region is the ancient city of Naples. The campaign is often confused with Campania, a commune in this country. This is completely wrong. These two concepts have nothing in common.

Salento (Campaign)

Salento is a famous Italian commune located in the Campania region. This place is located in the southwestern part of the country in the province of Salerno, the natural border of which is: Chilenko National Park and Vallo di Diano, as well as ComunitĂ  Montana Zona del Gelbison e Cervati (a union of 10 municipalities).

This area includes mountains and communes. Its total area is more than 250 square kilometers. The patroness of the commune of Salento is St. Barbara. Celebrations in her honor are held on December 4 and July 29.

The city has a central street - Via Valante Marcello Scarpa. There are not many buildings on it: a medical center, a city hall and a diner La Dolce Vita. Salento is home to just over 2,000 inhabitants. Since 2009, the mayor of the city is Angelo de Marco.


Italy is located in the subtropical Mediterranean climate zone, the Alps playing an important role in its formation. Mountains are a barrier to northerly and westerly winds. Hot summers and harsh winters - this is how you can describe the weather in this area. Weather in Italy in March does not favor beach vacations. The average temperature is 10 degrees. There is little rainfall this month. August is the warmest month of the year, and January is the coldest.

sea ​​water and rocks

Locals in Salento (Italy) say they are very susceptible to winds. They divide them into three categories and always say: "I will go where the wind carries."

Transport links with the mainland

How to get to Italy, each tourist decides independently. This can be done by plane, train or your own transport. It all depends on where in the world you need to get to this country. But movement around the mainland and its islands (peninsulas) is somewhat limited.

Outside the land of Salento (Italy) there is an airport - in Bari. On the peninsula, in Brindisi, there is also a point from where planes depart. Many tourists prefer to travel by car. To do this, there is a convenient highway that connects the “heel” to the main ground.

A large train station is located in Lecce. From here, you can take a train or train to both the remote points of Italy and the nearest cities.

The peninsula is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Therefore, there are many ports. You can go by boat or ship from Brindisi, Gallipoli, Campomarino di Marujo, Taranto, Santa Maria di Leuca and Otranto.

Peninsula as a resort

For a long time, Salento in Italy was a quiet, calm corner on the outskirts of the country. There was a way and foundations. A few tourists came to enjoy the local beauties.

Porto Cesario Resort

In recent years, this peninsula has become popular with travelers. On its territory began to open hotels and hotel complexes. Tourists recognized Salento as one of the best holiday destinations in Italy.

Important places

Alimini Lake is a local attraction. The landscape of the country does not have a large number of fresh water bodies, so this beautiful and cozy corner on the Adriatic coast attracts local residents and visitors.

The Portoselvaggio nature park has been formed on the Ionian coast. Many different plants, flowers and shrubs can be found in this reserve. It should be noted that the soil on the peninsula is very fertile. Therefore, the best olives, grapes and other fruits are grown here. Then most of these products are exported to different parts of the world.

The land of this peninsula is literally dotted with historical and natural monuments. The oldest towers (from the 15-16th centuries) have been preserved here. They were built to protect the territory back in Norman times. Many of them are in disrepair and require reconstruction, local residents are trying to save them.

The most popular resorts on the Salento Peninsula: Otranto, Castro, Gallipoli, Santa Cesarea Terme, Santa Maria di Leuca, Portoselvaggio, Porto Cesareo, Melendugno, Lizzano, Pulsano, Ostuni, Casalabate and Ugento. Some of them will be described later in the article.

So different beaches

Salento in Italy is surrounded by several seas, so here you can meet the coast with a different landscape. Rocky, sandy and pebble beaches pass one into another. They are united by clear, clear sea water, which is almost always warm.

sandy beach on the peninsula


Almost all tourists like Italian food. Its main superiority is a combination of simple products. The result is delicious and satisfying dishes.

In Salento, travelers will be offered seafood soup. It is best to try it in Gallipoli. It has mussels, shrimp, cuttlefish, sea rooster and ruff. The signature dish is the gallipoli skape. It is prepared from small fish fried in oil. Then roll in breadcrumbs and stack in layers (bread, fish) in a wooden bowl. It is also worth trying pickled eggplant with tomatoes, served with sheep’s cheese and basil. As an unusual dessert, you should choose purcheddruzzi. These are balls of dough in honey sauce, which are prepared for Christmas.

city ​​market

Resort Otranto

Otranto is located in the easternmost part of the "heel" of Italy. The place is located 45 kilometers from the city of Lecce, on a rocky steep bank. The historic center of Otranto is recognized as a UNESCO heritage.

A tour of this town must begin with the Embankment of Heroes - the most famous place in Oranto. Here the old city begins, in which the Aragonese castle and the cathedral are located with an interesting mosaic floor and relics of the same eight hundred martyrs killed by the Saracens in 1480.

If you need to feel the spirit and culture of ancient Italy, you should pay attention to Cape Punta Palashia, on which the lighthouse still stands. Every day he meets and sees off the bright scorching sun of this country. Here are the famous hills where bauxite was previously mined.

Those who are interested in rock art will be interested in the place of Porto Badisco, where, according to legend, Aeneas landed. These places seemed to have remained untouched since ancient times.


The coast of the Adriatic Sea is fraught with many secrets, mysteries and legends. 48 kilometers from Lecce is the small town of Castro, which is completely shrouded in legends and historical mysteries.

The beach of this city was awarded the Blue Flag for the purity of water and natural resources. It has developed infrastructure and beautiful nature.

Castro city

Going deeper into history, I want to note that Castro was the first city on the peninsula to be awarded the title of county. This place has ancient roots and is a direct "descendant" of the Roman Castrum Minervae. That is why there are so many unexplored and mysterious places.

Aragonese castle is the heart of this town. It is located on the famous square of Armando Perotti, where today almost all the festivities are held. Here, in the old days, a statue of Athena of Phrygia was found, which confirmed the existence of the temple of the goddess Minerva.

Tourists can admire not only the beauties of the local nature, but also take a walk along the old streets. You can visit the former cathedral of the 12th century, as well as the ruins of an ancient Byzantine church.


It is here that the most famous Italian resorts are located. Many beaches of this town on the Adriatic Sea received the Blue Flag. It has clean air, beautiful nature and an ideal place for swimming.

The city is located near Lecce, more precisely, 19 kilometers from it. There is good transport links. Picturesque landscapes and developed infrastructure attract many tourists. The main attractions of Salento (Italy) are concentrated in its resort towns.

The old city is a historical monument. Medieval streets and even some buildings have been preserved here. Houses with large backyards and extensive households cause a lot of pleasant emotions. Here you can feel the life and culture of the ancient Italian people.

Those who are fed up with beach holidays, in Melendugno offer many excursions. Guests at the resort are shown antique olive presses, which some houses still use today. The Palazzo d'Ameli, or, as the locals say, the castle, has the shape of a star (with a broken facade), is a famous building on this peninsula. Travelers are invited to watch the Clock Tower and the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God of the 16th century.

Outside the city there is also something to see. San Nichet Abbey is located right in the middle of a luxurious olive grove. It was built by ancient basilian monks. The local church in the Middle Ages was decorated with unusual frescoes. They were transferred to the chapel, which was built on the site of the temple.

Santa Cesarea Terme

This resort is known for its oriental outlines. It perfectly combines rocky steep shores with sandy beaches. The place is located 35 kilometers from Lecce, on the Adriatic coast. It has a very mild climate that many tourists enjoy.

The symbolism of the city is the Moorish dome of the villa of Stykka (XIX century). This is a kind of mosque among the rocks. It is located a few steps from the sea. Majestic mansions are clearly visible on the horizon. Some of them hang directly over the cliff.

The famous resort of Santa Cesarea Terme and its healing springs that hit directly from the natural grottoes. The water in them is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, which is why this vacation spot has become known throughout the world. Tourists are offered general strengthening procedures, as well as a course of massage and individual treatment.

Porto Cesareo

If you want to visit a quiet cozy place in the Italian province, then you - in Porto Cesareo. This small town has a belly exclusively in marine rhythms. All houses are grouped around the main port on this coast. There is also a market, where, in addition to seafood, you can find a wide variety of bright, colorful boats.

boats in port

On the territory of this province is the largest natural and marine reserve Palude del Conte e Dune-Costier. Tourists can visit the Oceanographic Museum and the Marine Biology Station. And just wandering along the shaded paths of the park on a hot day is very nice. A variety of untouched nature plunges into the world of thoughts and own thoughts.

The symbol of this coast is watch towers. It should be noted that they are well preserved for their age. The population of Salento is trying to preserve all cultural objects in its original form. If you walk along the mainland, in its depths you can see abandoned ancient villages. There are houses that are made of stone without special mortar. This area is an archaeological site. Scientists often find traces of ancient civilizations here.


"Beautiful city" - this is how the name Gallipoli is translated. The resort is located on the Ionian coast, 40 kilometers from Lecce. Description of Salento as a resort always begins with this "beautiful city".

This ancient town has a connection with the mainland through a rocky arch bridge. The construction was erected in the 20th century. Currently, the city has another modern bridge, which was built several years ago. It is connected to the main port of Gallipoli.

Gallipoli Embankment

Gallipoli is protected from marine disasters by walls, towers and bastions, which once served as a defense against enemies. This place is known not only for its attractive spa holidays. Here you can relax your body and soul. For example, on the way to the beach you can look at the local fish market. Such an assortment of seafood is hardly to be found anywhere else. And if you take into account that a couple of minutes ago all this marine life was carefree in the sea, then its value doubles.

The Church of Santa Maria del Canneto and the chapel of St. Cristina, the patroness of the city and the beloved saint of all sailors, are the main attractions of Gallipoli. They are also located in the old town, near the coast.

Salento (Italy): reviews of tourists about holidays in these parts

Many travelers choose various resorts of Italy for their holidays. The climate of this country does not provide opportunities for beach year-round recreation. Therefore, in the summer months, all the resort towns of Italy are crowded with tourists. The weather in Italy in March does not have a rest, however, tourists are already starting to gather at this time.

In the reviews, travelers say that for many years they have been resting on the Salento Peninsula. No other corner of the world attracts them more than this Italian "heel." It has a wonderful climate and infrastructure, allowing not only to spend time on the beach under the scorching sun, but also enjoy the ancient culture of this country. A large number of attractions and memorable places provide an opportunity to learn more about the history of this country.

small sandy beach

Tourists are offered a variety of housing at an affordable cost. The food is varied and as close to European cuisine as possible. Lots of seafood and fruits. People who are just about to go to this corner of the globe are wondering how much money to take to Italy. Experienced travelers say in reviews that the more money you have, the better. On average, food costs from 30 to 50 euros per day (2200-4000 rubles). You will also need to spend money on housing, which costs from 40-50 euros per day (4000 rubles) and transport. Travelers should expect that in Italy they will spend about 100 euros per day (7500 rubles).

There are reviews in which tourists say that there are too many tourists in Campania (Italy). The beaches on the Salento Peninsula are simply crowded with vacationers. Even in the early morning there is nowhere to stay. This upset the travelers. According to them, they had to spend most of the time by the pool.

Many call Salento the Italian Maldives. Many tourists come here every year to enjoy the rest and get acquainted with the culture of this country.


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