The adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" in which year took place?

In the new edition of the Constitution of the USSR, it was noted that the "dictatorship of the proletariat" fully fulfilled the tasks that were assigned to it and the Soviet Union became a nation-wide state. In addition, the document fixed the system of governing bodies that had already taken shape at that time. The supreme authority was considered the Supreme Council. It consisted of two chambers: the Council of Nationalities and the Council of the Union. His term of office was extended to five years.

About the year in which the Constitution of “developed socialism” was adopted, about the prerequisites that contributed to its appearance, and about the changes in it, read this article.

Soviet constitutionalism

Studying the history of the creation of the Basic Law of the USSR has great political, socio-economic and scientific-cultural significance. One of the central aspects of the development of Russian statehood is the adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism”. The year 1977 was an important step in the further development of the country.

In the history of the Soviet state there were only 4 constitutions: 1918, 1924, 1936 and 1977. They had different validity periods, which testified to some changes taking place in society. In addition, they reflected the emergence of new or improvement of old concepts. Also, each updated basic law of the country summed up the results of the previous one, after which the state opened the next stage of its development.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism

main reason

The development of a new document and the subsequent adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" is associated with a significant change in the political regime in the USSR. Despite the fact that the social system was still strictly organized and controlled by representatives of the only party in the country, the state began to free itself from the cult of autocracy, which was introduced in due time by I.V. Stalin.

Arbitrariness and lawlessness, as well as the boundless fear that reigned in the era of the totalitarian rule of one person - all this was publicly condemned by the ruling Communist Party itself. When the steps taken in the direction of recognizing mistakes and excesses convinced society of the impossibility of returning to the previous regime, the question arose that the development and subsequent adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” in the USSR was simply necessary.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism date

Formation of a special commission

It was decided to begin the first stage of preparing a new edition of the main law. First of all, they created a special Constitutional Commission. Its formation was preceded by a report of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, N. S. Khrushchev, at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 25, 1962. On the same day, a meeting was held at which the composition of the commission was approved. From that moment, the direct development and further adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” began (project leader - N. S. Khrushchev).

When L. I. Brezhnev took the post of first secretary, he automatically assumed the functions of chairman of the Constitutional Commission. I must say that its composition changed several times, but the principle of formation remained the same - it included the first persons of the state and party leadership, representatives of the Union and Autonomous Republics, territories and regions, as well as delegates from workers and peasants, scientists, etc.

Project development

At the initial stage of writing the document, the question arose about what Soviet society is at the moment and where it will move in the future. The position based on the "dictatorship of the proletariat" was irrelevant, because there was no longer a "class struggle" as such.

It took time to move away from the old ideology and build a fundamentally new society. Before the theory of “developed socialism” appeared, almost 15 years passed. But as soon as its foundations were formed, the writing of the draft Constitution began to advance much faster.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism year


From the moment the Constitution of 1936 was adopted, and until the approval of the new document, four decades passed. During this time, a whole series of significant changes took place in the USSR, which somehow affected all aspects of public life.

The previous Constitution, adopted in 1936, proceeded from the fact that the creation of the basic principles of socialism was completed. Now it was positioned that a mature and developed society had already been built in the USSR, as a result of which a different community of people was formed, called the Soviet people.

The state that arose on the basis of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" has now become a nation-wide, and the economy has completely passed into socialist ownership. The Communist Party significantly expanded its ranks, and its role in governing the state became more responsible.

Socialism was put on a par with other world systems, so the international influence and authority of the Soviet Union grew several times. All these prerequisites indicated that the development and adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" were inevitable.


The draft new fundamental law was published at the beginning of June 1977 not only in central, but also in republican, regional and regional newspapers. It was actively discussed for four months - from June 5 to the end of September. According to official figures, more than 140 million people took part in the discussion of the new project. And this is about four fifths of the entire adult population of the Soviet Union. A nationwide discussion on this issue made it possible to make approximately 450 thousand proposals for amendments, which were aimed at clarifying, improving or supplementing the draft articles.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism in the ussr

The main aspects of domestic and foreign policy

The main direction in the development of the Soviet state-legal system was proclaimed the improvement and strengthening of socialist democracy. The adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” was supposed to contribute to this. With whom could such an idea be implemented? Of course, under Stalin this was out of the question. Since his sole rule, power in the country has changed dramatically.

Also in the new basic law, the social basis of the Soviet state was fixed - a strong union of workers and peasants with the intelligentsia. It implied the achievement of a certain social homogeneity of society, as well as equal opportunities for the comprehensive development of each person.

With regard to foreign policy, the Constitution clearly articulated the main provisions aimed at establishing peace, international cooperation and ensuring the security of all peoples without exception. The progressive principles of good-neighborly relations between the Soviet Union and other countries were also proclaimed. An integral part of the world socialist system was the community of states with the same policies as the USSR.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism


The adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" was supposed to contribute to a significant rise in both the cultural and material standards of living of Soviet people. For this, we developed a special scientifically-based and long-term economic strategy. The main role in it was played by the Soviet state. It was supposed to ensure the organization of production, favorable conditions for the creation of a modern material and technical base and develop normative acts that would regulate economic relations.

The developers of the new basic law proceeded from the fact that the adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” would even better consolidate the historically established powerful, single and successfully operating mechanism of the national economy. This document for the first time in history recorded at the legislative level a special economic system of the USSR.

what year was the adoption of the constitution of developed socialism

Forms of ownership

The adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism", the date of approval of which was only a matter of time, put the socialist ownership of all means of production, which was divided into two forms, into the basis of the economic system. One of them was a state-owned nationwide, and the other a collective-farm cooperative. True, there was another type of socialist property - the property of trade union and other public organizations. But only the first two forms determined the nature of the national economy and the division of society into representatives of friendly classes — workers and peasants. Moreover, the main task of the state, enshrined in the new Constitution, was the protection of socialist property.

The Soviet economic system also provided for the right to personal property. Its source was socially useful work. The 1977 Constitution laid down the basic provisions of the legal status of all forms of ownership without exception, indicating their subjects.

adoption of the constitution of developed socialism under

Rights and obligations

The new fundamental law guaranteed the social justice of citizens of the USSR. The Constitution enshrined the right to work, leisure, education, material compensation in the event of loss of the breadwinner or disability. The document also spoke of freedom of speech and press, demonstrations and street processions, rallies and meetings, etc.

It was the duty of Soviet people to abide by the laws of the USSR, to be worthy of the title of citizen of the USSR, and to work diligently and to be disciplined at work, to protect the interests of the state and in every way contribute to strengthening its authority and power, etc.

Separately, it was said about the sacred duty of every Soviet person - the defense of the socialist Fatherland. Treason to the Motherland is a grave crime against its people. The honorable duty of a Soviet citizen was military service in the Armed Forces of the country.

Adoption of the Constitution

At an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council on October 4, a Drafting Commission was created, which was responsible for preparing the final draft of the fundamental law. Also at the meeting, the adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" was also discussed. Brezhnev made a report on the results of the development of the project and its popular approval. On this occasion, 92 deputies spoke. As a result, they decided to make changes on eight points, as well as add a new article.

Three days later, a parliamentary vote was held, and then the adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism". Date October 7, 1977 was declared a national holiday.


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