To whom does the CBR actually obey?

The interest of people in the question of whom the Central Bank of the Russian Federation submits to is growing more and more. The time has passed when the people “ate” everything that was given to them by the domestic political “culinary experts,” and even more so foreign professionals — lovers of pungent ones. Now most people want to understand what is really happening with our state. After all, not so long ago we had to survive the collapse of a great country and a lot of human pain. To prevent this scenario from happening again, you need not to stand aside, but at least start by understanding the processes in the world and reacting correctly to them.

“Give me the opportunity to print and control the country's money, and I don't care who writes the laws,” Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said.

But really, whoever has the money is endowed with much greater opportunities than the one who does not have it. However, as the legendary Sergei Bodrov said in the movie "Brother-2": "Whoever has the truth, he is stronger." And if we proceed from this, then we need to pull the truth out. So, what role do central banks, in particular, the Central Bank of Russia, play in the financial system of the world order? About this and the article.

State Bank of the USSR and Central Bank of the Russian Federation

In the Soviet Union was the State Bank, which complied with all the orders of the government. Its leaders were appointed and removed by the Council of Ministers, which determines the necessary amount of money for the state. Thus, the Council of Ministers determined, and the State Bank issued them.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, the functions of the State Bank were transferred to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, these functions were pretty “modernized” thanks to Western “advisers”. What is the difference in functions, and how do they affect the economic situation of the state?

The fundamental difference between the two banks lies in their legal status. The first, as the name implies, was a state institution, but the Central Bank of Russia is not subordinate to the Russian Federation, as it is an independent legal entity (see the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Therefore, none of the branches of government affects the Central Bank and does not manage it.

National currency

why the ruble does not belong to Russia

It would seem logical that the national currency of an independent country is in the same state and belongs to it. But how could it be otherwise? It turns out maybe. And not only it can, but this is exactly what is happening now in our world, including in Russia. The Russian currency - the ruble, it turns out, does not belong to the state. How is this possible? But very simple.

There is an international organization where bankers, who began their history of gaining wealth by doing nothing in England, have for centuries nurtured the idea of ​​enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of the world. In the XX century, the IMF was created, within the framework of which they began to consistently implement this idea.

As a result, the gold of individual countries began to be stored somewhere in the warehouses of this organization, and thus gradually the national currency lost its independence. Today, the Central Bank cannot print rubles as much as its state needs, and prints exactly as many dollars as it bought. That is why the ruble does not belong to Russia.

Gold and foreign exchange reserve of the country

To whom is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 2014

The most interesting and piquant is that the country's foreign exchange reserves are not stored in Russia, with the exception of a small part of it. Among other things, the Central Bank cannot invest the resources of the foreign exchange reserve in the economy of its own country. He was banned. But the money goes to buy American securities and lending to other states.

In fairness, it should be noted that other central banks are forced to lend to foreign countries. However, they are allowed to lend, including their own government to support the economy. But our Central Bank - it is impossible. Prohibited by law. To whom does the Central Bank report? Not his state, that's for sure.

Who is subject to the CBR?

In 1944, a conference was held in Bretton Woods, in the USA, following which the International Monetary Fund was organized. The IMF - this is the organization to which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the central banks of other countries are subordinate at present.

to whom is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The management of the Fund is carried out by member states, where decisions are taken by a majority vote of 85%. However, the weight of each country depends on their quota. The largest quota in the form of an irreducible balance (17.8%) belongs, of course, to the United States, which alone can veto any objectionable to them. What the United States is successful and doing throughout the life of the fund.

"The nationalization of the ruble - the path to freedom of Russia" N.V. Starikova and amendments to the law on the Central Bank E.A. Fedorova

In the book "The nationalization of the ruble - the path to freedom of Russia", the author describes in detail to whom the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is subordinate. 2014, 2015 years in this issue make their own historical adjustments.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not obey the Russian Federation

Along with raising a patriotic spirit, the Russians grew discontent over the situation in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Nikolai Starikov in his book in 2011 is accessible and very thoroughly describes the current financial system in the world. He proposes, as a solution to the problem, to withdraw from the IMF and subordinate the Central Bank of Russia to state power.

Deputy Evgeny Fedorov introduced an amendment to the Central Bank law in 2014 in which he proposed removing the bank’s dependence on the IMF. The amendment to the law was not adopted by the State Duma. For many people, this caused confusion and protest.

But with those to whom the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is subordinate, it is hardly worth acting so directly and openly. After all, the so-called partners are already very seasoned.

Silent revolution

The United States and the European Union live, as they say, beyond their means. In fact, they live on credit. At the same time, developing countries are reducing their external debt and are able to increasingly influence the global economy and occupy leading positions in the IMF. It is primarily about Russia, China and India. These countries are trying today to reduce Washington’s influence in the IMF and strengthen their own. The BRICS countries have teamed up to reduce the detrimental influence of the United States. And systematically implement this.

to whom the central bank reports

The United States is faced with a choice: to give up the IMF, as a result of which it will be necessary to “merge” Ukraine, reduce influence in foreign policy around the world and not profit from the next global financial crisis, or Russia, China and India will “merge” the IMF.

In 2015, contrary to liberals' expectations, the Russian currency stabilized.

The president instructs the Central Bank to build power plants in the Crimea, which, as it seemed, he could not do. In the Central Bank unexpectedly appeared currency commissioners, stopping speculation in the foreign exchange market. Elvira Nabiulina declares that the Central Bank’s key rate will now be focused not only on inflation, but also on exchange rate stability and economic support.

Who does the CBR report to today? It seems that Russia is beginning to change the situation for the better for itself.


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