How to change the date in Galaxy Ace: detailed instructions

It is hard to imagine a modern person without a mobile phone. These gadgets have occupied an important place in the life of the population. They have their own settings that can make life easier for the owner. Next, we will talk about how to change the date in the Galaxy Ace. Some owners of these smartphones often face the problem of changing the time or date. Why it happens? What is needed to adjust the mentioned settings? We will answer these questions, and more changes in the date or time on the phone will not cause you any trouble.

how to change date in galaxy ace

Device settings

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Any modern owner of mobile devices can change the settings of his gadget in a few seconds. Time and date are no exception. Itโ€™s enough to understand in which services you have to work.

How to change date in Galaxy Ace? It is easy to guess that we are talking about one of the main points of mobile phone settings. In order to adjust the time or date on a smartphone at any time, you will need to adhere to a small instruction.

How to change date in Galaxy Ace Duos? To do this, you have to:

  1. Turn on the mobile phone. Wait until it is fully loaded and ready for further action.
  2. Open the main menu of the device.
  3. Go to the "Settings" section. Find the item "Date and time".
  4. Click on the appropriate line. Examine the proposed feature list.
  5. Click on the "Date" button. A small window will open in which you will be prompted to enter new data.
  6. Set a suitable date. Click on the "Save" button.

This is where all the actions end. After the operations done, you can click on the line "Time" if necessary. Here it is proposed to adjust the clock. You can close the phone settings. Now itโ€™s clear how to change the date in Galaxy Ace II.

Disable sync

But sometimes these actions do not help. For example, the clock and date go astray all the time. Say when you restart your mobile phone. How to be in this case?

how to change date in galaxy ace duos

Do not despair! The thing is that sometimes changing the time and date on mobile phones is prevented by synchronizing these settings with information on the Internet. If you turn it off, you can easily set new settings on the gadget. What does that require?

I wonder how to change the date in the Galaxy Ace? The algorithm for setting new parameters is already known. But how disabling the synchronization of the phone with the Internet is still unclear.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on the mobile phone.
  2. Open the gadget menu and select "Settings" in it.
  3. Look at the item "Time and date" - "Date and time of the network."
  4. Check the box next to "Off."
  5. Save changes. Usually they take effect automatically.

Done! Now you can change the date on the mobile device. She will not stray or recover.

Little tricks

If you donโ€™t want to turn off the synchronization of your mobile phone with the Internet, you can use a little trick. Not the fact that it will work, but it's worth a try.

Itโ€™s clear how to change the date in Galaxy Ace. Do you want to keep the gadget in sync with the network and not be tormented with constant calendar and clock failures? Then you can simply refuse to use the Internet. Disconnecting the smartphone from the world wide web will cause the date and time to not be synchronized. You can, for example, set the phone to "Offline" mode and change the date and time to those that the user wants.

The disadvantage of this method is that when you enter the network, the device will resume synchronization. And, most likely, the date and time will change. Therefore, it is better to abandon synchronization with the previously proposed method.

how to change date in galaxy ace ii


We figured out how to change the date in Galaxy Ace. In fact, this process should not cause difficulties. Even the novice smartphone owner will cope with the task.

If all the proposed recommendations did not help, the gadget spontaneously changes the date and time, it is better to take it to a service center. It is possible that the failure is caused by damage to the operating system or viruses. Fortunately, this is extremely rare.


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