Should I fly to the Emirates in September? Weather, rest

With the onset of autumn, the streets gradually become colder, and it rains more and more. Therefore, many are thinking about going to hot countries. Is it worth it to fly on vacation to the United Arab Emirates in September? How good will he be? What is the weather like in the UAE at this time? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading our article.

Weather in the Emirates in September: air temperature

Virtually no sense of the arrival of autumn in the Emirates. It's still hot here, and the temperature continues to be quite high. But, when compared with July, it will be much more comfortable for people living in Russia. Why? Because the maximum temperature in the Emirates in September is kept within 40 degrees. And in the reviews, tourists note that the most comfortable conditions for relaxation fall exactly at the beginning of autumn.

Of course, the temperature regime in all seven states is heterogeneous. The hottest of all is Abu Dhabi. Here at noon the temperature in September is about + 41 ° C. Since the middle of the last decade, it has been decreasing by three to four degrees.

to the emirates in september

In early September, in Dubai, the temperature is + 38 ° C. By October, conditions are becoming even more comfortable.

Fujairah is the “coolest" state. It is located on the shores of the Gulf of Oman. And the temperature here does not exceed + 36 ° C.

Ras Al Khaiman and Sharjah are a bit hotter. The temperature here reaches 37-38 degrees.

Very good stay in the Emirates in September spend on evening beaches. You can breathe in plenty of fresh sea air, swim in warm water and take a walk. After sunset, the air temperature is kept at 26 ° C.

What to do in September: features of rest in this period

Many people fly on vacation to the Emirates in September. People come here who want to delay the onset of cold weather and lie on the beach, as well as go on various excursions. Since this is not the peak of the season, and there is no rush of crowds, you can safely relax without the hustle and bustle. In addition, at the beginning of autumn there are many exhibitions, and tourists, in addition to rest, will be able to broaden their horizons.

What to do on the beach? Sea water temperature

In September, as you probably already guessed, it is worth flying to the Emirates. Since the weather conditions here are the most favorable for relaxing on the beach. The water is very warm - it warms up to 30 degrees in September. Only bathing in the Indian Ocean, which washes Fujairah, is invigorating. The water temperature in it is about 24 ° C.

vacation in the emirates in september

Remember that you can get heat or sunstroke in the UAE in early September. Therefore, it is better to go here after the fifteenth.

Talking about beach vacations, it is worth remembering the time of sunbathing. The most suitable for them is the period before ten in the morning and after five in the evening. From 12:00 to 16:00 it is better to do without a beach holiday in order to protect yourself from burns, heat and sunstroke.

For those tourists who have light, sensitive skin, it is better to bathe in T-shirts at first.

Entertainment and excursions: what interesting things can be seen in the Emirates

As experienced tourists advise, it is best to go to the UAE for various excursions after September 20th. Then the risk of painful acclimatization is reduced. In the Emirates, there is much that you can see every tourist.

emirates september reviews

So, someone who loves the futuristic charm of cities will love the pompous Dubai. This city impresses with an atmosphere of elite relaxation and original, incredibly beautiful architecture. Dubai is a champion in many aspects. There are skyscrapers in the city that hit the Guinness Book. There is also a magnificent dancing fountain, which, incidentally, is the highest.

Tourists in the Emirates in September should visit the largest park of fresh flowers. It is very beautiful and interesting. No less exciting will be the inspection of a huge aquarium. Its capacity is 10 million liters of water. Also in the Emirates there is an indoor ski resort. This is a rather unusual place, where it will be very interesting for active vacationers.

arab emirates in september

No less interesting is the emirate of Sharjah. There are a lot of markets, where tourists can wander, choose interesting jewelry, souvenirs as a gift for friends. There are also theaters and galleries. They, of course, should be visited by vacationers.

If you are interested in the richness of the local culture, the life of the local population, then you should visit the provincial emirate of Umm al-Quwain. In this place you can observe real life, to which progress has not yet reached.

Those who lack spectacular events should visit the National Falcon Center.

Exhibitions and festivals for locals and tourists

In September, many different fairs take place in the Emirates. For example, the ADIHEX International Exhibition of Hunting and Equestrian Sports is popular. It is accompanied not only by auctions, but also by a series of interesting competitions. For example, it could be a contest for making Bedouin coffee. This drink is known for its strength.

In Dubai, sailing races are taking place.

Lower or higher prices in September for housing?

Going to the UAE, you need to consider that the cost of living in the first half of the month in hotels remains about the same as in August. But after the fifteenth of the day the prices go up.

vacation in emirates in september reviews

Little conclusion

Now you know the weather in the UAE in early autumn. As you can see, you can safely go on vacation to the Emirates in September. Reviews of tourists confirm this again. After all, people write that they have a very good time here. According to vacationers, the country is not as hot as in July - a more pleasant temperature, while the water is very warm. Therefore, send to rest in the Emirates at the beginning or end of September. Although those who have fair skin or heart problems, it is better to go after the twentieth day.


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