Sights of Psebaya. Hiking Krasnodar region

To find places where there are still unspoiled paths, crystal clear rivers, transparent and entrancing air - this means to find an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, and not just put up a tent on a designated area of โ€‹โ€‹forest.

Sights of Psebaya year after year become more popular. This is due to the fact that big business has not come here yet and has not ruined everything. There are no multi-storey sleek hotels, asphalt paths in the forest, and numerous cafes and restaurants that fill the local air with the aromas of their kitchens. And itโ€™s good that there are no changes at all, or they are insignificant.

Village History

If the Italians all the roads from ancient times led to Rome, then the village of Psebay (Krasnodar Territory), on the contrary, is the starting point for the different difficulty levels of hiking routes to numerous local attractions.

Initially, the military settled in these parts, who laid down fortifications along the cordon with the neighboring villages of the highlanders. They built the first houses, a church and roads. It was in 1857, but only since 1862 it can be considered that the village became inhabited. It was during this period that the families of Cossacks and soldiers moved here, which was the beginning of the formation of the village.

For improvement near the village even dug a small river Psebayka. She was supposed to protect local women from the encroachments of the highlanders who abducted them while they were washing clothes in the Malaya Laba River.

sights of psebaya

The development of the village went very slowly, until in 1888 the royal family chose these places for hunting. Nicholas 2 cousin, Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov, for example, rented most of the land and even ordered a hunting lodge with housing for huntsmen and kennels to be built here.

Today, from that time only the church and the hunting lodge, which later became a monument of the cultural heritage of the region, have remained as sights of Psebay.


Located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, in the valley of the Malaya Laba River, this village occupies 12 km of its left bank. Right behind it begins the picturesque ridge of Herpegem, leaving it in a smooth semicircle. Located at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level, Psebay (Krasnodar Territory) already became famous in Soviet times. Since at that time a lot of attention was paid to the development of tourism and work with youth, the choice fell on the poorly studied area.

Psebay Krasnodar Territory

It was from here that the hiking route to Krasnaya Polyana began, passing through the Caucasus Nature Reserve, which received UNESCO World Heritage status. After the collapse of the USSR, tourism was forgotten for a long time, and local camp sites began to pass from one hand to another. Only in 2000, the old route, lasting 5-7 days, was renewed again, and new ones were developed.

This is due to the fact that hiking has begun to gain popularity, in addition, this area is good for hang gliding, rafting, jeeping, for motorcycle and bike rides.

Today there are routes to the Kyzyl-Bek, Nikitinsky and Kapustinsky waterfalls, to numerous caves, ascent along the ridges of Mifargut (1249 m) and Herpegem (1211 m).

Caves in Psebaya District

Sights of Psebaya await guests year-round, the benefit is 180 sunny days a year, and in winter the temperature rarely drops below -8 degrees. Since the whole area is mountainous, caves are often found here, some of which are included in excursion routes in the vicinity.

Gunkinsky caves are the largest and most famous. They are located in the beam of the same name, from one of them, the largest and therefore most often visited, a river flows. In general, all 4 beam caves are as if standing in line one after another.

walking route

In the largest cave there are 3 halls, which are connected by a low and narrow corridor. The first hall is smaller than the rest, only 45 meters long, 20 meters wide and 3 meters high. The second is 55 m long, 42 m wide and up to 10 m up, and the third, the largest, is 80 m long and 12 to 25 m wide at a height of 10 meters.

In total, the length of the Gunkin caves is about 1 km. During the flood period, many of them are simply inaccessible.


The hiking route to local waterfalls is no less popular. There are several of them, and this is not surprising, because in translation from the ancient Turkic language Psebay is translated as "a place in which there is a lot of water." The most famous and affordable are Kapustinsky and Nikitinsky waterfalls.

Nikitinsky are located near the village of the same name. It is located on 2 floodplain terraces on the right bank of Malaya Laba. The upper and lower parts of the village are separated by the Nikitinka River, and on its left bank there is a smaller part of the village.


In the 21st century, such places are surprising. There is no light, no mobile communications, no gas, no running water, but this gives it a special charm when you realize that many familiar things donโ€™t work here, and the locals have a completely different assessment of values.

Nikitinsky waterfall consists of two - Small and Large. The first one has a height of 15 m, the second - 35 m, both of them are very picturesque and majestic. The noise they create is heard from afar.

Malaya Laba River

This river most of its way shows the "holes". To the valley itself, where it flows into the Big Laba, it rumbles at the rifts and shows its rugged nature, which rafting enthusiasts have experienced more than once. It is fed by glaciers, so the water in it is clean and cold. The shores, most of the way steep and steep, become more gentle and covered with vegetation only outside Psebaya when it reaches the valley.

small lab

Near it is cool even on the hottest days, and in floods it becomes dangerous due to spills with such a rapid current.

Tourists and fishermen are well aware of this river and its tributaries; lovers of outdoor recreation come here every year. Fishing here requires patience and skill, and trout and chub are found among the most popular inhabitants.

Thermal springs

The benefits of thermal springs were recognized by people in ancient times, but today it has been scientifically proven which composition affects which diseases. Mineral and thermal springs near the village of Psebay are in constant demand all year round.

You can stay both in the sanatorium on the territory of which the pools are equipped, and in the village from which transport delivers guests to the place. The water temperature reaches + 80-90 degrees, while in the baths it is invariably equal to + 37-42.

Nikita waterfalls

The composition of water: lithium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, calcium, bromine, sulfates and bicarbonates, mineral salts. They are suitable for people with problems of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, nervous exhaustion and stress.

Here, even in bad weather, people bathe, and the therapeutic effect from the sources lasts long enough.

Extreme tourism

Hiking is not the only one that attracts tourists to these parts, although it is the most popular. Every year, groups for rafting along the Malaya Laba River leave the village of Psebay. Travel agencies offer special programs that are more suitable for beginners under the supervision of experienced rafters. Rafting is usually carried out in May, when the river is most full-flowing. There are no dangerous rapids here, but Malaya Laba will make you worry, as its current is swift.

gunkinsky caves

No less love this region is enjoyed by hang gliders. There are rarely strong winds here, so a bird's eye view of the surrounding beauty is more of a pleasant walk than extreme.

But jeeping will delight lovers of this type of entertainment. Now, indeed, where there are no roads, and even the environment of the mountains with their slopes - all this is a โ€œtidbitโ€ for extreme people.

Where to stay in Psebay

The boarding house closest to the village is Birch Trees with its famous thermal springs. The remaining camp sites are located near Nikitino, not far from the village. Here guests are expected all year round:

  • recreation center "Believe";
  • shelter for tourists "Silver";
  • Courchevel guest house;
  • house "In Nikitino."

These places are in constant demand, as they are located in the mountains, which offer stunning views of the river, coniferous forest and cliffs. Near the tourist shelter there is a source rich in silver, the water from which is taken by guests from all camp sites.

These are the attractions of Psebaya await guests all year round. It has everything to restore strength after the bustle of the city, gain experience and improve your health.


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