What did they write in ancient India?

The beautiful country, which is located on the banks of the Sindhu River, the Greeks called "Indos". Gradually, this name came to Europe and Asia and sounded like India. In ancient times, this country was inhabited by Dravids. They are descendants of the indigenous population. India has become home to many discoveries and inventions. The peoples living in this country have a rich history. The inventions of ancient India relate to medicine, technology and other fields. In addition, she has a rich culture, poetry and religion.

The study of the culture and history of this country is carried out by specialists from many countries. They are interested in the whole history, culture, as well as what they wrote in ancient India. Excavations by archaeologists have uncovered the ancient city of Mohenjo Daro. In it already 4 thousand years ago there was a water supply system. Water was supplied even to the upper floors of buildings. The brick used for construction is so strong that it is difficult to crack it even in our time. The buildings had more than two floors.

Indian scientists have achieved particular success in mathematics. The development of this science owes much to this country. This is what was written in ancient Vedas in ancient India. These are treatises and sacred books that describe achievements in various fields of science.

What did they write in ancient India? For this, a pointed wand was used. The numbers were very large so that they could be distinguished. Typically, calculations were made on a scoreboard that was covered in dust or sand. Sometimes they were made simply on the ground. All these features of the letter left their mark on the nature of the process.

The fact that the Indians achieved great successes in astronomy as early as antiquity is a consequence of the rapid development of mathematics. The decimal system of calculus is considered to be their discovery.

Advances in this science have become the basis for its development in Iran and other Arab countries.

In ancient India, they knew how to solve quadratic equations. Scientists of that time studied irrational numbers and could extract the root.

In ancient times, India is a country with a high level of development of science in various fields. Scientists of this country have achieved particular success in the field of geometry. They presented the trigonometric theory, which is based on the theorem on the sine of the arc and much more. In Europe, these areas were studied only after a few centuries. In addition, the Indians knew about the properties of triangles and applied this knowledge in geometry.

To the discoveries made in ancient India, many include the creation of modern numbering (1,2,3, etc.). Of course, it underwent some changes, but it is based on the ancient way of designation, which was used in this country.

The calculus system that was used in ancient India was not immediately accepted around the world. However, over time, it has firmly entered our lives. Among the main actions, the Indians recognized addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. In addition, we used the extraction of roots (cubic and square), as well as the construction of a cube or square.

Addition was made from left to right and from right to left.

The ancient Indians knew that the Earth was round and rotated on its axis.

In medicine, this nation also reached great heights in antiquity. Scientists in this area knew thoroughly the human body. They could create medicines in the most complex ways and from various ingredients. They described drugs, methods of their use and other detailed information. The main achievement in this area is Eastern Tibetan medicine. These are not only methods of treatment, but also a certain philosophy.

This is what was written in ancient India, in scientific treatises and Vedas. The culture, science of this country is a world heritage and carries valuable knowledge that is important for all mankind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40467/

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