The number of PIs is a mathematical puzzle

The mysterious number of PIs is a mathematical constant, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle and its diameter. For many centuries, it has occupied the minds of mathematicians around the world. He is even considered mystical, not amenable to rational explanation. This is especially surprising because mathematics is the most accurate of all sciences. But it has only assumptions about patterns in the chaotic sequence of the mathematical constant PI.


In 1794, scientists proved that PI is an infinite irrational number. Its universally recognized designation is the Greek letter "ฯ€". The PI riddle goes far beyond pure mathematics; this number can be found in the formulas and phenomena inherent in other sciences - astronomy, physics, relativity, genetics, and statistics. The ubiquitous number of PIs, with its mesmerizing sequence of numbers going to infinity, for people who are not indifferent to mathematics, is something like a work of art.

Fans of the exact sciences of many countries even celebrate PI Day. Of course, this holiday is not official. It was invented in 1987 by the American physicist Larry Shaw. The date chosen for the celebration is not random, it is as if encrypted in the constant itself. Knowing what the number of PIs is equal to, you can guess the date of the holiday in his honor.

From the school curriculum, we know at least 7 decimal places that were memorized as a rhyme - โ€œ3-14-15-92 and 6โ€. The third month, the 14th ... So it turns out that on March 14, precisely at 1.59.26, the number of PIs enters into law. Celebrating mathematics lovers make speeches in honor of the constant, eat a pie with the Greek letter "ฯ€" or the first digits of this number, play various games, solve puzzles - in a word, have fun in a manner appropriate for mathematicians. Funny coincidence - on March 14, the great Albert Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, was born.

what is the number pi

Fans of the number PI compete in trying to learn as many digits of the constant as possible. The record so far belongs to the Colombian resident Jaime Garcia. Three days it took the Colombian to voice 150 thousand characters. The man-computer record is confirmed by professors of mathematics and is listed in the Guinness book.

The number of PIs cannot be completely reproduced; it is infinite. There is not a single cyclic sequence in it, and, according to mathematicians, it will never be found, no matter how many more signs are calculated.

American mathematician David Bailey and his Canadian colleagues created a special computer program, the calculations on which showed that the sequence of digits of the number of PIs is really random, as if illustrating the theory of chaos.

Throughout the long history of the number of PIs, a peculiar pursuit of the number of its numbers has been carried out. Japanese scientists from Tsukuba University managed to deduce the latest data - the accuracy of their calculations is more than 2.5 trillion decimal places. The calculations were carried out on a supercomputer equipped with 640 quad-core processors, and it took 73 and a half hours.

In conclusion, I want to give an excerpt from a children's poem by Sergei Bobrov. What do you think is encrypted here?

pi number completely

โ€œ22 owls bored on big dry bitches.

22 owls dreamed

about seven big mice "

(When dividing 22 by 7 it turns out ... the number of PIs).


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