The creator of the British Union of Fascists Oswald Mosley: biography, features and interesting facts

History knows many people who once led millions. They imposed and shaped public opinion. They proclaimed an ideology and forcibly introduced it to the population. This was the creator of the British Union of Fascists Oswald Mosley. His name was well known in England in the 30s, and he was involved in politics and served his country.

Birth and family

The future baronet was born at the end of the 19th century, in 1896. His family was an aristocracy, so he received the appropriate education from his parents. At one time, one of his relatives served as mayor of London, later becoming a subject of Elizabeth I. Another ancestor, having shown himself in the 17th century civil war, received the title of baronet, which began to be passed on from generation to generation. Over time, the Mosley family became richer, by the 19th century they received a significant part of the land in Staffordshire.

Oswald Mosley was attached to his mother, since most of the time it was she who was engaged in his education. She remained his support in a more mature age. When the baronet decided to engage in politics and, in particular, formed the Union of Fascists, she helped him.

Oswald Mosley


Studied Oswald Mosley in a private school with privileges. When the boy was 17 years old, he went to study at a military school. He went in for sports right there and reached some heights. In the 30s, he competed in the UK fencing team. The First World War stopped the training of Oswald, he decided to leave college and go to the front. Of course, in those days, fighting was the best school of martial art.


He went to the front with the rank of junior lieutenant. First he was in the cavalry, then in the infantry, later became a pilot. The war played a trick on the baronet. The young man participated in a training battle and was injured, landing a plane unsuccessfully. Then his right leg received a multiple fracture, and he had to go to the hospital for almost a year.

The attempt to return to the front was unsuccessful. Oswald had to return to the country to make another operation. The treatment did not give positive results, and doctors forbade Mosley to fight. Until the end of World War I, he worked in the ministry and other institutions.

creator of the British fascist union oswald mosley

Mosley as an actor

Like most people, Oswald was impressed by the war. He was fascinated by the activities of the fraternities, and his dream was to implement a program for a "brighter future." He wanted a different country and building for England. He mourned for his friends who had given their lives in the war, so immediately after the end of hostilities he went into politics. By 1918, Oswald Mosley became a parliamentarian who advocated a conservative party.

This new society of friends consisted only of those who went through the war. These people wanted new and better for themselves and their families. When Oswald got into parliament, he immediately saw the opposition of the views of the older generation with the young. Those who did not take part in the hostilities could not understand what the young veterans felt. After a couple of years, Mosley became an opposition and an independent conservative.

Family commotion

In addition to a career, Oswald dreamed of a family. Therefore, in addition to politics, a woman appeared in his life. It was the daughter of Lord Curzon, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Cynthia became for Mosley support and support. At their wedding was attended by more than one hundred people who held different positions. For example, one of the guests at the wedding was King George and his wife Mary.

Oswald Mosley Biography

Oswald's personal life did not work out very well. Cynthia was mortally ill and died in 1933. He was a charming man, so before the wedding he had an affair with his future wife's sister, during his family life he became the lover of Cynthia's older sister, and his father-in-law's wife also had a relationship with him.

Political disappointment

In the mid-20s, Oswald Mosley (Oswald Mosley) decided to leave the conservative party and moved to the Labor Party. He saw that all his affairs in the previous organization were not supported by his other colleagues. With them, he could not create a state “worthy of heroes”, so he left them.

In the Labor Party, he could realize not only his ideological views, but also saw career growth that would bring him to power. Over time, his position among colleagues improved markedly. He could organize and coordinate work, and his upbringing made itself felt. Among other leaders, Mosley was able to become one of the representatives of the Labor Party.

The death of his father gave Oswald the title of baronet, and a year later his party went to the cabinet of ministers. In the wake of this success, Mosley became chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster and worked on employment.

Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley Biography

Union of Fascists

Oswald Mosley, whose biography is filled with many important and decisive events, was the founder of the British Fascist Union. This organization was a response to the Great Depression, which worried the whole of Europe and the world. This association existed between the First and Second World Wars and became the most numerical and active.

In the 30s, Great Britain felt the great influence of this organization on political life. The union lasted only until 1940, since it was banned with the outbreak of World War II.

Organization Objectives

The Nazi Union set itself ideas that were opposed to communist and democratic. Oswald and his association were nationalists. The participants wanted to destroy the entire system of parliamentary power, establish a dictatorship and subordinate to the government all possible and impossible areas of activity.

oswald mosley oswald mosley

Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, whose biography was already rich, tried to imitate the famous founder of fascism in Italy Mussolini. He went to him, talked and made contacts.

Structural component

The British Union of Fascists had a rather primitive structure, which held the leader at the head, of course, he was Oswald himself. He could do what he wants and when he wants. Further, the structure resembles a pyramid. The leader was followed by national and district leaders. Below are the officers. At the base of the pyramid were ordinary soldiers who could be combined into units, they were connected into platoons, and they were combined into companies. The number of employees in the unit was 6, in the platoon there were five units, and in the company there were five platoons.

Those who were above the rank and file should have worn an unofficial uniform, more reminiscent of a mourning suit - black pants and a shirt of the same color.

Over the entire period of the organization’s existence, Mosley conducted a lot of campaigns related to anti-Semitism and dictatorship. Naturally, Oswald could not help but support Hitler, who was aggressive in Europe. The union ended after Churchill came to power. The country was ready to put an end to such fascist organizations. The association was closed, and the participants were sent to jail.

creator of the British fascist union

Further activities

After his release from prison due to an exacerbation of the disease, Oswald Mosley continued his political activity again. He wanted to unite Europe, arm it to the teeth and oppose the USSR. He also opposed the Nuremberg Tribunal. Society no longer supported his ideas, and to some extent he was rejected.

Later, all his attempts to create national associations failed. Already in the early 60s, Mosley decided to leave politics, not finding feedback from other activists and society. He lived in France until his death, where he died in 1980.


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