Alexandria, Belarus - the homeland of the "father"

Belarus is a country located in Eastern Europe with a population of almost 10 million, as of early 2016. The largest city of the republic is Minsk, which is also the capital. There are 6 regions in the state. Belarus borders with Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Like many republics of the former USSR, it withdrew in 1991. Today is a member of the CIS, UN, EurAsEC, EFES and CSTO.

Historical reference

In the most ancient times, on the territory of the state were parking Yurovichi and Berdyzh. The first attempts to form a political state occurred in the VI-IX centuries.

Belarus was under the rule of the Principality of Lithuania, and was a member of the confederation called the Commonwealth. But already in 1772, the land became part of the Russian Empire. After the October Revolution of 1917, the lands completely passed into the hands of Soviet power. In 1991, the republic gained independence.

alexandria belarus photo


In 1992, its own currency was already introduced, in 1994 the Constitution was adopted and a policy of integration with the Russian Federation was pursued. But by 1996, contradictions appeared between the government and the president. Opposition politicians are beginning to disappear. Protests are held periodically, and in 2011 the financial crisis began, which provokes the emergence of new protests. In 2015, the fifth presidential election is held, at which A. Lukashenko still wins.

Presidential village

In the Shklovsky district of the Mogilev region, in the village of Alexandria in Belarus, the president of a modern independent state was born. In the most populated locality, Lukashenko appears very rarely, in extreme cases, once a year, on Ivan Kupala.

For several consecutive years, the Old Mansion has been under construction, but so far only under construction. By the standards of the rulers of other states, the estate is very modest in size.

Alexandria Belarus


On the territory of the village of Alexandria in Belarus there is a hotel for 75 people, modern both outside and inside. It employs 15 people, but usually there are few guests.

The village was lucky: so that road transport did not spoil the air, they made a bypass road. All houses, with the exception of about 1%, are sheathed with siding, with exactly the same wooden fencing.

In the village of Alexandria (Belarus) not so long ago a huge sports complex was built by local standards, which even has a 25-meter swimming pool.

The settlement itself can be described as neat, all buildings are well-groomed, from kindergarten to the station. True, it’s not so easy to get to the school where the “old man” studied, you will have to ask permission in the administration of the Shklovsky district. On the school building itself there is a sign confirming the fact that the president of the republic was trained here. And through the window you can see the third desk on which the communist books lie and an inkwell with a pen is standing, it was here that Lukashenko was sitting.

The main financing of the infrastructure comes from the collective farm of Alexandriiskoye OJSC, only 30% is allocated from the regional budget. Therefore, there is another name for the village of Alexandria (Belarus) - “the agricultural village of Belarus”, which is set as an example for all other settlements.

And another interesting feature - garbage cans are decorated with tyn here.

Alexandria city Belarus

Local population

According to the reviews of those who visited the village of Alexandria in Belarus, the locals do not really like to communicate. The very first question that you can hear from them: “And where will you come from, so curious?”

Another unique fact: they found an unconventional way to combat alcoholism. All stores have photos of local drinkers, and they are prohibited from dispensing alcohol. This method may seem ridiculous, in fact, it turned out to be effective and now serious crimes committed in the state of intoxication are not recorded in the village.

Alexandria village in Belarus

Excursion programs

In some tourist programs there are tours called "Small Homeland". Tourists are taken to places that are related to the childhood and activities of the current president. Alexandria (Belarus) is also included in the program. In the photo above you can see how the village looks. In addition, travelers are taken to Mogilev, Kopys and Shklov.

In Mogilev, an inspection of the Church of St. Stanislav, the ancient square, a convent and other historical places is provided. In Kopysi, tourists will be able to admire the small and comfortable village, which is mentioned in the chronicles of 1059. And finally - a maternity hospital, where Lukashenko was born.

In the city of Alexandria in Belarus, they will not only show the school where the president studied, but also talk about other famous personalities of the settlement.

In the city of Shklov, they immediately brought to the town hall of the XVIII century, then to the church and synagogue of the XVII century. At the end of the tour, each is given a cucumber, in the form of a monument, dressed in a jacket and bow-tie, which is a symbol of the village.


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