Social mortgage in Kazan. Social mortgage for young families

Mortgage - a type of loan, under the terms of which the client purchases real estate and agrees to repay the debt within the specified period. As security for the fulfillment of the obligation, the property goes into a pledge to the bank. The buyer may also mortgage other properties. The conditions for this type of lending in Russia are quite stringent. Therefore, the government, together with banks, offers a certain category of citizens its service programs. More details about what constitutes a social mortgage in Kazan, the conditions for its receipt, you will learn from this article.


Social mortgage housing is provided to vulnerable categories of citizens who are not able to independently acquire an apartment under a commercial program. The main difference is the low cost of 1 sq. Km. m of living space. Borrowers do not need to save for many years money to buy an apartment. They can move into housing immediately after applying for a loan and register family members there. Another advantage is the additional guarantees provided by the bank and the government. A credit institution carefully checks all documents, insures the life of borrowers and property, the interest rate for services does not change until the contract expires.

social mortgage in Kazan

Social mortgage for state employees (Kazan) is provided on such conditions:

  • participants may be employees of state enterprises, as well as those that partially finance it;
  • per person living in an apartment should have at least 18 square meters. m;
  • maximum loan term - 28 years;
  • a loan is provided at an interest rate of 7%;
  • It is possible to get a loan without an advance payment.

The list of requirements is dictated not only by commercial banks, but also by authorities. The former may impose restrictions on citizenship, residence registration and seniority, etc. The requirements of the authorities relate more to real estate and their location.

The main disadvantage of a mortgage is a significant overpayment, which can exceed 100% or more. It includes a bank commission for servicing, providing services, monthly insurance payments, etc.


Social mortgage in Kazan is provided as part of the Salavat Cooper project. 400 hectares have been allocated on the territory of the residential complex in the Kirov region, on which 1.4 million square meters will be built. m of living space. There are already more than 50,000 people who can use the developed infrastructure: 22 kindergartens, 7 schools and several clinics. In 2014, 6.5 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​more than 380 thousand square meters were commissioned. m. Plan for 2015 - 5649 apartments with an area of ​​more than 345 thousand square meters. meters.

how to get a social mortgage

The following services are provided under the federal Housing program:

  • social mortgage for young families;
  • provision of land;
  • provision of housing for specialists in rural areas;
  • fulfillment of state obligations to provide real estate for certain categories of citizens.

Who is available for a mortgage?

The issue of providing citizens with housing is an acute issue in Kazan and Tatarstan. But in these regions there are some nuances of the service. In accordance with the law, state support can be used by people who need to improve their living conditions, who are registered, as well as people who work in organizations that have implemented cash injections. In Kazan, there is another problem: municipal lands are almost completely used, construction is carried out at the site of demolition of houses or in the industrial zone.


For residents of Kazan and Tatarstan, there are such subspecies of the Social Mortgage program:

  • "Apartment for young teachers."
  • "Mortgages for young families."
  • "Apartment for youth."

Let us consider in more detail each of them.

social mortgage for young families

The apartment for teachers

To support beginning teachers who are under the age of 35, a special procedure for providing compensation payments has been developed . Participants can receive a subsidy within 10% of the cost of housing to pay the down payment. This money is provided if the employee has worked in positions for more than one year and undertakes to work another 5 years in the same place.

Social mortgage for young families

Spouses who have not reached the age of 35 years have the right to apply for a subsidy within 35% of the cost of housing, and a family with at least one child - 40%. Housing must comply with the standard: 18 square meters. m per family member. The maximum age of both spouses is 34 years. The family must be registered in the register for housing, and also have on hand an amount in excess of the amount of the subsidy that is provided under the Social Mortgage program.

Where to apply for registration of a subsidy application? To the local executive authority. If the decision is positive, then a special certificate is transferred to the participant, and the subsidy is transferred to the account of the partner bank.

social mortgage for state employees Kazan

Mortgages for youth

Soldiers of student construction teams who have completed 150 shifts can apply for a mortgage at the cost of an apartment. It is three times cheaper than the market price. More detailed information can be found on the website of the public organization "Russian student squads".

Social mortgage in Kazan at birth

In order to reduce the financial burden on the family, the installment plan is provided for in the framework of the state program. It depends on the initial cost of housing, the amount of the accumulated contribution and the monthly amount of income. According to the terms of the program, if a child appears in the family after the loan is issued, then she receives material compensation in the amount equivalent to the cost of 18 sq. m of purchased housing. But this amount should not exceed the unpaid part of the debt.

How to get a social mortgage

To apply for a loan, you must submit an application and copies of the following documents to the bank:

  • passports
  • SNILS;
  • TIN;
  • military card;
  • birth certificates of the child;
  • educational certificates;
  • marriage / divorce certificates;
  • employment record (must be assured by the employer);
  • income statements.

social mortgage where to go
Additionally, you may need:

  • Certificate of registration.
  • Copies of passports of relatives.
  • Pension certificates of parents.
  • Family death certificates.
  • Documents confirming the presence of other property (cottages, cars, land, securities, etc.).
  • Bank account movements for the past six months.
  • Documents confirming a positive credit history: copies of utility payments for the last 6-12 months; loan agreements.

The originals must be provided along with copies at the time of filing.

social mortgage apartment
If the future borrower is the owner of the business, then it is necessary to provide the bank with documents confirming the stability and dynamics of development. The IP will be required to register, a license to carry out activities, documents confirming the payment of contributions, account statements, copies of lease agreements, etc.

Non-residents who work in the territory of the Russian Federation must provide a copy of a residence permit and work permit.

Having examined the documents, the bank makes a preliminary decision. If it is positive, then the client can proceed to the selection of a particular property. It must comply with the program conditions. After selecting the borrower has to collect documents of title to property assessment.

Further procedure

Based on the estimated amount of housing, a credit limit is formed. It makes up no more than 80-100% of this figure. Since the social mortgage in Kazan is a long-term type of lending, the bank requires the provision of guarantees in the form of insurance of risks of loss of working capacity, property right or property damage. Then the client needs to sign an agreement with the bank. The borrower can familiarize himself with its form in advance even at the stage of collecting documents. In some cases, it is necessary to sign a contract of sale, from which the mortgage follows the law. In addition, it is also necessary to issue a mortgage - a security that gives the creditor the right to obtain fulfillment of the obligation. The process of completing state registration of documents is ending. Here's how to get a social mortgage.

social mortgage housing


The state, within the framework of special programs, allows certain categories of the population to purchase housing on credit. A loan is provided for 28 years at 7% per annum, provided that a person can pay the down payment. To participate in the program, you need to register with the state administration of the district and collect a package of documents.


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