Chinese tablets. Customer reviews

The number of goods from the Celestial Empire on the shelves of electronics stores these days is just off scale. Even more of them are in advertising offers from various online stores and, of course, from the largest trading platform in China - Taobao.

Good - Bad Chinese Tablets

The attitude of people towards products with the words "Made in China" is very mixed. Some contemptuously curl their lips at the mere mention of the adjective "Chinese." Others, on the contrary, are happy to use all the opportunities that are available to a modern person to make profitable purchases directly in the country where the product was released.

Modern electronics is one of the most popular products on the market. Naturally, manufacturers seek to satisfy this demand as much as possible, and Chinese factories and small enterprises are the undisputed leaders in this area. The biggest profits for sellers come from mobile phones and Chinese tablets. Customer reviews about this product are different. Some customers are completely satisfied with the quality and performance of the devices. Others claim that this is technical rubbish. Let's try to understand the causes of such contrasting impressions

Tablet computers from China

Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase an expensive “apple” device. In this light, it is quite natural that a person lowers the bar of his desires and pays attention to budget models, which include Chinese tablets: reviews of them and descriptions of models are available on the pages of any online store that delivers goods from this country.

Indeed, in comparison with branded products, these products win in price. However, the logical question arises as to how similar electronics meet all the requirements that the buyer makes to it.

So, what parameters the buyer pays attention to first of all:

  • technical specifications (processor, battery capacity, RAM and internal memory and the ability to increase the total memory capacity);
  • modern OS (tablet on Android or iOS);
  • screen size and resolution;
  • camera resolution
  • the availability of additional accessories.

What can Chinese tablets offer their owner? The reviews of those who have already purchased these products indicate that with a competent approach to choosing a model, you can get a very decent gadget for a reasonable price.

Based on my own experience, I can say that in the desire to purchase fashionable goods, people begin to neglect the elementary rules of a reasonable approach to buying things, it does not matter if it is a telephone, clothes or jewelry. Tablets did not escape this fate.

As a rule, negative reviews about these devices are related to the fact that they “glitch”, “freeze”, do not perceive many applications, “die when trying to flash”, become completely inoperative after a month, etc. I agree, all these shortcomings inherent in Chinese electronics. Another question, what price category were these products? In my opinion, to wait for uninterrupted work from cheap products of an unknown manufacturer or seller, who often cannot give information about the subject of sale, is at least unreasonable. Naturally, the phones do not work, the tablet from China “freezes”, the iPhone can be useful only as a toy.

The one who was not too lazy to spend several hours of his time studying the Chinese electronics market in detail, got acquainted with the opinion of people with certain experience, compared the offers of intermediaries for delivering goods from China with goods offered by Russian official retail chains, leaves about tablets from China only positive feedback. In this country there really are companies that produce equipment that can compete with their more expensive brothers. It seems to me that a little time will pass, and in the sections of the forums "Chinese tablets" the reviews will be only positive.


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