Tysyatsky is an elective post in Novgorod. How to choose the thousands and what was their responsibility

The Novgorod Republic occupies a separate position in the history of Ancient Russia. For a number of reasons, princely power in these lands did not become absolute. The rule in Novgorod was carried out by the general gathering of adult free men. This collection was called veche. At the evening, they decided about which prince to call for reign and for how long, here candidates were selected for positions that made it possible to rule the city and the republic as a whole. One of these posts was called "thousand". This name comes from the word "thousand" and denoted the chief (leader) of a certain number of people.

Elections in Novgorod. Puss

All officials in Novgorod were not appointed, but elected at the veche. It was the veche that established contractual relations with other lands, called for princes, declared war and made peace; by order of this council, an army or civilian militia gathered, taxes were established, archbishops were elected, foreign representatives were vested with trade rights, etc. Veche was convened quite often, but a permanent power was exercised by Novgorod in Novgorod.

thousand in ancient Russia is
The highest posts in the pox were held by wealthy merchants and wealthy landowners. They were assisted by other elected officials in Novgorod, their posts were called posadnik, the elders of Kanchan, Sotsky, and thousand. These were the actual rulers of Novgorod. The archbishop headed the challenge, who, along with church affairs, controlled the veche, observed order at meetings, and resolved land and political issues.

How to choose the thousand. Living people

Tysyatsky is an elective post. Initially, the thousand people were chosen from living people - small and medium landowners who owned their own plots of land, but were not considered nobility at the same time. Living people rarely independently cultivated their land. Typically, land was leased by them, and the profits were invested in various trading enterprises. They could not head the city council. If posadniks are usually natives of the richest families in Novgorod, then the thousand were recruited from the middle classes. The period for which the thousandth in Ancient Russia was chosen is one year. The current posadnik, thousands of people were called power people. Those who previously held these posts, but have already resigned, were called old.

thousand this
After the 14th century Thousands recruited only from the boyars, and the position gradually from the elected became appointed. Since the thousand in Ancient Russia is primarily the executive branch, the boyars did not want people in the lower classes to hold this position . Later, with the strengthening of princely power in the territory of the Novgorod principality and the rise of the principality of Moscow, the position became appointed, and people from the prince’s inner circle were replaced by a thousand.

Thousand military duties

thousand in Novgorod

Tysyatsky is one of the key posts in the Principality of Novgorod. Since at that time there was no clear separation of powers, the thousands partially fulfilled the duties of the legislative, executive and judicial powers. The powers of the thousand were determined by the veche and controlled by the pox.

First of all, the thousand in Novgorod led the city people's militia. Such voluntary armed detachments consisted of free citizens who were called up for arms in wartime. Tysyatsky observed the conduct of the general preparation of the militia, monitored the order in the army, and was responsible for the construction of defense fortifications. In his department was a military court - the prototype of a modern tribunal. The Thousand Court was held on militias for war crimes, robbery, looting and desertion. Under the control of the thousand was the city arsenal. Tysyatsky subordinates to the posadniks, the chief executive officers in the Novgorod Republic.

Civil duties of thousands

Partially, the executive and judicial powers in Novgorod also appeared to be thousands. It was these officials who made the decision to convene the national assembly, announced to the people the decisions adopted at the veche. Tysyatsky in Novgorod carried out police surveillance of the rule of law. In his department were hundreds of small agents and scammers, who transmitted all the information about the life of the city to the authorities. In addition, the thousands of subordinates had the right to conduct raids and to conduct searches, they also called for trial, notified of crimes, notified the people about the decisions taken by the authorities.

Posadnik Tysyatsky

Judicial duties thousand

Civil court decisions were made by thousands mainly in the commercial sphere. Their department had litigation regarding permits for various trade operations and trade disputes. In addition, Tysyatsky made decisions and pronounced sentences in cases relating to minor offenses and law enforcement.

After the conquest of the Novgorod Republic, the veche form of self-government ceased to exist. Together with her, the old elected posts of the Novgorod freemen have also become a thing of the past.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40514/

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