Statistical reporting

In order to make sometimes quite complex decisions on enterprise management, the head of any organization needs data on the basis of which he will act. Such data may come to him from various sources. The main will be data on the state of the company, its current position. Specialists compose such data in the form of a variety of reports. Reports can be intended for both internal use and public use.

To date, any organization prepares the following types of reporting:

  • financial statements;
  • operational reporting;
  • statistical reporting.

The financial statements are based on documents provided by accountants. This includes information on products sold, costs incurred, on the movement of material and circulating assets. Accounting calculates the financial stability of the organization. However, the most important pitfall awaiting the director, guided by such information, is that accounting provides data on the past reporting period (month, quarter, year). The risk that the information is outdated is quite large.

Operational accounting allows you to obtain data on the current situation of the organization, however, without trends it can be quite difficult to trace the dynamics of the company.

An excellent alternative is statistical reporting, which consists of compiling and summarizing the data of the two reports described above into a single whole. This type of reporting allows you to receive information about the volume of production in physical and monetary terms, to trace the dynamics of its development by years, to draw conclusions about the direction in which the business is moving.

Naturally, the statistical reporting of an enterprise will always be of interest to state authorities at both the local and federal levels. Based on such reports, which provide reliable and verified information and are promptly transmitted to authorized collection organizations, statistical agencies form consolidated reports on the development of the district, federal subject or the state as a whole.

If enterprises whose statistical reporting is required to be submitted to the authorities (and this is almost all organizations), for some reason violate the deadlines for its submission, or provide deliberately incorrect information about their situation, they may be subject to an administrative fine, as determined by relevant legislation . In general, it is better not to joke with government agencies and, in order to avoid misunderstandings, provide all the data accurately and on time.

It is absolutely logical that there is a problem in the standardization of such data. It was solved simply and elegantly: a statistical reporting form was introduced. Currently, there are many unified forms of such reporting, which must be completed in a timely manner according to certain rules. For example, Form P-2 contains information about the investment activity of the enterprise, Form 1-DAC includes information about the activities of the collective accommodation facility. This list is quite voluminous, typical forms can always be found in the necessary regulations or on the Internet, where they are in electronic form.

Now statistical reporting may be submitted in any form, on any medium. This can be a package of documents or files in electronic form sent to the state statistics agency via the Internet or provided on any convenient storage medium. The procedure for submitting such data is determined by relevant legislation.


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