Berlin Congress of 1878

The successful offensive and forcing of the Balkans by Russian troops during the Russian-Turkish war, which took place in 1877-1878, forced the Turkish government to send its commissioners to conclude a truce. The result was the signing of the Berlin Treaty.

Under the terms of the San Stefano Treaty, an independent state was formed - Great Bulgaria, whose territory stretched from the Black to the Aegean. Turkey had to withdraw all its troops from it. The lands of Akkerman district of Bessarabia returned to Russia, which were taken away in 1856 under the Paris Peace Treaty, as well as the Izmail district. In addition, it provided for reimbursement of all military expenses. However, the Berlin Congress did not give the opportunity to implement all the preliminary Russian conditions.

In England and Austria-Hungary, such conditions aroused extreme indignation. Since the capture of Constantinople and the Straits was a long-held dream of England, she could not let the Russians get ahead of herself. In addition, the British government was afraid that the inclusion of Bulgaria in its sphere of influence would help Russia become a great Mediterranean power. It was soon announced that the British government was not going to recognize the terms of the world as valid.

The same position of hostility was taken by Austria-Hungary, having begun the transfer of troops to the Russian border. Together with England, they demanded the transfer of the questions of β€œall preliminary foundations of the world”, so that the Berlin Congress would consider them at an international conference. Russia was in a hopeless situation, as the brewing war with England could lead to disastrous consequences, and hopes for German support were vain, despite the fact that it was Bismarck who incited Russia to war with Turkey. The result of these circumstances was the Berlin Congress, which was convened in 1878.

On June 13, 1878, an international congress was opened in Berlin. Its participants were the following countries: Russia, Germany, England, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Balkan states and France. The "master" was, of course, Bismarck.

The diplomatic struggle was extremely intense. The Berlin treatise was signed only a month after the opening of the conference.

Despite the fact that the main stages of the decision of the Congress were stipulated in the English-Russian agreement, the borders of Bulgaria were not clearly defined. This moment was very important for all participants of the congress, since the Balkan passes had serious strategic importance.

England, and with it Austria-Hungary, not without the support of Germany, achieved significant changes in the conditions of the San Stefano Treaty, but for the Slavic peoples it was extremely unprofitable. The Berlin treatise stated that the Principality of Bulgaria would be independent, but vassal, territorially limited by the Bulgarian mountains. Its southern part received partial autonomy, remaining part of the Ottoman Empire. Another result was the return of Macedonia to Turkish rule.

The Berlin Congress of 1878 reaffirmed the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro. According to the results of negotiations, Austria-Hungary gained the right to occupy Herzegovina and Bosnia, and Austro-Hungarian troops were introduced between the territories of these states. Thus, the powers wanted to prevent the unification of the Slavic neighboring states. Control over the Montenegrin coast was also granted to Austria-Hungary. Contributions levied on Turkey were reduced to 300 million rubles. Russia only got Kardagan, Batum and Kare, Bayazet returned to Turkey.

The Berlin Congress redrawn the map of the Balkan Peninsula and thereby gave rise to numerous conflicts on this stretch of the Earth, which generally aggravated the international situation. Even after liberation, the Balkan states did not cease to be the arena in which the great European powers competed.


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