Sukko, beach: reviews and photos of vacationers

In southern Russia, in the immediate vicinity of the warm waves of the Black Sea, the village of Sukko is located. It is located in the picturesque and colorful river valley, which has the same name. This area is surrounded on all sides by mighty forests. The Caucasus Mountains originate here. Near the village itself, they are still quite small and rise above the valley by only four hundred meters. You can get to Sukko from the famous resort of Anapa in just 15-20 minutes. This path is 14 kilometers, which must be overcome by driving along a mountain winding road.

Great place to stay

Despite the fact that the Sukko Valley is located near Anapa, it differs from the famous resort with a more humid and less windy climate, as well as a cooler summer. The area is famous for its healing pine trees and juniper thickets, which saturate the air not only with divine aromas, but also with useful active substances. However, not only this attracts a huge number of tourists here. The atmosphere of Sukko is also useful for the merger of sea and mountain air masses.

succo beach reviews

This is an amazing resort, offering its guests the most diverse vacation. Travelers can stroll along the quiet palm alleys, visit a fun and noisy cafe or sunbathe on one of the pebble beaches of the valley. All this, of course, will bring true pleasure.

In 2016, a Ferris wheel was erected in the center of the village. This attraction immediately attracted the attention of vacationers. Those who come to Sukko like taking a photo of the village and the beach (2016). Guest reviews of the resort suggest that, rising up, they were able to view most of the coast.

For the accommodation of vacationers, the village offers many hotels. There are also guest houses in Sukko. They are usually located in the private sector, from which to the sea only ten minutes on foot.

Coastal Feature

Throughout the Anapa region you cannot find pebble beaches, except in the Sukko Valley. Of course, lying on a warm sand is always more comfortable. However, pebble beaches have their advantages. The first of them is clean and clear water, which pleases vacationers with its blue even in the midst of the summer season. And this is noted by many tourists who visited the beach in Sukko. Photos, reviews of vacationers (made under the pictures against the background of blue sea waves) confirm this positive side of the pebbles.

succo village and beach photos reviews

In addition, beaches strewn with small pebbles polished by a wave are often called natural SPA salons. Here, vacationers warm their body on pebbles, enjoying the sound of the surf. Women who visited Sukko beach, reviews about such procedures leave, as a rule, positive. However, they advise taking a towel with them so that the rest is more comfortable and the pebbles do not stain the swimsuit. Men prefer to sit directly on the stones, which allows them to warm up the muscles as much as possible.

Not only adults, but also children are happy to visit the beach in Sukko. Reviews of parents note that their children remain clean all day, even building castles on the coast from pebbles or laying out mosaics from it.

Sukko beaches are very healthy. When a person walks on them, he simultaneously gives himself a foot massage. This healing procedure allows you to cure many diseases, even such complex ones as bronchial asthma and epilepsy, headaches and flat feet. Well, one who simply lies on a pebble warmed by the sun receives a positive massage effect on the blood and lymph vessels of the skin.

Sea in Succo

Anyone who has already gone on vacation to Anapa knows that in this resort it is impossible to find deep water near the coastal zone. Here, the sea is shallow and also very warm. Guests at the resort say that on a hot day in Anapa, you should not look for coolness in the water.

Absolutely the opposite gets in Sukko vacation reviews. The beaches in this area are more suitable for adults. Just a few meters from the coastline - and the bottom is already impossible to feel. This causes a less intense heating of the water. In Sukko, the sea temperature is two degrees lower than in Anapa. It is very nice on hot days.

If you choose a vacation spot

Those who have not yet decided where to go during their summer vacation should pay attention to the Sukko Valley. This is practically the only place on the entire Black Sea coast of Russia where you can breathe healthy and clean air saturated with essential oils of pine, thuja, fir and juniper, as well as iodine ions. The valley, which is formed by the slopes of the Semisama and Navagir ranges, covered with greenery of the forest, also impresses with its splendor.

The landscape revealing to the view from the sea cannot but arouse admiration. This is the area framed by steep cliffs, reaching 50 meters in some places. Climbing one of them, many vacationers take pictures of Sukko, a photo of the village and the beach. The reviews of those who visited these foothills indicate that the view that has opened to the eye literally amazes travelers with its beauty.

Scientists have established that in ancient times a giant landslide occurred in the Sukko Valley. As a result, a cape was formed, which you can admire from a height. It is the only one on the entire Black Sea coast with such an origin. Today, the Sukko Valley is a natural monument, where you can see relic plants that have come down to us from the preglacial period. What else is remarkable for this area? Only here nature lovers can stroll along the grove of swamp cypresses listed in the Red Book.

The location of the beaches

Holidays near Anapa are usually chosen by those travelers who are attracted to the clear sea and the opportunity to sunbathe under the warm rays of the summer sun. What vacationers choose a beach in Sukko? Guest reviews of the village suggest that there are completely different sections of the coastal zone. Some places near the sea are constantly full of people. There are many vacationers who sunbathe and swim. In such areas, music rattles, entertainment shows are held. But there are other sites that the beach can offer its guests in Sukko.

Sukko photos of the village and the beach reviews 2016

Guest reviews indicate that near the sea you can easily find secluded coastal areas where it is so easy to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature.

The beach of the village of Sukko has a length of seven hundred meters and is located between the mountains that shelter its territory from the winds. The main vacation spot is located in the very center of the coast. On both sides of it are wild beaches.

There is the most popular place for relaxation and swimming on the coast in Sukko. It is the central beach. Next to it is a beach belonging to the Smena children's camp. It is open to all comers. There are other interesting beaches in Sukko. This is the shore near the boarding house "Shingari" and "Barbarian gap."

Central beach

This is the most popular holiday destination in Sukko. The beach, reviews of which indicate its high occupancy by vacationers, is located in close proximity to the center of the village. You can get into it by going towards the sea along the main street of Sukko. This highway, which has the direction of Anapa - Big Ugrisch, is called the local Broadway. There are many cafes, shops and kiosks in which vacationers are offered almost everything - from rubber slippers to souvenirs and pasties.

beach in succo reviews 2016

The central beach, owned by the local municipality, is the largest in the valley. There is a superbly developed infrastructure, and cleanliness is maintained at the highest level. One of the most characteristic advantages of the Central Beach lies in the juniper thickets surrounding it, which give vacationers a wonderful aroma. A positive factor in this part of the Black Sea coast are low waves. They are quenched by natural breakwaters, which are cliffs framing the coast.


Is the municipal beach of the village comfortable for vacationers? Yes. And this is confirmed by pictures taken in Sukko. Photos of beaches and the promenade (2015), reviews of vacationers - all this characterizes the coastal zone on the positive side. In the pictures you can see a large number of dining rooms and cafes, as well as sports and playgrounds. In addition, there are sun loungers and awnings on Central Beach. Everyone can hide in the shade under an umbrella.

Succo beaches photo reviews 2015

What other comments do those who spent time on Sukko Central Beach leave? Vacationers note the convenience of moving on pebbles. The fact is that there are wooden walkways on the beach. They allow you to protect your feet from small pebbles and walk along the coast with maximum comfort.


What does the central beach in Succo offer its guests? Reviews of the 2016th and previous tourist seasons indicate a large number of entertainments that are offered to guests of the resort. One of them is Pill. This is gliding along the water surface in a special inflatable "banana". Well, if vacationers prefer a more relaxed ride, then on the beach you can rent a catamaran. The resort provides its guests with the opportunity to go with the whole family to the open sea in a small boat. Such a walk lasts an hour and a half.

It is not surprising that the most common pictures about staying in Sukko are photos of the village and the beach. Reviews of vacationers suggest that the coastal territory of the resort is the place where they spent the bulk of their time. In addition, the Central Beach offers entertainment not only for adults. On its territory there is a children's water park. This is a small stretch of beach with a pool and three slides. The water park employs professional rescue trainers who carefully monitor the children.

There is an unusual bathhouse on Sukko Central Beach, which uses only sea water. Her visit is very beneficial for health, as it allows you to supply the body with useful negatively charged ions.

Succo beaches reviews 2015

What other memories may come from those who hear the words “Sukko, vacation 2016, photo, beach”? Guest reviews of the resort suggest that the most fun here is an inflatable slide. She is loved by people of all ages. The inflatable hill gives everyone an incredible charge of emotions, a wonderful mood, perfectly complements the rest.

Coastal area of ​​the camp "Change"

This beach is located to the left of Central and is not separated from it. Moreover, anyone can enter the coastal territory of the camp. What is the impression of the beaches of Sukko? Reviews 2015 and 2016 confirm their cleanliness. The guests of the resort say about the well-groomed coastal area of ​​the camp "Change". Its infrastructure consists of sunshades, toilets and changing cabins.

The bottom of the sea is flat, but, like everywhere else in Sukko, its depth is rapidly growing already a few meters from the coast. Due to the fact that the beach belongs to the children's camp, lifeguards are constantly monitoring the safety of swimmers.

Coastal area of ​​the Shingari boarding house

This beach is located to the right of Central. According to vacationers, it is perfect for those who come to the resort with children. The depth of the sea here is not growing as rapidly as on other beaches of Sukko.

In the infrastructure of the coastal territory of the Shingari boarding house is a rental. It offers sun loungers and other beach equipment. You can hide from the scorching rays of the sun under a canopy.

The coastal area of ​​the Shingari boarding house attracts the attention of diving enthusiasts. This is due to the convenient sea shelf located here. There is a diving club on the beach, which offers trips throughout the Anapa region. Transparent water and a variety of marine fauna and flora leave an unforgettable experience.

Barbaric gap

Those who visited the beaches of Sukko, photos, reviews (2015 and 2016) certainly left about this coastal territory. This picturesque place is located near the village of Varvarovka. You can get here from Succo by minibus or by car. You should go to the beach, focusing on the old vineyard on a dirt road in the direction of Varvarovka. For entry to the beach, motorists will have to pay a fee (100 rubles). Those who decide to visit the beach by public transport will need to take a minibus in the direction of Sukko-Ugrisch and warn the driver in advance about the end point of their route.

The beach "Varvarovskaya gap" has the same name with the gorge in which it is located. According to guests of the resort, the coast here is not as accessible to vacationers as in the village itself. However, at least once to visit this beach is still worth it. Indeed, very rare relic plants grow around it, creating an unforgettable landscape. In addition, this beach attracts attention with a calm and clear sea, as well as healthy mountain air.

beach succo pics reviews

During the tourist season, cafes open on this territory and the rental of sun loungers starts. There are trash bins and changing cabins.

In the central part of the Varvarovskaya Slit beach, catamarans and jet skis are rented. And anyone who wants to spend time away from the hustle and bustle can move to the right. This part of the beach is strewn with boulders, but gives a calm atmosphere. Tourists with tents like to stop at this site, paying a small fee for their parking.


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