Why is iPhone running out of battery faster? How to fix it?

A modern gadget that can work for a long time without recharging is the dream of a modern business person. Unfortunately, the more powerful and multi-functional a smartphone is, the more energy it consumes. Even the iPhone is prone to this, despite the fact that it works, regardless of model, it is still longer than Android devices. There are several reasons why the iPhone runs out of power faster, and several ways to solve this problem.

iphone discharges faster

Application cleaning

Despite the fact that the iOs operating system is quite easy and, so to speak, painlessly supports multitasking, some programs running in the background actively consume battery power. To avoid this, you should remove unnecessary applications. Those that are used less than once a month can be safely “demolished”. The iPhone discharges faster most often precisely because of these applications, which the user absolutely does not need.

battery for iphone


Of course, in some applications, the location recognition option is simply not enough. For example, in maps of the city and region. But, for example, a calculator or some kind of game can do without it. The battery for the iPhone will be drained much less, if not every application will track the location in the background . You can disable geolocation in the settings of the smartphone, in the "Privacy" subsection. If you do not need a location at all, then it’s best to disable the service everywhere. The battery will last even longer from this.

iphone began to discharge quickly


By default, all installed applications send messages to the user about their work. The iPhone discharges faster from this too. For example, notifications from the application of photo frames or photo processing are most often completely useless. According to statistics, the most popular messages are alerts from social networks, games and communication programs. Here you can customize the frequency and method of notification. In other applications, you can turn off alerts by the cavity. This is done in the "iPhone" settings, in the "Notifications" subsection. Or right in the application itself in the settings.

Postal service

If the iPhone began to run down quickly, and in the settings of the standard mail application it was set to “update automatically”, then most likely it is it “eats” charging. If there is no need to monitor incoming emails every second, then you can reconfigure the client for yourself. To do this, you need to set updates manually in the mail application settings. In this case, new messages will be downloaded only when the user starts and updates the client.

iphone 5s quickly discharges

the Internet

iPhone 5S quickly discharges most often due to the constantly on connection. And if it really is so necessary, then it is worth giving preference to Wi-Fi. Experts have calculated that mobile Internet (3G, 2G, 4G) consumes battery power in a matter of hours. Even if no applications are running. But Wi-Fi takes on a lot less precious charge. It is noteworthy that only the “iPhone” of the first five generations are “affected” by this. On iPhone 6 and later, things are a little better, despite the fact that the battery capacity has become a little less.

Automatic update

Yes, it’s convenient when applications update themselves as soon as a more recent version appears. But, unfortunately, the battery for the iPhone suffers from this like no other. Even if the Internet is disconnected, the automatic download endlessly tries to connect to the application server to download the new version. Therefore, in the settings, in the iTunes Store sub-item, it is better to disable this option. It is not difficult for users to independently launch the update on the smartphone.

iphone 6 quickly discharged


Some users do not even know what this option is and what it is for. iPhone discharges faster due to the fact that it is constantly looking for other i-gadgets that are nearby. That's what Airdrop is for. If there is no need for this option, then it can and should be disabled. She eats a battery charge very quickly, though not always required. It’s not so difficult to visually determine the owner of the “iPhone” among your environment, because he will have an “apple” gadget in his hands.


It is known for certain that it works only between "apple" devices. He sees no others. Therefore, if Bluetooth is not used, then it can be safely turned off. Why consume a battery on something you don’t use at all? Moreover, you can turn on Bluetooth with just one touch.

Screen brightness

With each version of the iPhone, the capacitive display is becoming more and more demanding in relation to the battery. Most often, iPhone 6 quickly discharges precisely because of incorrect screen settings. Do not set them to the maximum, automatic mode is enough. In this case, the brightness will be exactly as required by the environment. And this significantly saves the battery.

The battery is out of date

Since the battery is a consumable, its battery life cannot last forever. And it often happens that after a year or two of active use of the gadget, the battery becomes unusable. It is noteworthy that if in any other smartphone you can replace it almost painlessly, then with the iPhone it is easier to do differently - to get a new version. They come out every year, improving every time. And outdated versions no longer simply "pull" new versions of the operating system. Therefore, if the battery has deteriorated from old age, then you should pay attention to other models of apple gadgets. Or maybe even go over to the competition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40560/

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