The most important historical events of Russia in the primary school curriculum

The study of Russian history in schools begins already in the elementary grades. Pupils get acquainted in the lessons with key points from the past of our country. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of material for classes. Many facts are controversial, debatable and require reflection, others are complex, so it can be difficult for children to understand them. Therefore, in the elementary grades , maximum attention must be paid when constructing a history lesson, maybe even more than in the senior echelons.

Facts from the history of Kievan Rus

It is desirable to select the most important historical events in chronological order: this will make it easier for students to learn the material. Work on problematic issues in this case is perhaps inappropriate. First of all, children need to be introduced to the main facts and arouse their interest in further studying the discipline. In this regard, the history of Kievan Rus is the best option to achieve this goal. The most important historical events of the initial period attract schoolchildren with their epicness and color. The lesson can be accompanied by legends (for example, legends about the prophetic Oleg, his campaigns on Constantinople, and also about how he made Kiev the capital of his state).

major historical events

The rule of the following Kiev princes is of no less interest to students. The reign of Vladimir the Red Sun, his son Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh is liked by children precisely because many ancient legends, legends and legends are connected with their names that strongly affect the imagination of the children. One of the key moments in history is the fragmentation of Kievan Rus and the subsequent Mongol-Tatar yoke. Students should remember the reasons for the collapse of a single state into independent destinies and the negative consequences of the conquest of land by the Golden Horde.

History of Medieval Russia

The formation of the Moscow Principality and the unification of the Russian lands around it is a more complex topic than the Kievan Rus section. Important historical events in Russia require a more thorough and balanced approach. When referring to new material, it is best to continue studying the rule of the princes. So it will be easier for students to get involved in the educational process. Usually, teachers start the lesson with a description of the reasons for the rise of Moscow and call the skillful policies of its rulers as one of the conditions. So the teacher and students smoothly move to the first princes.

Moscow princes

The lessons include the policies of Daniel of Moscow, Ivan Kalita and their successors regarding the transformation of Moscow into the capital of the state. It is advisable to analyze the reasons for their success and the role in the liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The most important historical events at this stage are the Battle of Kulikovo and standing on the Ugra River, which saved Russia from the Horde dependency. At the same time, the personalities of Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan III must be represented in the classroom. Important historical events are annals, which are the most valuable memorial for the era under study: Trinity, Novgorod, Sofia, Nikon, Voskresenskaya, Simeonovskaya. They described these events in detail, which, undoubtedly, should interest students.

important historical events grade 4 literature

Russia in New Time

When studying the facts of the XVI – XVII centuries, the teacher turns, first of all, to the Troubles of the beginning of the century. Moreover, the lessons analyze the causes that led to this socio-economic and political crisis. Students go through the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible, in which the prerequisites for this serious consequence have ripened in Russia, which almost led to the destruction of statehood in our country. The most important historical events of this period should be presented to children very carefully, since such a fact as, for example, the oprichnina, is one of the most controversial in Russian historical science. Another key point is the annexation of Siberia, Kazan and Astrakhan, which expanded the territory of Muscovy.

important historical events of Russia

When studying the Time of Troubles, it is very important to emphasize the role of the people in the liberation of the capital, it is necessary to show the role of the militia and the general patriotic upsurge that swept the country. When referring to the time of the reign of the first kings from the Romanov dynasty, it is necessary to note the most fundamental moments in their activities, such as strengthening the economy and stabilizing the political situation in the state.

Peter I and the transformation of Russia into an empire

The beginning of the XVIII century was marked by the largest changes in the life of the country. During the reign of Peter Alekseevich, the state began to play one of the leading roles in the international arena. As a result of the Northern War, Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea and became an empire. Science, crafts, and secular culture began to develop actively. For the first time museums, professional marine, engineering, medical schools were opened. The Russian Empire created its fleet and became the largest naval power.

important historical events of the annals

An important role in these events was played by the personality of the new king. Peter I studied all his life and made others study. He made the country one of the most powerful countries in Western Europe. This was the main result of his reign, and schoolchildren should remember this fact as the main one in the first half of the 18th century. So must study the important historical events of grade 4. Literature for students usually consists of educational books, since in primary schools it is most important to interest children in the past of the Fatherland.


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