Weligama, Sri Lanka: hotels, beaches, weather, attractions, tourist reviews

Weligama (Sri Lanka) is a resort, a small town in the south of the island, which is located on the sandy coast of the Indian Ocean. How to get to it and what sights should you pay attention to? Read about it later.

General information

In this small village, local residents live off profits from tourism and fishing. Twelve years ago, a very strong tsunami occurred in Weligama, which covered its entire territory and destroyed a large number of houses. But today, fortunately, there is no trace of this disaster.

Weligama Sri Lanka

In Weligama, those who love surfing will like to relax. On the coast you will see golden sands, there are absolutely no stones and sharp rocks. However, there is no large flow of tourists who need a beach holiday. This is due to the incessant waves, which is why surfers like it here. Many tourists prefer to ride for their pleasure without sports interest. Here you can learn to surf, and overall Weligama is the best resort for surfers in southern Sri Lanka. Here you will find both schools for beginners and amateurs, and places where professionals are engaged.

Tourist infrastructure

The real symbol of the city is the fishermen who fish on a wooden pole. They knock him into the seabed a few meters from the coast. Visitors are often photographed with fishermen, and they also become the object of artistic photography or just a photo in memory of amazing Sri Lanka. However, in fact, they are not engaged in fishing! This feature is aimed at attracting tourists who can be asked for money for a photo.

weather in sri lanka in january

There is no well-developed infrastructure for travelers in Weligama, and you can stay here in a hotel or guesthouse, which provide at least minimally comfortable conditions. Here you will not be engaged in shopping, and you can only buy food or household items. Fishermen sell fish and seafood on the coast. There are few catering establishments, and sometimes you can also see shows with dances. Ayurveda is practiced in local hotels in Weligama. Tourists perceive these procedures as real exoticism, which ensures their popularity.

Beaches in Weligama

If you want to come to the beach, Weligama (Sri Lanka) as a whole you will like. There is a lot of clean sand in the bay, and the access to the sea does not spoil buildings and shops. We can say that some sections of the beach are quite comparable with paradise pictures depicting a vacation by palm trees. But at the same time there are few people, and there are also no traditional marine activities for tourists, with the exception of surfing. However, if you are set for long bathing, this area is unlikely to suit you, because the beach is small, clay is present in the sand, and the bottom surface is rather slippery. In the east of Weligama, in Mirissa, you can find an opportunity to relax without a surfboard.

weligama sri lanka reviews

Hotels in Weligama

In this part of the island there are good hotels and hotels. Weligama, Sri Lanka, provides an opportunity to find establishments from the budget, mid-price categories, as well as luxury. You can relax, enjoying the local flavor and atmosphere of this Ceylon, or stay in comfortable conditions in a rich villa. However, finding really cheap hotels here is not so simple, because the cost of a standard room in a beach hotel starts at forty dollars. If you need a truly budget option, go deep into the village. In a large number of hotels you can find a place oriented for surf lovers. In addition to housing here, tourists rent boards or train with local trainers.

Weligama Beach Sri Lanka

Near the western coast of Sri Lanka is a small island called Taproban. Here in the first half of the last century, a count of French descent built a delightful villa of white color with a roof of red tiles. Currently, this place is a luxury hotel with five stars, which is immersed in exotic green plants.

Hotels Weligama Sri Lanka

Weather conditions and holiday season

In Weligama you can relax at any time of the year. Weather in Sri Lanka in January, for example, allows you to enjoy the warm ocean and meet the New Year holidays in an exotic atmosphere. But remember that in order to relax in comfortable conditions without fear of cold and rain, it is best to come to Weligama in high season.

If we talk about the low, then this is the period from July to October. At this time, it can be overcast and relatively rainy. Of course, in the low season in Sri Lanka you can find an opportunity for a comfortable stay, but just then there is a risk of spoiling your mood with bad weather.

But when is it worth coming to Weligama? Choose the time of the high season - from November to June. Weather in Sri Lanka in January, February, March and April guarantees a vacation without rains and cloudy skies.

Sri Lanka Weligama Attractions

How to get to the city

The location of Weligama allows you to get to the city from Colombo Airport, as well as from the cities of Colombo and Galle. In this case, the last settlement is used for transplantation, to catch a bus to the resort. This mode of transport allows you to get to where Weligama, Sri Lanka is located. Feedback from tourists suggests that it is still best to get to the resort by taxi from Colombo Airport.

For great savings, you can leave here by bus or train. You go from the airport to a stop, then transfer to a flight to the cities of Matara or Galle, and on the way get off at Weligama station.

Sri Lanka, Weligama: Attractions

This area does not have a large number of attractions for tourists to visit. A few kilometers from Weligama you can go to a snake farm. And near the local bay, visitors are recorded on excursions to blue whales. In addition, the village of Khabaraduva can please you with an amazing turtle farm.

As for architectural monuments, there is a unique flavor: the colonial architecture of the Portuguese with carved decor, Buddhist stupas and Catholic churches. In particular, tourists like the three-meter-long statue dedicated to the god of death, which was carved into the rock. Near the sculpture you can see the cave called Kustoraja, in which, according to local legends, the ruler of Sri Lanka lived with leprosy, who defeated his ailment. He led an ascetic lifestyle and ate only coconut milk, as a result of which he was healed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G40568/

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