Sberbank, settlement and cash services: tariffs, features and reviews

For financial transactions to be reliable and timely, it is necessary to choose a stable bank. After all, it will ensure the safety of funds storage and fast settlement speed. Such an organization is Sberbank. Settlement and cash services, the tariffs of which are very favorable, are performed there at the highest level, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews. Read more about the service in the article.

Sberbank Settlement and Cash Services Tariffs

The organization has a hundred-year history of activity, which only confirms reliability and success. Thanks to the developed branch network, services are available to the entire population of the country. Sberbank draws up accounts in several currencies and performs services on the basis of established law. Tariffs for settlement and cash services in Sberbank are very favorable. It can be issued by individuals and legal entities. According to reviews, such services at Sberbank are among the most profitable.

General information

Settlement and cash services (RKO) involves the opening and maintenance of accounts. Moreover, their currency may be national or foreign. The Bank provides services to individuals and legal entities on the operations of crediting funds and debiting without restrictions on the amounts.

Sberbank settlement and cash services for legal entities rates

The client who applied for the service must comply with modern legislation and the requirements of Sberbank. He should also prepare the necessary documents that are needed to conclude a contract.


Sberbank has a number of advantages in settlement and cash services:

  1. Reliability of operating procedures.
  2. Effective deposits for corporate clients.
  3. A lot of ATMs in the country.
  4. High quality service and consulting services in the field of higher economy, foreign exchange transactions.
  5. Creation for corporate clients of round-the-clock counseling on a dedicated line.
  6. Many currencies of other countries.
  7. Banking using remote services.
  8. Special offers from partners of Sberbank.
  9. Favorable loan offers.

As evidenced by numerous reviews, the service is very convenient in everyday life. In business, he allows you to organize your activities in an organized manner. Individuals can also appreciate the benefits of services.

Cashless transactions

RKO of cashless transactions includes:

  1. Fast execution of customer orders.
  2. Information on receipt / withdrawal of funds.
  3. Preparation of financial transaction results.

Settlement and cash services for individuals Sberbank Tariffs

To manage funds, banks offer service packages, both basic and additional. All enterprises have the opportunity to choose the most profitable program. The company works with a credit institution through the transfer of orders to perform actions with money. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Classic - orders are transmitted in person or by proxy. Since time is spent traveling to the office, few choose this option.
  2. Online banking is a way to manage funds with the remote presentation of payment orders. This option is the most common. According to reviews, cash management services of Sberbank simplifies the activities of companies, which is why many turn to this organization.

Why is an RKO required at the bank?

Earlier settlement and cash services were performed at Sberbank JSC, now the organization has the status of PJSC. All activities in the field of cash settlement are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking", the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other provisions. In order for the transactions to be legal, an agreement is made for the settlement services. A current account is required for individuals and legal entities, as the following services will be available:

  • non-cash transactions;
  • cash transactions;
  • provision of bank statements on operations performed;
  • account management.

As the reviews confirm, the Savings Bank's SSC allows you to ensure the safety of doing business. For individuals, it is also convenient, because it allows you to get many benefits. Moreover, for each category of citizens the list of services may differ.

For individuals

The current account for this category of citizens is current. It has fewer opportunities compared to programs for legal entities. It is usually used to transfer salaries, perform various financial transactions, cashless transactions, Internet banking and other services. According to reviews, because of this, many clients use the services of the institution.

Sberbank for corporate clients; tariffs; settlement and cash services

In Sberbank current accounts are served free of charge. Operations are charged a fee. For example, she will have to pay for receiving cash from a current account. Tariffs for settlement and cash services in Sberbank for legal entities are considered one of the best. To open an account you need:

  • apply to the bank, taking a passport;
  • issue an invoice;
  • familiarize yourself and sign an agreement on cash settlement services.

This is the end of the procedure. The client can use the services of a large organization in the country. Tariffs for settlement and cash services for individuals in Sberbank differ from programs for legal entities. According to reviews, it is beneficial for all categories of citizens to draw up such services.

For legal entities

The list of services for legal entities is longer, because thanks to them a huge income of the bank is created. Based on the agreement, RCO Sberbank provides from the accounts funds for salaries, social benefits, scholarships, pensions, allowances and insurance fees. As can be seen from the reviews, many legal entities use these services.

Settlement and cash services in Jsc Sberbank

In addition to the classic service, it is possible to connect the Bank-Client, so that the service will be performed via the Internet. To open a contract you will need:

  • a card of sample signatures and stamps of the company (certified by a notary);
  • management passports (copies);
  • memorandum of association (copies);
  • certificates from the tax and social funds about the absence of debts.

As can be seen from the reviews, many legal entities conduct their activities on the basis of Sberbank. It is profitable and reliable, moreover, it is safe.


Tariffs for settlement and cash services at Sberbank consist in the fact that fees are charged for service and transaction execution. Fees vary by region, so you can only find out the exact amount at your local office. But in any case, it is possible to issue cash out payments everywhere. Tariffs of Sberbank of Russia for settlement and cash services include:

  • The standard design of the p / s is 5 thousand rubles.
  • Its conduct is 2 thousand rubles a month.
  • Creating an extract is free.
  • Closing r / s - for free.
  • Replenishment of funds - free of charge.
  • Transfer from a settlement account on the basis of an order - up to 150 rubles for 1 operation.
  • Cash provision - up to 2% (minimum 150 rubles).

In addition to the indicated commissions, tariffs for settlement and cash services in Sberbank for legal entities may include other fees. In addition to the usual billing, you can choose a tariff plan. Each of them has its own conditions.

Tariff Plans

To perform cash settlement services for a business, the following tariffs apply:

  1. Basis. Monthly fee is 2700 rubles. Available will be 1 r / s and up to 10 operations. The limit of replenishment of cash per month is 80 thousand rubles, and more is considered at regular rates. The limit on the issuance of funds is 140 thousand rubles per month.
  2. Assets. The cost per month is 3000 rubles. The client will have access to 1 r / s and up to 20 operations per month. The limit on crediting per month is up to 300 thousand rubles, and on issuance - 100.
  3. Optima. The price is 4400 rubles. Will be available 1 r / s and up to 30 operations. The limit on admission is 150 thousand rubles, and for issuance - 250.

cash settlement business services

As can be seen from the reviews, all programs are in demand. To activate the tariff, it is necessary to issue an account in rubles and conclude a service agreement. Then the client will have access to all the benefits of the services. There are tariffs for settlement and cash services for corporate clients in Sberbank. Moreover, prices in each region are different.


The main difference is the list of required documents for concluding a transaction. LLC owners must prepare OGRN certificates and registration with tax authorities, charters, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, protocol documents on the organization of the LLC, orders as agreed upon for the positions of managers and chief accountant (copies of their passports). Lists of LLC participants and other documents will also be required.

If the CSC is issued for an individual entrepreneur, then you need to provide a passport, a registration number, certificates from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, INN, OGNIP. By law, individual entrepreneurs may not draw up settlement accounts - it is possible to open a bank card. But if the calculations will be performed between legal entities, then the work is based on cashless payments.

rko of sberbank of russia cash settlement tariffs

IP without an account will not deliver payment terminals. If the account is drawn up, then for convenience a card of an individual is connected to it for transferring funds to it without interest. LLC needs to open a checking account for its work. A personal card for them is not issued, all settlement procedures will be with fees.

Thus, CSC is a necessary service for individuals and legal entities. Given the reviews, everyone should have this service. The main thing is to choose the most suitable program from the tariffs presented.


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