Theory of passionarity and its use in psychology

The ideas of the theory of passionarity of L.N. Gumilyov were initially used to understand the processes of development, formation, extinction and survival of ethnic groups, and passionaries - as a necessary potential for the preservation and revival of ethnic entities. The theory of passionarity is based on biological phenomena that are characteristic not only of humans, but also of animals. Therefore, the passionaries are presented by the author as individuals with an increased level of energy, which is used by them for survival processes.

In psychology, the theory of passionarity is considered as a science that describes a new category of people with the features of a heroic personality. These features develop in the process of education, relying on the increased potential for activity of the child, which is directed by teachers for socially significant goals. From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, passionarity is a complex of socially valuable personality traits, the unity of which allows a person to show his increased activity in socially significant activities, useful both for society and for the individual.

1) Volitional qualities. The theory of passionarity characterizes the passionary personality as a person with a β€œlong will”. And although the goal often remains illusory, a passionate person, under the influence of an irresistible desire for activity, easily overcomes any obstacles that are encountered on the way to achieving his plan, finds ways and means to achieve the goal.

2) Adaptability. The passionary theory of ethnogenesis suggests that a passionate person is capable of conquering new territories, of their development and use. Therefore, he has a high level of adaptation to new conditions, as well as the ability to change conditions for himself, improving a new environment. Its adaptability is rated as over-adaptation.

3) Sacrifice. Passionate leaders live a bright but short life, because willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. They are often diagnosed with a risk appetite, a low level of their own life value combined with an experience of passion and impulsivity.

4) Aggressiveness. In some sources, the passionary theory is called the theory of aggression, because connected with the conquest of territories, with the conduct of wars, revolutions, riots, rebellions. Passionaries also have a high level of aggressiveness, because are commanders, leaders, warriors. But aggressiveness for them is only a means to change the situation, to refract the development of an ethnic group. The final goal is defined as constructive, i.e. aimed at creating new, more comfortable living conditions for society.

5) Temperament. Passionaries are characterized as people who are active from birth, temperamental, so often they are diagnosed with a choleric or sanguine type of temperament.

6) Complementarity. It is estimated as positive complementarity, i.e. manifests itself as a "consonance" with his people. In his ethnic group, a passionate person feels himself not just β€œhis” man, but also feels responsibility for all members of society. Complementarity initially manifests itself in small groups and is closely associated with adaptation, i.e. when a child enters a new team, he perceives its members as "their own", which allows you to quickly get used to new conditions.

The theory of passionarity of L.N. Gumilyov is based on the description of vivid historical figures who were able to change the life of their ethnic group, bring it to a new level of development. Psychological science, conducting biographical research, was able to compose a portrait of a passionary, relying on the personal qualities and character traits inherent in such people, which makes it possible to recognize and recognize contemporary passionaries and direct their activities into socially significant activities.


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