What is a crusade? The essence of the Crusades

The Middle Ages is an era that is rich in events that have become crucial for world history. And undoubtedly, the Crusades were and remain the most important of them. Answers to questions about the importance of these events are very difficult to find, but still worth a try.

what is a crusade

The emergence of ideas

Like most historical events, the Crusades have economic reasons. Although they were supported by a higher idea. What is a crusade from the point of view of a medieval peasant is not difficult to figure out. First of all, this is a struggle for the most important Christian shrines, which, due to historical events, were located on the territory of Islamic states. But at the same time, material benefits were very important for the inhabitants of European monarchies. It was not even about the fabulous riches of Muslim countries, everything was much simpler. For the European peasant in general and the French peasant in particular, at least some hope of more or less acceptable living conditions was very important. In those days, France was not going through the best of years, a long famine, coupled with terrible epidemics, undermined the economic power of the empire. In less than half a century, these misfortunes brought the country's population to complete impoverishment. The positive results of the Crusades were to restore the faith of the population in the monarchy and the Christian model of worldview.

Church influence

As we know, the church has always had a huge influence on political affairs. The essence of the Crusades was also formulated by the clergy. It all started with a passionate speech delivered by Pope Urban II. He is considered the ideological inspirer of the Crusades.

To the question of in which year the crusade was first organized, one can accurately answer: in 1095. This is the year of the fateful speech of the aforementioned pope, after which the organization of the cross movement began. The purpose of the latter was not only the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher, but also the capture of unbelievable untold wealth. Dad fervently convinced the ruined Europeans that all this belonged to them, and only by absurd chance was in the hands of enemies. All that was required to be done was to go and take it away, which later turned out to be not so easy.

results of the crusades


Nevertheless, there were quite a few who wanted to take part in the liberation of the main Christian shrine from the hands of infidels. Still, in addition to the mandatory enrichment of the crusader, and this is what the soldiers participating in the campaigns were called, something else was promised. It was about absolution (an unprecedented privilege in those days). Moreover, there were no longer any calls for austerity, from which medieval Europe suffered even so. It became clear what a crusade was, and why it was organized. The essence was the need to transfer ownership of the country of milk and honey to those to whom it should rightfully belong. It was, of course, about Christians from Europe.

6 crusades

Organization and implementation

A year after the fiery speech of the pope, the first crusaders rushed to the Holy Land. There was an army whose purpose was the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher from the infidels, from the peasants. Strange, but they did not have any stocks and weapons, which already determined the outcome of the campaign. The result was quite sad: almost everyone was exterminated on the way to their destination.

Twelve months later, better-trained warriors made another attempt. They were already lucky. Despite the difficulties, the participants of the campaign captured a number of cities, having won them from the formidable Seljuks. They even managed to take Jerusalem in 1099, which was a huge victory for the Christian world. It is difficult to describe all the hardships that the crusaders suffered in desert lands. To the question of what a crusade is from the point of view of an ordinary warrior, the answer will not be so optimistic. These are constant diseases and lack of water, fear of being killed by formidable Seljuks.

crusades answers

Failures and their causes

To wage war on enemy territory, you need to have a significant advantage, not only quantitative, but also qualitative. The organizers of the crusades had neither the first nor the second. Yes, a huge army of well-equipped crusaders advanced behind the Holy Grail, but the vast territory was to cross. A significant part of the soldiers died on the way to the Holy Land.

If we consider the 6 crusades, we can see that only two of them were partially or fully successful. Even if the army of the crusaders managed to take possession of certain territories, then soon they either lost them as a result of the battles, or surrendered them voluntarily.

It is difficult to describe all the difficulties that the army of the crusaders faced in their enemy territory. The tactics of warfare, which was strikingly different from the Muslim one, also made itself felt. The armor of the knights, so necessary earlier, in the conditions of incredible heat, only interfered with the movement and maneuverability of the warrior, in no way protecting him from the arrows of the Seljuks.

what year is the crusade

Significance and Consequences

What is a crusade? In the events of those times, a lot of events and facts intertwined. But it should be remembered that in the first place it was an era of tremendous change. After the campaigns, the socio-political situation in Europe changed. A new class was born and firmly established in it, the so-called free landowners. The positions of church leaders were strengthened, because they managed to motivate the vast masses of the people to a rather strange undertaking. Improving trade relations between Christian and Muslim countries is probably the greatest success for everyone. Knights who visited one or several campaigns learned more about the life of the Seljuks. Then, when the hostilities ended, the former enemies began to learn from each other, a new mutually beneficial relationship was born.

what year is the crusade


You should not forget how important the era of the Crusades is for every European. Thanks to her, many countries were able to reach a new, better level in their development. Some scholars consider the study of the era in which the Crusades took place the whole life of their life.

Grade 6 high school - a time when children read out adventure novels. It is it that is reserved for familiarization with the era of the knights. Children are impressed, they seem fabulous valiant warriors from the Knights Templar and other brave men.

You can find enough material on the topic, especially since scientists publish new works every year based on research results. It is advisable to encourage children to small independent activities. For example, the study of excerpts from extracurricular literature, which has the features of a work of art. It is important for children to know more about this period of world history, about the conflict between the two leading world religions, about the honor, valor and courage of the ancient knights. Yes, the Crusades are an exciting topic, you can study it endlessly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45233/

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