Trastevere, Rome: history and attractions

As you know, all roads lead to Rome. Perhaps, once the road will lead you to the capital of Italy. The stunning city is literally filled with beautiful places and historical sights. In our article we want to talk about the popular area of ​​Trastevere (Rome), located on the left bank of Rome. It is famous for its cobbled streets, fantastic restaurants, bars and historical monuments.

History of Trastevere

Rome is a magnificent city, famous thanks to Alexander the Great, Caesar and its rich history. The Italian capital is filled with historical sights, among which a special place is occupied by ancient quarters, each of which is fraught with mysteries of the past.

In total, the city has about 35 quarters, and 15 of them were founded at the beginning of the last century. All of them have their purpose: some are considered rich areas with expensive hotels, others are business centers, and still others are historical and cultural.

trastevere rome

Trastevere (Rome) is a rather modest Roman region, which up to now managed to maintain its identity and the spirit of the real Middle Ages. There are still narrow cobblestone streets, which are his hallmark. The quarter is the best place for walking tourists and couples. Currently, Trastevere is filled with souvenir shops, shops, restaurants, cafes and pizzerias.

It is difficult for contemporaries to imagine that at the beginning of their history (in the 1st century BC) the district was completely abandoned and of no interest to anyone. Exiled Etruscans lived on its territory. And after some time, visiting Jews and Syrians began to settle here. With its rich history and the presence of unique objects, the Trastevere district in Rome owes to the multinational composition of its inhabitants, belonging to different faiths.

The quarter could become part of the city only during the reign of Aurelian (this happened at the beginning of the 1st century A.D.), which enclosed the city with a wall. But Trastevere (Rome) reached its heyday during the reign of Caesar. During this period, the area became popular among the rich. On his lands were built villas of noble nobles and even the mansion of the emperor himself.

In the Middle Ages, the area became an ordinary working quarter. Its inhabitants differed from other Romans in traditions and a special dialect. It was in Trastevere (Rome) that the very first street fairs and stunning poetry evenings began to be held . Moreover, local residents even began to spend their own holidays. The most important of them is Noantry, which means “we are different” in translation.

In the 70-80 years of the last century, the Trastevere district in Rome became popular among immigrants and the middle class. After that, numerous tourists came here. The area has become more lively, it began to build new shops, cafes, attracting visitors and visitors to the city.

The modern look of the area

Currently, Trastevere (Rome), the photo of which is given in the article, is a picturesque corner of the capital. Its romantic labyrinths of cobbled streets, stalls and medieval churches, tiny churches and Czech houses decorated with flower boxes draw in many tourists.

During its long history, the district has undergone many restructures, changing its appearance. And now Trastevere is filled not only with ancient buildings and attractions, but also decorated with modern cafes and restaurants that add festivity to this place.

Trastevere district in Rome

The rich history has forever left its mark in the shape of the quarter. The unusual and unique architecture of the area gives it a special charm. Probably, for this reason, tourists certainly try to walk along the streets of Trastevere (Rome). What to see in this lovely corner of Rome? The answer is simple: that's it! Here, every corner is filled with sights and secrets.

Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome

The Trastevere district is a place with its amazing energy and beauty. The most popular place in this area, which is also its center, is St. Mary's Square. It is of interest also in that it belongs to the oldest sights of the city.

Tourists and the Romans themselves come here to admire the stunning mosaics of Pietro Cavallini and the octagonal fountain.

Perhaps the main attraction of the area can be considered the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere. It was founded in the third century by St. Kallikst, and the construction was completed already under Pope Julia I. Over the many centuries of the temple's existence, it was restored and rebuilt many times. But still managed to maintain its unique appearance.

Scientists suggest that the church became one of the first temples in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary. She gained fame in connection with the fact that it was in her that the Mass was first openly served. The history of the creation of the church is shrouded in various legends. One of them says that even in ancient times, on the birthday of Christ, in an inconspicuous place, Trastevere unexpectedly began to beat a spring with clear water.

Trastevere Rome what to see

The Jewish community interpreted this as a special sign, so much later a temple was erected in this place. The appearance of the building that we see now was created in the middle of the twelfth century by decree of Innocent II. According to experts, the earlier building was completely destroyed by the personal order of the pope due to the fact that his political opponent was secretly buried in this place.

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere (Rome)

What to see in Trastevere? Of course, Santa Cecilia deserves attention. In the fifth century AD, a basilica was built here, which was dedicated to Roman Cecilia. Believers tell the legend that the temple was erected on the spot where the house of Cecilia once stood. The martyr, sainted, is the patroness of music. The old Romanesque building was significantly changed in the ninth century, and after another seven hundred years, Santa Cecilia was completely rebuilt.

Inside the temple, the wall painting of Pietro Cavallini (13th century), marble columns, and statuettes of angels have been preserved to our time. The chapel is decorated with the works of Luigi Vanvitelli and Antonio del Massaro. The main value of the temple is the sculpture of Cecilia itself, which was created by a late Renaissance master named Stefano Moderno.

Museum in Trastevere

In the capital of Italy, almost every street has its own history and some kind of secret. No less interesting for tourists is the Trastevere district in Rome. Sights located on its territory are worthy of close attention.

trastevere district rome reviews

To get acquainted with the history of the area, and the whole of Rome, you should visit the museum in Trastevere. It is located in St. Aegidius Square. Within its walls are collected exhibits reflecting the difficult life of the Romans in the 18th-19th centuries. This period was not easy for all of Italy. The museum displays art objects, paintings, staged episodes from the life of different segments of the population.

Temple of San Pietro

The center of the historical district is Pishinula Square, the main part of which is still paved with paving stones. It houses the temple of the same name and a large number of entertainment venues.

Tourists should see the church of San Pietro in Montorio. The Catholic Church has preserved within its walls true masterpieces of architecture, painting, art and sculpture. The architecture of the building itself is a prime example of the Renaissance style.

Botanical Garden

A green oasis in the center of Trastevere is the Botanical Garden. On its territory you can admire a large collection of Mediterranean plants. It is located on the grounds of the old villa of Corsini. In the eighteenth century, Queen Christina of Sweden lived here . Since 1883, the villa has been owned by the Italian state. Since then, a vast garden (12 hectares) is open to visitors. Its highlight is the Garden of Fragrances and the Oriental Corner.

Villas and palaces Trastevere

Tourists should be aware that the Trastevere district in Rome (testimonials to this confirmation) is interesting not only for temples and churches. On its beautiful streets there are many old villas, fountains and palaces.

santa maria in trastevere in rome

Villa Fornesina is an example of Renaissance architecture. It was built as a country house for a famous banker, but later the estate passed into the possession of Cardinal Forensi. The villa is famous for the fact that at one time Rafael, Peruzzi and Sodoma worked on its interiors.

A few steps away is the Palazzo Corsini alla Lungara. The palace was built in the fifteenth century. But in 1736 it was acquired by representatives of the Corsini family. During the occupation of Italy by Napoleon’s troops, the brother of the famous commander lived in this building.

Currently, the building belongs to the state, and within its walls is an art gallery and library. Everyone can see the works of Rubens, Caravaggio and other famous masters here.

Very often Villa Chara is called the green heart of Trastevere. Locals are very fond of this place, although in recent years it has been in some desolation. Once there were the famous gardens of Caesar. In the sixteenth century the beauty of the places was appreciated by the local nobility, and since then villas have been built on the lands. The territory of the estate is interesting in that, in addition to the building, there are a beautiful park, sculptures and fountains.

Other attractions of the area

A triumphal arch called the Septimius Gate was built on the territory of the district. This structure marks the border along which the ancient wall that guarded Rome once passed.

trastevere rome reviews

A lot of fountains have been built on the territory of Trastevere, giving coolness on hot days. One of them is Del Aqua Paola. It is located near the church of Santo Pietro. Locals gave the fountain a cute nickname Fontanone. It was built in 1612 at the behest of Pope Paul V. Flaminio Ponzo and Giovanni Fontana worked on his project.


We can say that for tourists the restaurants of Trastevere (Rome) are the hallmark of the area. Here on every street you will find cozy cafes, pizzerias, taverns and souvenir shops, as well as street musicians.

Local restaurants delight visitors with excellent national cuisine. The best institutions of Trastevere recognized:

  1. Popi Popi is a restaurant with a great atmosphere and delicious cuisine. The pride of the establishment is a very special pizza, perfectly cooked meat and traditional Italian pasta.
  2. Ivo F Trastevere is the best place for lovers of Italian pizza. Real professionals cook it in special ovens that give the dish a special refined taste. There are always a lot of people in this institution, which once again confirms its incredible popularity.
  3. Carlo Menta is one of the best restaurants in Trastevere. The guests of the restaurant can appreciate the perfect combination of traditional dishes and their value.
  4. Casetta di Trastevere - a restaurant known for interesting drinks and cocktails, as well as delicious dishes.
  5. Alle Fratte di Trastevere is an excellent establishment with good national cuisine, known for its delicious desserts and coffee.

trastevere rome photo

Walking along the streets of Trastevere, be sure to look into one of the listed establishments and appreciate the taste of real Italian dishes. After all, only in Italy they know how to cook so well.

Swap meet

If you are not too attracted by visiting the historical attractions of the area, then you might want to go to the famous flea market with the beautiful name of Porta Porteze. True lovers of antiques and unusual things always gather here. Every Sunday, tourists come here in search of unique antique furniture, dishes and clothes.

How to get to Trastevere?

Every tourist planning a trip to the capital of Italy, the question arises: “Where is the Trastevere district in Rome? How to get to it? ” Experienced tourists, of course, recommend immediately get a map of Rome. It will be very useful to you not only during the search for the area, but will also help you navigate while walking around Trastevere (Rome). How to get to the old district depends on where you stay in Rome. It is worth remembering that Trastevere is located on the west coast of the Tiber River, occupying the eastern slope of the Yanikula hill. It is not difficult to get here, as the transport connection in Rome is well established. The easiest way to use trams number 8 and 3 or the metro.

Trastevere district in Rome attractions

Alternatively, Trastevere can also be reached on foot via the Cestio and Fabrichio bridges across the island of Tiberina or the Sisto bridge from Farnese Palace. Tourists who first visit the area should also think about how to get out of it later. After all, the whole Trastevere consists of a network of narrow streets similar to one another, it is very easy to get lost in them. You can navigate yourself using the map, choosing major temples and squares as the main landmarks.

Reviews of tourists about Trastevere

Tourists who visited Trastevere (Rome), reviews of which are given in the article, highly recommend everyone to visit here. The area is literally filled with a special atmosphere of stunning comfort and an eternal holiday. Narrow streets endlessly intertwined with each other, creating the impression of infinity, their silence is replaced by the noise of squares with stunning fountains and temples.

restaurants trastevere rome

The eventful history of Rome left its mark on the appearance of Trastevere. After seeing temples, basilicas and visiting a museum, you can plunge into the atmosphere of bygone eras. The multinational composition of the inhabitants of the district has contributed to the culture and architecture of the district’s houses, thanks to which Trastevere is filled with a very special flavor. In order to take a leisurely look at the most interesting places in the quarter, it’s worth highlighting more than one day. And ideally, you can settle in one of the cozy houses in the area - this is what tourists advise. On the territory of the quarter there are small beautiful hotels. But there are not so many of them as in other parts of Rome. However, if you wish, you can still find a suitable room in one of the hotels. In the daytime and in the evenings, Trastevere has a completely different look. At dusk, its streets dress in bright lights, giving a romantic atmosphere. Numerous cafes are filled with locals and tourists, tired of the day from walking. According to the guests of Rome, it is in Trastevere that you should try national dishes. The local restaurants are deliciously prepared, anywhere else you will find such delicious pizza and desserts.

Trastevere and legends

The whole area of ​​Trastevere is shrouded in secrets and legends; literally every building has an extraordinary story to tell. It is difficult to judge which legends are true and which are just fictitious. One of them, for example, talks about the meeting of the famous artist Raphael with Margarita Luti. In 1508, he worked on the painting of the Villa Farnesina. One day he saw in the window of a neighboring house a girl who was combing her hair. It is believed that it was Margarita Luti who subsequently became the prototype of the famous “Sistine Madonna”, as well as “Donna Velata” and many more works of the master. An interesting fact is that local guides with special pride demonstrate to vacationers that window in the villa in which Rafael first saw the girl who inspired him.

Instead of an afterword

Arriving in Rome, try to find time to walk around the most charming and interesting area of ​​the capital. Local attractions and restaurants offering delicious food will conquer your heart forever.


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