Sights of Balakhna: description, photo, where to go and what to see, reviews

Balakhna is one of the oldest cities in Russia, founded back in the 15th century. However, ancient tribes existed here several millennia before the official declaration of the territory of the city. Balakhna can be proud of a long history. The city is the birthplace of a man who can rightfully be considered one of the savior of Russia in the era of the Time of Troubles - Kuzma Minin. Sights of Balakhna and the Nizhny Novgorod region attract many tourists. The city is located on the Volga, near Nizhny Novgorod. A huge number of salt industrialists and navigators live in Balakhna, because it was in this quiet place that ships were built that in the future would constitute the great armada of Peter the Great.

Where to go in Balakhna?

Balakhna, a monument to Kuzma Minin

Of course, visiting Balakhna, it is worth looking at the monument to Kuzma Minin. This is one of the most striking sights of Balakhna and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The monument was erected in 1943, at the very height of the war. The pedestal is decorated with stucco molding, which is the main episode of the second popular militia. According to legend, the monument was erected at the first stop of Minin and Pozharsky. It is located in the very center of the city on Sovetskaya Square, which the townspeople call Minin Square. Initially, the monument was made of concrete, but it was destroyed. In 1990, the pedestal was restored, but from copper. Having visited the monument, you can "touch" the history and admire the ancient center of the ancient city.

Balakhna is a city of temples

Balakhna, St. Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church is the oldest building of Balakhna. This attraction is ancient, only the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is older. According to historical facts, the church was founded in 1552. Then Ivan the Terrible took Kazan, after which the tsar decided to coincide with the construction of a new church for a great event. In the church until 1917 there was a miraculous icon "Hodegetria", which disappeared after the revolution. The shrine of the church is the relics of Hieromonk Pafnutius, the founder of the Intercession Monastery, which is part of the St. Nicholas Church until its abolition. St. Nicholas Church is an example of classical church architecture, but the uniqueness of the attraction is that, although it is built of stone, it is modeled after wooden temples. It is worth looking at another amazing phenomenon. A gravestone was discovered in the basement of the church, which means the presence of an ancient necropolis.

The generosity of the local salt industry

Balakhna, Church of the Savior

Balakhna has always been a salt granary and, accordingly, has given rise to many salt industrialists, among whom was G.E. Dobrynin. He was a kind of philanthropist - built on his savings a stone church, called Spassky, at the place where there were two wooden churches that were burned during the Time of Troubles. Later, a column was attached to the Spasskaya Church, which became the final link in the formation of the church ensemble. In the 1920s, the temple was closed due to the spread of atheistic ideology, and all the icons were exported or sold. Soon after the war, the ensemble was restored, but only after years, the Savior Church was transferred to clergy. The attraction is surprisingly beautiful due to the peculiar finish, in which the spirit of early Baroque is felt.

The youngest temple

Balakhna, Sretenskaya church

Sretenskaya church undoubtedly deserves the attention of a traveler. It is the result of the union of two wooden churches, and the funds for this were donated by the count from the Sheremetyev family, distinguished by his patronage of culture and art. The shrine of the temple is a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, to which many believers come to the temple. The church, made in the style of classicism and baroque, has retained its charm and attracts tourists.

The estate on the banks of the Volga

The estate of the merchant Khudyakov

The estate of the merchant Khudyakov is located on a street parallel to the Volga. Behind a loose forest, you can see beautiful landscapes that attract travelers. It is interesting that the lower floor of the building is made of stone, and the second - of wood. The decoration of the estate is so skillful that the landmark embodies the architectural completeness and aesthetic perfection. It is amazing that the estate’s interior, stucco ceiling and floor remained completely intact, and the external facade after the destruction was successfully restored. Khudyakova Manor has a rich history, because in Soviet times it acted as a shelter for disadvantaged children, and until 2001 it was a kindergarten. If you are planning a sightseeing route and are considering where to go in Balakhna, go to the Khudyakov estate.

Monument to women

An amazing monument is located in Balakhna, dedicated to the real heroes, who are often forgotten, - women. The pedestal is installed at the entrance to the city so that everyone passing by can see it. This unusual monument is erected by men who paid tribute to mothers, wives and daughters. According to the authors themselves, women should be thanked for their work, for everything that they have to endure from men, which is why the idea arose to build such a monument. Not only those who want to repent of something come here, but also the newlyweds. Another local tradition is connected with this monument - to leave a trifle near it, so that anyone in need can come here and get a little financial help.

Fragile lace of Nizhny Novgorod

Lace Museum in Balakhna

If the extraction and production of salt can be called industry, then weaving the finest lace is an art that has been developing in the city for centuries. Holidays in Balakhna will be unforgettable if you visit the museum, under the roof of which exhibits of lace items from the eighteenth century are collected. The drawing of a “balakhan rose” is what defines lace weaving in Balakhna. Legend has it that the great Empress Catherine the Second bought lace with this pattern from local craftswomen. The Balakhna lace was so beautiful that the Queen of England ordered it to decorate her wedding dress. Among the exhibits of the museum you can find sweaters and shawls, scarves and thin tulle. Of particular note is lace that was woven in the Soviet period. This suggests that lace weaving was also developed during this period. In the museum you can see wooden sculptures, household utensils, various household displays that allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of peasant life in serf Russia. You will surely find what to see in Balakhna, in the lace museum.

Object of cultural heritage - Plotnikov’s mansion

Particular attention should be paid to the mansion of the merchant of the first guild Plotnikov. Now the building is transferred to the museum historical complex. This is a unique attraction of the city of Balakhna. The building itself is of extraordinary value: a three-story building built of massive stone, it is somewhat reminiscent of the architecture of St. Petersburg. Its facade is richly decorated with frescoes and stucco, the windows in the form of arches are filled with decorative details. Currently, the mansion houses an archaeological museum, the exposition of which is dedicated to primitive society, as well as to animals and birds living in the territory of this region. In the museum you can see pottery, leather and glass-blowing production. As noted earlier, Balakhna is an ancient stronghold of salt production, so in the museum you can look at various devices that were used in the extraction of salt. In the halls of the second floor there is a constantly updated exposition - these are both creations of brick production and lace.

A miracle for little tourists

Balakhna is one of the few provincial cities with a zoo. This is a branch of Limpopo Zoo, referred to as the "Small Country". Here you can have fun with the whole family, chat with animals, and ride rides in the summer. At the zoo you can find camels, zebras, alpacas and kangaroos, antelopes, lynxes, raccoons and monkeys, as well as countless birds.

Where the fountain sparkles

Volzhsky park, Balakhna

A favorite vacation spot for residents and visitors of the city is Volzhsky Park, which was reconstructed several years ago. The territory of the park is landscaped: it has bike paths, paved paths for walks, as well as lanterns and trees cut down, which could pose a threat to vacationers. In the center of the park is a fountain, which has also been renovated. In the evening and at night, the fountain is illuminated, which creates a romantic atmosphere for walking. Volzhsky Park is located on the embankment of the Volga River, this is another of its advantages - stunning views of one of the great rivers of Russia.

According to vacationers, the park is a favorite place for walking and relaxing, as it has playgrounds, bike paths, places where you can eat. From the park you can go straight down to the Volga, and in order to ride on it, you can take a boat or small boats. There is a small beach - a suitable place to relax in Balakhna. On the banks of the Volga there is a monument to the mother and the chapel of the faithful Peter and Fevronia.

"Be worthy of the memory of the fallen"

Near the Volga park is Komsomolskaya Square, on which eternal flame burns. There are stone slabs on which the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are carved, and a monument is installed nearby, the heroes of which are a warrior and a schoolgirl. Here you can see the stella dedicated to the events of the Great War. Nearby is a memorial plaque on which portraits of war heroes are engraved.

On the territory of Balakhna is the Nizhny Novgorod State District Power Plant (state regional hydroelectric power station), which forms a pond and a river. Locals call this place “Warm Lake” because the water used for industrial purposes does not freeze all year round. Many fish species are found in the pond. It is very beautiful and nice here. This place is popular among holidaymakers, as the views of the untouched expanses of Balakhna open really beautiful. The “Warm Lake” surrounds the Pravdinsky Forest - a real find for photo shoot lovers. This is a cluster of untouched forests. Pravdinsky forest is one of the most beautiful places of Balakhna. Natural paths are laid here that allow vacationers to freely move through the forest, enjoying its beauties.

Glass workshop

In the city there is a glass-blowing factory that produces glass products for various companies and enterprises. These are various containers and bottles. The plant provides a service for the production of original products, so everyone can order unique products, add screen printing, decoration and bottle couting to it.

Many guests of the city say that Balakhna is a city of churches, a place where you can be alone with your thoughts. Tourists claim that the city captivates with its traditional religiosity. Churches, according to vacationers, have beautiful internal paintings and ancient facades, which is always very interesting for observation. Guests of the city agree that all church ensembles are very colorful and monumental, but they need restoration.

Tourists are advised to visit the museum of lace, because there you can not only look at rare samples of lace, but also purchase your favorite unique products. Especially a lot of impressions remain after a walk along Volzhsky Square: the unanimous opinion is that this is a well-groomed territory, where it is very pleasant to spend time. Tourists leave positive feedback about the zoo, saying that this is the only place in the city where there are attractions, and you can see rare animals. According to vacationers, animals are treated with care and attention.

We told you about the most attractive sights in the city of Balakhna, photos with the description of which you could see above. Get ready and boldly embark on a journey through new, interesting cities!


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