How to make a flower from cotton pads with your own hands?

Flowers always delight the eye with their pristine beauty. With their help, often decorate the interior. But I do not want to cut fresh flowers for the sake of interior beauty, as well as spend money on artificial ones. There is an exit. A beautiful craft - a flower made of cotton pads made with your own hands will be a great alternative to a real bouquet. A similar option will look good on a bedside table, a cabinet in the bedroom or near the mirror.

What do you need to create flowers?

crafts from cotton pads do-it-yourself flower from cotton wool

Thanks to this technique, you can also make roses from cotton pads with your own hands. A master class on how to make these and other flowers will be considered in more detail. The main thing is that such an activity is quite feasible for both an adult and a child.

Before you start making a flower from cotton pads with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials:

• plasticine;
• gouache;
• cotton buds and discs;
• black cardboard;
• beans or beans;
• PVA glue.

Make a flower

In this master class, we will consider the process of creating a flower called "female happiness", scientifically - spathiphyllum. The first step is to make the petals. Since this flower has only one, we bend the cotton pad in half and draw a shape that resembles a half drop in shape. Then cut along the line. Having completed 5-7 such blanks, we proceed to the collection of crafts. Flowers from cotton pads do not have to be painted with your own hands, since spathiphyllum has white petals. But its core is usually yellow. Therefore, you need a cotton swab. Its core should be covered with green plasticine, using the smearing technique. The cotton should be dipped in a jar of yellow gouache and allowed to dry, holding by one edge in your hands.

do-it-yourself roses from cotton pads master class

Next you need to attach the flower. To do this, lubricate the wide edge of the cotton pad with PVA glue and wrap around the rod, going down a centimeter from the painted core. Then you need to let it dry a little, let go. The base of the flower is ready.

After, on the sheet of cardboard should draw the outline of the leaves of spathiphyllum. So that they are similar in shape to the real ones, you can take a template and outline it. Any medium sized leaf will do. Having drawn a pot and greens, we take on plasticine of green color. Using the technique of spreading, we first apply it to the edges, and then tighten to the core of the sheet. In thin areas, clay is more convenient to attach with a match. When the foliage is ready, you need a toothpick. With its help, natural veins should be made on the sheets. Thanks to this, a flower made of cotton pads made by oneself will look more believable.

Create a composition

The next step is to fill the decorative pot of the composition with earth. Using brown and black plasticine, we form small tubers from the soil and push them into the appropriate place.

do-it-yourself diy flower made of cotton pads

Then you can begin to mount the flowers themselves. The buds are fixed on the foliage, and the stems made of cotton buds can be lengthened using green plasticine.

Next, decorate the pot. To do this, we take clay of any color, you can also use several at once. We smear the material, starting from the edges, and lead to the middle of the pot. Thus we fill the entire surface.

DIY flowers from cotton pads do-it-yourself

Beans or beans are attached along the top edge of the pot. Of these, you can lay out a decorative pattern or place at random. Also, with the help of beans, you can fill the entire surface of the pot, then the image will be more voluminous.

At the end of plasticine and beans will be useful to make a frame. Along the perimeter of the cardboard, smear the material with a middle layer. Beans are randomly attached to it. That's all, a flower made of cotton pads with your own hands is made. The picture can be hung on the wall or put on the dressing table.


What else can I do crafts from cotton pads with my own hands? A cotton wool flower is a good option. Now we will tell you how to make chamomile. First you need to prepare a small glass vase. For this purpose, a wide glass or cognac is perfect. Take a few cotton swabs, drench one end in yellow paint. From the discs, cut out the connected petals for the future chamomile.

In the center we make a hole and we pass a cotton swab there with the yellow core up. We cover the core with green plasticine. Leaves can be taken from artificial flowers, as well as made independently using cardboard. All components must be folded into a prepared vase, which can be decorated with a satin ribbon. It should be tied around a glass and make a beautiful bow.

do-it-yourself flower from cotton pads


A flower made of cotton pads with your own hands can be made in the form of a garden or water lily. To do this, draw and cut its petals, different in size. Then take the green cardboard and cut out the base from it. On it in the center you need to attach a ball of plasticine.

Each petal must be glued to a match, which then stick into the base. To begin collecting the flower should be from the lower layers. At first, the petals are attached more authentically. Having reached the center, the water lily should be closed. If desired, the edge of the petals can be traced with light pink gouache.

Water lily is ready. The second option can be performed on the stem. At the same time, cotton buds soaked in black paint will make up the core of the garden lily. The stem and leaves are performed according to the technique described above.


Thanks to simple materials and a simple technique, you can make real works of art that will decorate your home.


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