Rest in Peru: features, description and reviews of tourists

Holidays in Peru are popular among tourists due to the mysterious miracles and beauty of this country: the amazing heritage of ancient civilizations, incredible monuments of architecture, magnificent mountain and sea landscapes, delicious local cuisine and much more makes tourists come back here again and again. Even the most fastidious travelers, who seemingly saw everything, freeze in amazement at the monolithic temples of Machu Picchu, ancient astronomical instruments in prehistoric observatories, amazingly accurate drawings on the Nazca plateau, stretching for many kilometers. Fans of wildlife will also not be disappointed: almost a third of all animals known on the planet live in the Amazon River Delta. Also, do not forget to look into the deepest canyon in the world, take a walk through the virgin and impenetrable jungle and take a picture on the background of the high mountain lake Titicaca, which was once part of the ocean.


Going on vacation to Peru, be sure to study the climate of this country. Climatic conditions vary greatly by region. The coast of the Pacific Ocean is the warmest zone, where the weather is almost the same in winter and spring, throughout the year the average temperature ranges from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is quite low.

In mountainous regions up to 3,500 m, the climate is closer to temperate, winter lasts from July to October, the average daily temperature is 4–6 degrees Celsius, in the summer it reaches 16–17, and the air in the valleys can warm up to 24 degrees.

Mountain trail in peru

The mountain climate prevails above 3.5 thousand meters: in winter the average daily temperature is 1–7 degrees of frost, in the summer months 3–7 degrees of heat. In this case, the air is very discharged, and fluctuations between daytime and nighttime temperatures can be up to 30 degrees. The mountain tops are covered with glaciers year-round. Visiting the mountain regions of Peru is best between June and August, and spending time on the coast from December to March.

Peruvian cuisine

Amazing local cuisine is an integral part of a vacation in Peru. Although a strong European influence is already clearly felt in it, the dishes have remained diverse, distinctive and delicious. Each region of the country still has its own traditions, but common to all is the abundance of pepper, garlic, potatoes, corn, as well as many fresh vegetables and fruits. Peruvians eat almost all types of meat: beef, pork, lamb, poultry and even funny local animals similar to guinea pigs called kui.

Peruvian cuisine

The inhabitants of the Amazon basin have frequent guests on the table - fish and seafood. One of the most popular treats is raw fish marinated in lemon juice with aromatic spices. If we talk about potatoes, then it is popular in any region of Peru. Climate and landscape features limit the possibilities of agriculture, but potatoes grow beautifully almost everywhere. Popular dishes are boiled potatoes with sauce, potato pancakes with meat, layered pie made from mashed potatoes and chicken salad. Fruits are often served for dessert: oranges, bananas, peaches and more exotic species, such as Turkish delight, prickly pear, cherimoyu. Cakes and pastries are very sweet, so order them with caution.

Also in Peru, vegetable stew, lentil soup, dried potatoes with meat and seeds, excellent meat assortment, alpaca steaks are prepared. Pisco Sour is a national strong alcoholic beverage made from grape spirit. But chicha morada does not contain alcohol, it is a refreshing nectar from boiled corn with the addition of sugar and various aromatic herbs.

Pisco sour

Mysteries of ancient cities

In their reviews of holidays in Peru, tourists most often talk about the famous mountain complex Machu Picchu. The mysterious city is located on top of a mountain almost 2,500 meters high. Researchers believe that it was built by the Incas around 1440. An interesting fact: the real name of the city is unknown, and Machu Picchu is just a nickname coined by scientists.

Machu Picchu - the mystery of ancient civilization

The Nazca desert is one of the most mystical mysteries left over from ancient civilization. This square plateau is covered with huge drawings that can be seen only from the air. Images of human figures, birds and animals are made by a solid line hollowed out in stone, and each drawing occupies a huge area. It is noteworthy: some animals and birds are not found and have never been found on the plateau.

Drawings on the Nazca Plateau


In the coastal desert called Costa you can visit "Paracas" - a national marine reserve, amazing oases where agriculture and winemaking thrive, the ancient city of Chan Chan, built of clay and much more. Prices for holidays in Peru and similar excursions are quite moderate, and the exact amount depends on the tour operator. For example, a two-week trip will cost from $ 2,000 to $ 3,750 (124 - 233 thousand rubles).

The eastern region of the country is called Selva and attracts wildlife connoisseurs from around the world. A rare mahogany, vanilla, and many exotic plants and flowers grow in the jungle. During a tour of the Amazon you can admire the unique pink dolphins, small and timid caimans, unusual birds that you will not find anywhere else. Not far from the famous city of Arequipa is the deepest canyon on the planet - Kolka, do not miss the opportunity to look into its depths.

Architectural monuments

The most beautiful city in the country is Arequipa. It is located in the southern part of the state at an altitude of 2335 meters. Here, guests of the country will be able to see the convent, the Casa Moral mansion, the old cathedral, the former mint, the Jesuit church. In their reviews of holidays in Peru, tourists recommend to visit the capital of Costa - Trujillo. The city was founded in the XVI century and to this day has retained the colonial style of architecture. The main square, the episcopal palace, the town hall, museums of archeology and Cassinella, the art gallery and the ruins of ancient cities will not leave anyone indifferent.

Chan Chan City

Beach holidays in Peru

In the northern part of the country, between the cities of Tumbes and Piura, splendid beaches with soft, light sand are stretched. Those who are looking for a vacation at sea in Peru will be surprised, but not disappointed: in this country there are no seas, only the Pacific Ocean. The climate in this region is even, summer practically does not differ from winter, the average daytime temperature is around 25-30 degrees, and the water temperature in the ocean is about 26. There are open areas, cozy bays, and small islands on the coast. Lovers of simply sunbathing, windsurfing, spearfishing, water skiing will find something to their liking.

Features of rest in Peru

In the mountains of Peru, the air is extremely discharged, so some tourists may develop mountain sickness. Lack of oxygen causes vomiting and nausea, severe headache, insomnia, weakness. Coca leaves help relieve symptoms; they can be consumed raw or to brew tea. In any region of the country, a remedy for insect bites does not hurt - there are billions of them here. Drinking water is best bought in bottles.


The state has a rather low crime rate, however, there are a lot of pickpockets and beggars on the streets. It is recommended not to carry valuables and be extremely careful.


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