A trip to Sochi in March: reviews of tourists. What to see in Sochi in March?

For some, a trip to summer Sochi is a pipe dream. The prices there are too high for accommodation, food, and rest in general. In winter, Sochi is chosen by wealthy tourists who go to Krasnaya Polyana to ski. At the peak of the season (New Year and Christmas holidays) prices soar. But the off-season is the very chance when you can easily go to the Krasnodar Territory. This article is devoted to such an unusual question: is it worth going to Sochi in March? Reviews will tell us the correct answer. What is the weather like in the first month of spring in a beautiful city by the Black Sea? What to do there in the offseason? Can I still ski in the mountain resort of Krasnaya Polyana? And what are the prices for accommodation? We will try to answer all these questions in detail below. But to decide whether or not to go on holiday in Sochi in March is only for you. Read and decide.

Sochi in march reviews

Weather in Sochi in March

β€œWe have the beginning of summer, and you have the end of winter.” This line of the song is written just about Sochi. Arriving at the all-Russian resort from snowy Moscow or slush St. Petersburg, tourists are amazed at the contrast of the landscapes. Everywhere palm trees, slender cypresses, blooming magnolias surrounded by lush Mediterranean greenery. For the sake of this alone, it was worth getting out in Sochi in March. The reviews claim that the first month of spring in the Krasnodar Territory pleases travelers with warmth and sunny days. The Black Sea, having taken last year's garbage with winter storms, calms down and splashes peacefully, joyfully. Sochi Caucasus Mountains reliably hide from the icy northern winds. The air itself is filled with the aromas of flowering exotic plants. Birds singing is heard everywhere, and the gardens are buried in lush white and pink decoration. Apricots, quince, cherry plum, barberry, dogwood, laurel bloom. And also - a lot of plants outlandish for the northerner. But, reviews warn, often the sky can frown and rain.

Sochi temperature in March

Beach vacation

It will not work in full to buy in the Black Sea in the first month of spring in Sochi. The deep Black Sea keeps warm for a very long time, throughout the winter. But in the end, it still cools and then begins to slowly heat up. Therefore, the water temperature in March is lower than in December. But those who are not afraid of the +9 Β° C indicator can plunge, because the sea is mostly calm this month. As for the beach holiday, the temperature in Sochi in March allows you to undress to a bathing suit, take a position in the sun in places protected from the wind and sunbathe. If we look at the monthly average, then it is not very happy - only twelve degrees in the afternoon, five at night. But it should be taken into account that the temperature in Sochi in March rises day by day. And at the end of the month, summer days are already hot. In the south of the resort, in Khost, in some years it can be plus twenty degrees in the shade. But in general, in Sochi and Loo in the third decade of the month the air warms up to +16 Β° C. From the "evil" southern sun, people with delicate white skin should grab a protective cream on the road.

What to see in Sochi in March

Ski vacation

But what is the weather like in Krasnaya Polyana? Can I still ski there? Of course! The influx of tourists at the end of February disappears, but the skiing season continues. Spring is felt here. In the afternoon, the thermometer rises to eight degrees of heat. But at night, minus temperatures are stably observed. There is still a lot of natural snow. And in the thaw, "guns" begin to work. If the weather in Sochi in March is cloudy, then on the mountain slopes near the resort the sun shines with might and main. Only in the morning thick fogs are observed. Before you get to the mountain slopes, you need to carefully study the weather forecast and not be frivolous with the Ministry of Emergency Situations warnings about possible natural disasters. Since the high tourist season in Krasnaya Polyana in March (especially at the end of the month) has already been completed, prices for accommodation and meals are falling. It is quite possible to arrange a week of skiing or snowboarding for little money.

Holidays in Sochi in March

Sightseeing vacation

If you were in the off-season at tiny resorts, then you probably were struck by the sad sight of closed cafes, boarded up shopping stalls and a complete lack of tourist infrastructure. But we should not forget that Sochi is a big city. And tour agencies work here all year round. What is interesting for such an informative vacation in Sochi in March? It has a number of advantages compared to the summer: there are no crowds of tourists, as well as pesky merchants with all sorts of rubbish and street photographers with boas and monkeys. All the sights of the city are β€œbare” from the people. You can freely take pictures against the backdrop of local beauties without ten people who accidentally climbed into the frame. The reviews claim that the first month of spring is the perfect time to slowly walk around the central district in Sochi. You just need to visit one of the city parks. After all, spring is a fertile time of flowering.

What to see in Sochi in March

Sometimes the weather in the first weeks of spring is not warm. If a storm happens at sea, you can walk along the city promenade. During the excitement, the evaporation of iodine and other beneficial substances increases significantly. Reviews are advised to include in the program of independent excursions and a visit to the "Olympic Park" in Adler. If you are far from sports, and the racing track on which the Formula 1 competitions are held does not inspire you, you can visit the water park. Dolphinariums are not yet banned in Russia. If you came to rest in Sochi with a child, you can watch the performance of bottlenose dolphins and even dive with "unfortunate captives."

But it’s better not to torture the animals, but to go to the arboretum. At the entrance, do not forget to purchase food for its various inhabitants. Children will be happy to feed squirrels, ducks, swans and ostriches. The aviary with the last birds is located in the northwestern part of the arboretum. What to see in Sochi in March yet? Of course, you need to visit the famous park "Riviera". Sochi Dolphinarium is located there . And in the park itself there are rides for children. And when it rains, you can visit one of the many city museums or soak up the spa.

Tours in Sochi in March

One-day self-guided tours

From March, if weather permits, tourist boats begin to ply. It is better to take a place in a glazed cabin, because the slowly warming sea cools the air very much. If you arrived on vacation in Sochi in March, reviews recommend that you go on independent trips out of town. You can visit Stalin's cottage, visit Mount Akhun and trout farm (near Adler Airport). A good walk through the unique yew-boxwood grove. Reviews strongly recommend that you see Agursky waterfalls in the spring , because at this time of the year they are most full-flowing. In the south of the city, near the border with Abkhazia, the Monkey Nursery works.

Weather in Sochi in March

Wellness rest

It should be said that Sochi is not only a resort, but also an all-Russian health resort. Numerous resorts operate all year round. Prices for accommodation, meals and treatment in them also depend on the season. And in early spring they are almost two times lower than in summer. It's time to try out the beneficial effects of mineral waters, healing mud and other wellness treatments. If you arrived for treatment in Sochi in March, reviews advise you to buy only a coursework in the sanatorium, and stay in the private sector - after all, housing prices in the off-season are very low. The Sochi markets are still full of Abkhaz citrus fruits - they were harvested in winter. Do not forget about healing mountain honey, which "expels" a lot of ailments from the body.

Organized vacation

If you do not want to rack your brains over accommodation issues, entrust your vacation to the travel agency. Experienced specialists will choose the right tours for you in Sochi in March. The price range is great. If we proceed from the tour package for a week without the cost of road and food, then we can expect to buy a ticket even for seven thousand rubles. But it will be a hotel in Adler or the central district of Sochi. At the ski resorts in March, the season is still ongoing. Therefore, a tour, for example, in Esto-Sadok on Krasnaya Polyana will cost fifteen thousand rubles. If you want to relax on the all-inclusive program, then a week of stay in a Sochi resort hotel with three stars will cost two people no less than fifty-five thousand (flight included).

Sochi at the end of March

Events and Festivals

Every year in March, competitions in winter sports are held at the Rosa Khutor resort. At the beginning of the month, the Ethno-Sochi music festival takes place in the city itself. This holiday opens with a costume parade and fireworks. Usually in March, Orthodox Christians in Russia celebrate Shrovetide. Celebrations with pancakes, perky contests and burning effigies of winter take place in Sochi. At the end of March, popular pop singers began to come on tour to the city.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45267/

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