Vasily Sukhomlinsky: biography of the great teacher

Sukhomlinsky biography

Humanity owes its greatest discoveries to the brave and intelligent, sometimes reckless and dreamy people. Those whose views on the world were much different from those that were considered normal. Such a person, without a doubt, was Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky, whose biography is closely connected with the school.

Life of a Ukrainian teacher

Vasily Sukhomlinsky was born, a biography of which is considered in this article in the Kherson province. In the village of Vasilyevka (Alexandria district), where a boy appeared on September 28, 1918, his father, although he was a simple worker, was a very revered man and activist. Mother raised, in addition to Basil, three more children. It is noteworthy that they all chose a teaching specialty for themselves.

Studied Vasily Sukhomlinsky, whose biography is admirable, in a local school, where he established himself as a very capable student. After seven years, he enters the Kremenchug Pedagogical Institute (1934), but due to his illness interrupts his studies. At the age of 17, he began his teaching practice, which he did not leave until the end of his life. In addition, he continued to study in absentia at the Poltava Pedagogical Institute. He graduated with honors in 1939, after which he worked as a teacher of literature and the Ukrainian language in different schools.

Sukhomlinsky short biography

Sukhomlinsky: biography and creativity

Favorite work gave Sukhomlinsky pleasure, but the realities of life could not leave him aside. In 1941, he joined the ranks of the Red Army and took part in hostilities. He was seriously injured, after which he miraculously survived, but lost his wife and son. After the war, he continued his pedagogical practice: he worked as a school principal and wrote a dissertation (which he defended in 1955).

Sukhomlinsky's works were distinguished by a revolutionary approach to the educational process, to the student himself. He was a researcher with a big heart, since every line of his works breathed love and inspiration. He drew attention to the problems of students, improved the organization of work, created a whole pedagogical system, which was not only original, new, but also humanistic. A teacher from God, he believed that the child should be helped to develop talent, innate abilities, personality, instill a love for other people and wildlife.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky biography

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, whose biography is an amazing story of fidelity to his work, has written many books. β€œI give my heart to children,” β€œBirth of a citizen,” β€œOn education,” and others, but each of them defended the humanistic ideals of education and was written in a soulful artistic style.

The value of the work of a teacher

Sukhomlinsky, whose brief biography is outlined above, made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogy in the country. Together with Makarenko, he was recognized as the best in this field and not only in Ukraine, the Soviet Union, but also in the world. But he was criticized for the fact that the doctrine did not fully correspond to Soviet ideology, that it was saturated with the Christian spirit. The author himself was an atheist, but in nature he saw a divine beginning.

The great teacher died on September 2, 1970.


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