Tinkoff Insurance JSC - CASCO: reviews, terms of registration, calculator

Property insurance in modern life is a necessary thing. Everything can be insured now - life, real estate, cars, a smile and even a toy. There are also a huge number of companies involved in this type of financial activity. But experts advise contacting large ones - they have fewer problems with payments, they are less likely to close, and it’s easier to make contact in contentious situations. One of them is Tinkoff Insurance - JSC (joint-stock company), which specializes in insurance of vehicles, real estate, health and the issuance of insurance necessary for traveling abroad (without such insurance you simply will not be given a visa). In the article we will tell you what the company is, the features of insurance in it and the innovations in the list of services.

About company

Initially, Tinkoff was created as a bank in 2006 by Oleg Tinkoff. Now the organization is engaged in a huge number of financial transactions (deposits, loans, payments and transfers, investments), issuing debit and credit bank cards. At the moment, Tinkoff Bank is one of the largest companies in the market for the issuance of bank cards in Russia.

tinkoff casco insurance reviews

A few years ago, the company began to develop Internet banking, and now it focuses on advertising precisely on this feature (the slogan "Tinkoff - the largest online bank in the world from Russia"). The Internet bank is really well developed in this organization: sites with a large number of sections and services, applications for which can be executed without getting up from a computer, mobile applications that also have wide and affordable functionality. Applications from Tinkoff can be downloaded from the AppStore or PlayMarket by asking the same name.


Tinkoff Insurance is a joint-stock company that has been specializing in insurance services since 1993. Since 2013 it belongs to the Tinkoff company and is also headed by Oleg Tinkoff. The entire load falls on the site, since all insurance policies are issued via the Internet, since the company does not have retail offices. Moreover, the resource is understandable, pleasing to the eye in terms of color and not overloaded with texts: everything is brief and to the point, and if you need to know more, you just need to open the corresponding link, which is easy to find. The company is assigned a high level of reliability and a stable rating. It is successfully developing, is actively advertised and is constantly expanding the list of customers.

Service list

The Tinkoff Insurance company provides several types of insurance services. These include:

  • Insurance when traveling abroad (without such insurance, visas are not issued, to obtain a document you need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a medical policy, and it is also important to know the direction of travel and the period for which you are going to go).
  • Real estate insurance (you can insure an apartment, a house, additional buildings in the form of a garage, utility room, etc., premises for rent, interior decoration, engineering equipment, personal property) against fire, flooding, natural disasters, unlawful interference by third parties .

hull insurance

  • Health insurance from accidents in vehicles, animal bites, injuries during professional or extreme sports, unforeseen events and in case of urgent hospitalization in a medical institution.
  • Vehicle insurance (issuing insurance policies, comprehensive insurance). This form will be discussed below.


Now, for cheaper used cars, people more often draw up only a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, since its registration is mandatory according to the law of the Russian Federation. Tinkoff Insurance has such a service. Since OSAGO, under general rules, protects only in case of an accident, it is possible to issue OSAGO + CASCO. It will come out more expensive, but there are discounts on such a combination of insurance programs, and reliability will be higher.


This policy is now becoming more in demand. This is due to the fact that CASCO protects against hijacking and other unpleasant situations, but OSAGO, as mentioned above, does not. Let's see what is a relatively cheap hull from Tinkoff Insurance.

Firstly, it protects against fire, explosion or lightning and natural disasters (flooding, hurricane, earthquake, etc.). Secondly, the Tinkoff Insurance CASCO policy, reviews of which are generally positive (we will talk about this below), provides protection against accidents, unless, of course, you are responsible for the accident and there are no other unforeseen situations on the road (going wild or domestic animals on the roadway, for example).

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Although the insurance conditions state that compensation payments can be received even in case of guilt. But this is better to check with the insurer, as the cases are individual. Thirdly, the policy protects your luggage and pets that you carry in the car. Fourth, you are insured against any objects falling onto the car. The most important thing is the protection at hull insurance against theft (theft). If your car was stolen by third parties, you will definitely be able to receive monetary compensation. CASCO on a car also compensates for the costs of technical assistance (tow trucks), legal advice and taxis in case of urgent need.

How to calculate the cost of the policy

The cost of the Tinkoff Insurance CASCO policy can be calculated by going to the website and selecting the corresponding "Calculate cost" option on the main page. A window will open in which you will need to select the region of car use, year of manufacture, make, model, type of transmission (gearbox) and approximate cost of the car today, in your opinion. Next, you need to fill out the section with driver information: driving experience, age and contact details (name, phone and e-mail). The latter are needed in order to send the cost of the CASCO policy and a detailed calculation to the potential insured.

Terms of registration

Detailed conditions for obtaining an insurance policy and concluding an agreement can be found in the rules on the website. Here are the main points.

To issue a policy, you must provide the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or constituent documents, if insurance is executed by a legal entity.
  • Documents for the car (certificate of registration in the MREO traffic police, PTS, power of attorney, if any, a gift agreement, etc.).
  • Driver's license.
  • A document confirming the value of the car (agreement, checks).
  • Valid or ended insurance contract.
  • Statement on the model.

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The term of insurance is established in the contract. All insurance amounts that can be paid in specific amounts or percent are also specified there. This document is terminated unilaterally in case of non-payment of the insurance premium (contribution) in a timely manner. The insurer shall notify the policyholder by telephone. If any changes occur according to the parameters specified in the contract, the car owner must notify the insurer about this within a month.

Insurance Features at Tinkoff

  • The first important feature of insurance in this company is the execution of a policy through an online service. You don’t need to go anywhere, you just go online, open a website, calculate how much the policy will cost, or immediately fill out it by indicating all the necessary data and paying with a bank card of any bank.
  • The second feature is policy delivery to a convenient address and at a convenient time. You just need to negotiate with the courier and find out how much the delivery costs. It happens that they deliver for free.

tinkoff insurance hull calculate

  • The third is the possibility of monthly payment. That is, you can pay CASCO for a year immediately or record the payment once a month in the contract, then the amount indicated in the contract will be deducted from your card regularly. This is convenient, since you can stop the payment and, accordingly, the policy at any time by going to your personal account on the site and clicking "stop".
  • Fourth - you can get a detailed calculation of the cost of the policy that you want to purchase without leaving your home.

Additional services

Upon receipt of the Tinkoff Insurance CASCO policy, reviews of which will be presented below, you can continue to use additional free services, which include:

  • a tow truck that delivers the damaged car from the accident site to the service station;
  • departure of the insurance agent upon the occurrence of an insured event (in case of an accident, it can help to issue a Euro protocol so as not to wait for the traffic police when the damage to the car is insignificant);
  • policy delivery, as mentioned above.

When an insured event occurs

When an insured event occurs, you must inform the insurer about this within 1 day. The deadline for submitting documents is 14 calendar days from the day of the incident. After this period, the insurance company has the full legal right to refuse to pay any money, and even through the court you will not always be able to achieve a reverse decision. If the reason for the delay in notification was valid, then by providing a document confirming this (sick leave, travel document, etc.), the insurer extends the period for a certain number of days (under the terms of the contract or at its discretion) so that you can correct the situation and provide the whole package of necessary documents, which includes:

  • car owner's passport;
  • Title
  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • a protocol confirming the fact of an accident, theft, car damage by third parties or falling objects, collisions with animals, and so on, certified by the traffic police;
  • if the car is damaged or lost due to a natural disaster, you need a certificate from the body dealing with this problem, for example, the Ministry of Emergencies;
  • a conclusion from the service station, certified by an expert, in which all the details and elements of the machine to be replaced or repaired, as well as the materials necessary for this, and the cost of all the above are listed (if the repair has already been paid, then all documents are provided that confirm the fact of payment, for example , checks, contracts).

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The insurer has the right to carry out an examination of car damage in order to assess the damage and the amount required for restoration. In some cases, compensation is paid without inquiries, you can learn more about this in the insurance rules on the Tinkoff Insurance CASCO website. Reviews about the service can be read there. It must be remembered that cheap CASCO protects against a much smaller number of insured events, so you need to carefully read the contract.

Benefits of Insurance at Tinkoff

  • No need to stand in line at an insurance company.
  • It usually takes about 3 days to settle an insured event.
  • You can pay by hull for months.
  • The ability to calculate the cost of the policy in advance through the Tinkoff Insurance CASCO service. The calculator is simple and quick to calculate the amount.
  • Scans of documents can be sent via WhatsApp.
  • Delivery of the policy at the right place and time.
  • Free additional services (see above).
  • Advantageous registration under the program CTP + CASCO.

Company reviews

Before buying something or using a service, many people look for information on the Internet. So we looked and found out what about Tinkoff Insurance CASCO reviews. For the most part, these are positive assessments of residents of cities in which auto insurance works. Disadvantages were noted in periodic site failures, there are misunderstandings during design and subsequent problems, and as a result, negative reviews.

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The Tinkoff application, which is available for download in virtual stores, is also rated highly (average rating - 4.8). Negative reviews are mainly associated with malfunctions in the application, some lack functionality.

How to contact the company

You can get additional information, ask questions or complain about malfunctions on the "hot line": 8-800-500-47-28. Also on the site there is a button "Feedback", through it you can send your question, leaving contact information to receive a personal answer. Before asking a question, read the section "Questions and Answers", as there may be an explanation of your problem.

There are also groups on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a channel on YouTube’s video hosting. All of them are called Tinkoff Insurance. Head office address: 39A Leningradskoye Shosse, Moscow, 125212, Russian Federation. 1. The location of the branches is also widely available, like all other company details.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G453/

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