Stratification in social science is ... Stratification of modern society

Stratification in social science is a stratification of society. This hierarchy is the most accurate structural indicator of social inequality. Thus, the stratification of society is its division into various levels, or strata.


It is believed that the term social stratification was first used by the American social scientist Pitirim Sorokin, who has Russian roots. He developed this theory based on strata as a phenomenon in society.

The following definition is inherent in the word: "a structured hierarchy of social inequality."

stratification in social studies is

Reasons for social stratification according to P. Sorokin

Pitirim Sorokin was inclined to single out the reasons why society is “stratified”:

  • First of all, these are rights and privileges. Since, as we know, the noble idea of ​​just communism in reality does not work.
  • Secondly, these are duties and responsibilities. Indeed, in the end it turns out that there are individuals who are able to take them on themselves and cope with what others will call the “burden” and which, most likely, will try to avoid, if necessary.
  • Thirdly, this is social wealth and want. Different people need different things, and the results of their work are at different levels.
  • The fourth point is power and influence. And here it is appropriate to recall Fromm's theory of wolves and sheep: no matter how you talk about equality, people are divided into those who are born to command and those who are used to living in obedience. This in no way means slavery, which humanity in its development has already passed as a stage. But at a subconscious level, the leaders and followers remain. The former subsequently become leaders who “drive, roll” the world, but what about the latter? They run alongside and wonder about where he is actually going.

stratification of society
Modern reasons for the stratification of society

To this day, stratification in social science is an urgent problem of society. Specialists identify the following causes of its occurrence:

  • Separation by gender. The problem of “man” and “woman” has been acute at all times. Now in society, there is another wave of feminism, requiring equal rights between the sexes, as the system of social stratification is based on gender too.
  • Differences in biological ability. Someone is given to be a technician, someone is a humanist, someone is a connoisseur of natural sciences. But the problem of society also lies in the fact that some people’s abilities can be so obvious that they will be geniuses of their time, while others will practically not manifest at all.
  • Class division. The main reason (according to Karl Marx), which will be discussed in detail below.
  • Privileges, rights and privileges related to the economy, politics and social sphere.
  • The system of values, on the basis of which certain types of activities are deliberately placed above others.

Stratification in social science is the subject of discussion and reasoning by great pundits. Sorokin represented it in his own way, Weber, developing the theory, made his own conclusions, as did Marx, who eventually reduced everything to class inequality.

social stratification system

The ideology of Marx

The conflict of classes, in his opinion, is a source of changes in society and directly causes such a phenomenon as stratification of society.

So, according to K. Marx, antagonistic classes are distinguished by two objective criteria:

  • common economic conditions and relationships based on the means of production;
  • power and their manifestation in public administration.

Weber's opinion

Max Weber made such an important contribution to the development of the theory of social inequality that when considering the topic: "The concept of" stratification ", its origin and essence" it is impossible not to mention this name.

The scientist did not quite agree with Marx, but did not contradict him. Property rights as the causes of stratification, he pushed into the background. The first one deduced prestige and power.

Levels of social stratification

Based on the prevailing factors, Weber identified three levels of social stratification:

  • the first of them - the lowest - related to property and determined the classes of stratification;
  • the second - the middle one - relied on prestige and was responsible for status in society or, using another definition, social strata ;
  • the third - the highest - was the "top" in which, as you know, there is always a struggle for power, and it is expressed in society in the form of the existence of political parties.

concept of stratification
Features of social stratification

The structure of stratification has distinctive features. Stratification primarily occurs by rank, all depending on the reasons why it happened. As a result, privileged members of society appear at the top, and the lower "caste" is content with the small.

The upper layers are always quantitatively smaller than the lower and middle. But the proportionality of the last two to each other can vary and, in addition, characterize the current state of society, "highlighting" the position of one or another of its spheres.

stratification of modern society

Types of Social Stratification

Developing his theory, Pitirim Sorokin also derived three main types of social stratification, relying on the factors that cause it:

  • based on the criterion of wealth - economic;
  • based on power, degree of influence - political;
  • based on social roles and their performance, status, etc. - professional stratification.

Social mobility

The so-called "displacement" in society is called social mobility. It can be horizontal and vertical.

In the first case, this is the acquisition of a new role that does not imply advancement on the social ladder. For example, if another child is born in the family, an existing child will receive the status of “brother” or “sister” and will no longer be the only child.

Vertical mobility is movement along social levels. The system of social stratification (at least modern), suggests that it can be "climbed" or "descended". A refinement was given, given that such a structure in Ancient India (caste) did not imply any mobility. But the stratification of modern society, fortunately, does not put such a framework.

The relationship of mobility with stratification in society

How is mobility related to stratification? Sorokin said that stratification in social science is a reflection of the vertical sequence of layers of society.

stratification structure

Marx, Weber and Sorokin himself called various reasons for this phenomenon, based on the causes of stratification discussed above. In the modern interpretation of the theory, the multidimensionality and equivalence of the positions proposed by scientists are recognized and a constant search for new ones is carried out.

Historical forms of stratification

The concept of stratification is not new. This phenomenon as a stable system has long been known, but at different times had various forms. Which ones, consider below:

  • Slaveholding form - based on the forcible submission of one group of society to another. There was a lack of any rights, not to mention privileges. If we recall private property, then the slaves did not have it; moreover, they themselves were it.
  • Caste form (already mentioned in this article). This stratification in social science is a striking and indicative example of stratified inequality with clear and precise edges, frames drawn between castes. It was impossible to move up this system, so if a person "went down", he could forever say goodbye to his former status. A stable structure was based on religion - people accepted who they were, because they believed that in their next life they would rise higher, and therefore they must play their present role with honor and humility.
  • The estate form, which has one main feature - legal division. All these imperial and royal statuses, the nobility and other aristocracy are a manifestation of this type of stratification. Belonging to the estate was inherited, a little boy in one family was already a prince and heir to the crown, and in another - an ordinary peasant. The economic situation was a consequence of legal status. This form of stratification was relatively closed, because there were few ways to move from one estate to another, and it was difficult to do it - you could only rely on luck and chance, and then one in a million.
  • The class form is also inherent in modern society. This is a stratification at the level of income and prestige, which is determined in some almost unconscious and intuitive way. At one time or another, demanded professions come to the fore, the payment of which corresponds to their status and the product being produced. Now this is an IT sphere, a few years ago - the economy, even earlier - jurisprudence. The influence of the class on modern society can be described with a simple example: when asked about the question “who are you”, a person calls his profession (teacher / doctor / fireman), and the questioner immediately draws appropriate conclusions for himself from this. The class form of stratification is characterized by ensuring the political and legal freedom of citizens.

stratification concept

Types of Nemirovsky

At one time, Nemirovsky supplemented the above list with several more forms of dividing society into layers:

  • physical and genetic, including gender, other biological characteristics, qualities inherent in the individual;
  • ethnocratic, in which dominant power social hierarchies and their respective powers;
  • socio-professional, in which knowledge and ability to apply them are important;
  • cultural and symbolic, based on information and on the fact that it "rules the world";
  • cultural and normative, presented as a tribute to morality, traditions and norms.


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