Gudauta (Abkhazia): private sector. Abkhazia, Gudauta - reviews of tourists

Going on vacation to Gudauta, many expect to visit a city of European type. But Abkhazia is unique and original, the atmosphere here is completely different. This city is especially interesting for those who want to communicate with nature. It is small and compact, the local population does not live as much as in neighboring Sukhum. If you love solitude, then Abkhazia opens the doors for you. Gudauta is a resort where even in the season there are few vacationers, so the beach is always free and there is no annoying city bustle.

Gudauta History

It goes back centuries, since the first settlements on this fertile land belong to the Neolithic period. Since then, they have grown, developed and strengthened. Medieval times became the heyday of the city; it was a large trading port. Then, for unknown reasons, he was abandoned. New settlements in the 19th century were subjected to constant raids by Turkish soldiers, so it re-flourished and received the status of the resort town of Gudauta in the 20th century, namely in 1926.

Abkhazia Gudauta

City location

Photos taken from above demonstrate the beauty of the bay, surrounded by woodland. It is this climatic resort that Abkhazia is famous for. Gudauta once had the status of an all-Union health resort. When entering a city, tourists first of all note its special comfort, cleanliness and neatness. It is very quiet, but if you quickly get tired of the calm environment, you can visit the neighboring Gagra or Sukhum. By the way, unlike them, the air temperature in Gudauta is almost always several degrees lower.

Lost here is almost impossible, the whole city is built wonderfully linearly, as if broken into squares. The streets are quiet, almost deserted, lie strictly parallel to each other or intersect at right angles. The population of the city is only 8,000 people. There are few apartment buildings, mainly houses and cottages are represented here. If you want to save on vacation, then you have come to the right place, Gudauta (Abkhazia) will provide you such an opportunity. The private sector is a place where you can cheaply rent a bed, room or the whole house.

Gudauta Abkhazia reviews

Urban transport

He is not here at all. The whole city can be walked around, as well as getting to the sea. But a taxi service is developed, and land, air or sea โ€‹โ€‹transport of your choice can offer it. Intercity minibuses stop outside the city and will be taken to any neighboring settlement. You can save money if you bargain for the fare, drivers usually do not have a fixed rate.

Resort area

The city owes its status of a recreation center to a mild subtropical climate. Hospitable Abkhazia awaits its tourists all year round. Gudauta is famous for its mild, temperate climate. In summer, the air temperature does not rise above 28 degrees, and after short autumn rains there comes a time of dry and reasonably warm winters.

Without exception, tourists admire the nature of these places. Tender vegetation from cold winds is protected by the northern mountain range of the Caucasus Range. This formidable ridge is admirable; it is located only 15 km from the village. Almost 7 months of the year its snow-white peaks sparkle in the sun. Real Alps, if you forget that Abkhazia stretches before you. Gudauta is famous for its parks that deserve to compete with the Sochi Arboretum.

Rest Abkhazia Gudauta

One of them borders the resort area. This is a magnificent park, conquering shady alleys and amazing plants that can be found here. Tourists always note the strong impression that exotic palm trees, magnolia groves and other subtropical plants made on them. What are the huge fruit and citrus orchards. It is a paradise for fresh fruit lovers. And during the flowering of trees their aroma fills the entire coast.

Ideal time of year to visit the resort

People come here all year round, but the main influx of tourists falls on the summer period. Leaving, vacationers take with them the warmest memories and share enthusiastic reviews about the warm sea and golden beaches. You can swim from May to September, and that is nice, even in the hottest months (July, August) a fresh sea breeze makes being on the beach comfortable.

rest in abkhazia gudauta

October is rather boring here. This is a period of gray, cool rains, so itโ€™s better to reschedule the trip. Already in November, warm and snowless weather has been established. At a temperature of +10 degrees, itโ€™s good to wander around the surroundings, admire the natural beauties of these places. But March and April are not so favorable, at this time cool winds often blow, and in general it is uncomfortable on the street. At any time of the year, nature is beautiful in its own way, this is the uniqueness of the Gudauta resort. Abkhazia, reviews of which are always saturated with warmth, is a welcoming hostess, she meets each guest as the dearest and closest.

The best hotels for tourists

A trip to the sea is always a costly event, so it is logical to want to rent decent housing at the lowest possible price. In this regard, the attitude of the population of the city of Gudauta (Abkhazia) towards tourists is always surprising. The private sector provides vacationers with separate rooms or whole houses. If you are resting alone, then for a modest fee you can rent a bed in the house with the owners. This is a chance to get to a family dinner and taste delicious local dishes.

Abkhazia Gudauta Bambora

The cheapest guesthouse is Argo, the cost of a room without meals is only 250 rubles per person per day. You can have lunch and dinner in the dining room or cafe, in addition, the hotel has a special room with a refrigerator and stove, on which everyone can cook their own meals.

There are more famous hotels that are famous for Abkhazia. Gudauta / Bambora is a classic combination for many tourists. The boarding house is a whole complex of small cozy cottages, it is located near the city and only 50 meters from the beach. This small village is surrounded by tropical greenery. Tourists celebrate excellent national cuisine and excellent service.

Those who visited the Golden Coast boarding house never change their choice. Gudauta (Abkhazia) for vacationers appears in the most magical colors. The boarding house is located at the very entrance to the city, near the village of the same name. The beaches here are really incredibly clean and well maintained, with fine golden sand. But that is not all. The beaches are surrounded by a majestic park, where a huge number of exotic plants, fruit trees and flowers are collected. Tired of the hot sun, itโ€™s so nice to relax in the green shade, where you can enjoy a ripe orange ripped directly from a tree.

In addition to a great holiday on the beach, one cannot but mention the amazing local cuisine, good service, cleanliness and comfort in residential cottages.

Attractions, excursions and events

Each guesthouse, in addition to standard entertainment (disco, barbecue cafe, sauna, animation program), offers its own set of sightseeing tours. If you are interested in a route that is not included in the standard program, then you can visit it individually. To do this, there are guides that deliver tourists to the most interesting places, for which they come to the city of Gudauta. Abkhazia is rich in magnificent landscapes, so you will not have to miss the road.

Gudauta city of Abkhazia

The proximity of the ridge of the Caucasus Mountains always generates interest in its study. I want to breathe the cleanest air, look from a height at the city and the endless sea. Therefore, the most popular route lies to the high mountain lake Ritsa. First, tourists climb the river gorge, the guide shows the ancient villages, the ruins of an ancient fortress and a watchtower. Along the way, there is the Blue Lake, so named because of the amazing color of the water, painted with deposits of lapis lazuli. Gegsky waterfall - another stop of the group - is breathtaking with its splendor. And finally, the last stop is the majestic Ritsa Lake, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The shore is well prepared for receiving guests, there is a cafe with excellent cuisine, mountain and water bike rental. For the sake of one such trip it is worth visiting the city of Gudauta. Abkhazia, reviews of which can be quite modest, is a country of stunning beauty, but to see them, it is not enough to lie on the beach near the hotel.

If you are interested in the cultural and historical heritage, then pay attention to the following route. 4 kilometers from the city is the village of Lykhny. This is the historical center of Abkhazia, here you can see the miracle of ancient architecture, the Church of the Virgin, built in the X century. Wall painting was carried out much later, during its restoration by masters of the XIX century. Also, the walls of the Musser Church date back to the 10th century. The Abazgiya Museum Reserve will tell the story of the people and the whole country. The same route usually includes visits to unique karst caves, which once served as a rock monastery for monks.

Here you can touch the beautiful and live the happiest moments. It will be an unforgettable vacation. Abkhazia (Gudauta, as a small part of it) will forever remain in the heart of every tourist, not without reason it is called "the country of my soul."

Active leisure and sport

Here everyone will find entertainment after their hearts. Do you like fishing? There are luxurious specially designated for this place. Moreover, the caught trout can be fried right on the shore. If the underwater inhabitants interest you from an aesthetic point of view, then welcome to scuba diving.

There are tennis tables near each hotel, and volleyball and badminton courts are equipped on the beaches.

Do you dream of learning to prank on a horse? At your service is the largest hippodrome, located in the village of Bzyb.

Gudauta Abkhazia private sector

How to get to Gudauta?

All international and long-distance communications lie through the capital of Abkhazia, the city โ€‹โ€‹of Sukhum. You can choose the transport that is more convenient for you, whether it be an airplane, train or bus. From Sukhum to Gudauta only 38 km, here you will be taken by shuttle, intercity taxi.

To summarize

This resort can be considered a real gem worthy of admiration. If you are still considering which country to visit this year, then plan a vacation in Abkhazia. Gudauta is the best place for a quiet, budget family holiday.


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