Horton Plateau (Sri Lanka): description, how to get, reviews of tourists

Sri Lanka is a paradise for tourists. The country abounds with first-class beaches and modern hotels. Well, of course, there is something to see! In Sri Lanka, a lot of different attractions. These are Buddhist monasteries and temples, mysterious caves, beautiful gardens. But the first place that guests of the island strive to get is the Horton plateau. The national park attracts tourists with its breathtaking views, as well as the fact that you can visit it yourself, without an escort of a paid guide.


The plateau is located in the center of the country, 32 kilometers from the resort town of Nuwara Eliya. It is located at an altitude of 2100-2300 meters and occupies a vast territory of 3160 hectares. The place got its name by the name of Robert Wilmot-Horton, the British governor of Ceylon. Here are the mountains of Krigalpotta and Totapola - one of the highest peaks of Sri Lanka. What to see in the national park? Many waterfalls, amazing vegetation, rich wildlife and, of course, the famous "Land's End".

On Horton, theoretically, you can find mongooses, wild boars, leopards, gulmans, giant squirrels. But more often beautiful birds and butterflies, monkeys, Zambar deer, and representatives of amphibians come across on the way of tourists. In total, 87 species of birds live here, 24 - mammals, 9 - reptiles and 8 - amphibians.

National park

The vegetation of the park is currently under threat, because the forest is slowly dying due to the accumulation of harmful substances in the soil and constant droughts. The conservation of vegetation on the plateau is now dealt with by the Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Visit Features

You can come to the national park from anywhere in Sri Lanka. The Horton Plateau is a popular attraction, so a lot of excursion tours from the resort cities of the country are organized here. You can visit the plateau yourself. So you can choose the best time for a walk in the park and will not be limited by the route of the tourist group.

It is better to come to the Horton plateau in the early morning, when the sun is shining here and all living creatures leave their shelters. Organized tours, at best, arrive by ten in the morning, and at this time the weather deteriorates, fog falls, and you can not see all the beauties. And, of course, an independent visit will cost less.

Passage to the territory and route

For tourists, entry is through two checkpoints. There is paid for visiting and entry of vehicles. From the checkpoint, travelers move to the headquarters, which houses the small Horton Plateau Museum. From here the main tourist route begins. It is roundabout, so it doesn’t matter which way to go - you will still see the same landscapes, just in a different sequence. The ring has a length of 9.5 kilometers. It takes at least three hours to go along the entire route, but it is better to lay more time for a walk. On the way you will meet different viewing platforms, among which the End of the World deserves special attention. The Horton Plateau also abounds with streams, lakes and rivers, and if you are lucky, you can see animals.

Horton Plateau, Sri Lanka


On the main tourist trail of the park, on the tributary of the Belihul River, there is an amazing waterfall, named after the explorer Samuel White Baker, who opened it in 1845. This is a two-level water stream flowing from a twenty-meter height.

The most powerful waterfall in February. In Sri Lanka, at this time the rivers are maximally full of water due to previous heavy rains. The water falling from the top spills into a long pool, which creates a spectacular landscape. By the end of March, water leaves the mountains, water bodies turn into streams, and you will not see such a bewitching spectacle. By the way, swimming in the Baker Falls pool is prohibited! This prohibition must be observed. There are various traps in the water, once in which many people have lost their lives.

If you visit the park during the rainy season, note that the ascent and descent to the waterfall can be very slippery. Around the flowing water stream you can see numerous rhododendrons and ferns. Near the attraction, special viewing zones and places with the best angle for photographs have been created.

Baker Waterfall

In addition to the main route, there are several more trails in the national park. Tourists rarely visit them, because there are no iconic attractions. However, if there is time and desire, you can go on such separate paths to the waterfalls Aggra Falls and Slab Rock Falls. They are also very beautiful and deserve attention.

"Land's End" (aka "End of the World")

This is one of the most famous natural places in Sri Lanka. Many tourists come to the Horton plateau only to visit this attraction, which is a sharp vertical cliff first at 328 meters, and then at 1312. From here, an unrivaled view opens up, from which it is simply breathtaking! The earth ends right under your feet, and it's hard to see if you are standing on its edge or, conversely, looking from the edge of the sky to the earth. Right in front of you is only air, and a hard surface is somewhere far below. In case of good weather from a cliff among the mountains, you can see the blue of the Indian Ocean.

It is most beautiful at the “End of the Earth” at dawn, when due to evaporation of moisture, numerous heavy and low clouds rise up to a kilometer and a half and are directly under the feet of a person. It seems that below there is no earth at all - only heaven. When the clouds disperse, a beautiful view opens up, the best in Sri Lanka.

"End of the world"

When visiting a landmark, you should be careful: from what you see from a habit, you may feel dizzy. Although it’s almost impossible to fall off a cliff: observation platforms are equipped with all the necessary safety and protection equipment.

Best season to visit

Perhaps the best time to visit the plateau is from December to February. In Sri Lanka, during this period, rains stop and there is no debilitating heat. In addition, monsoons cease to blow throughout the island, and there is more chance of catching good weather on Horton. A good season is also the time from March to May, when the vegetation blooms most violently.

Visiting the national park in June-September can be overshadowed by strong winds, which make it very cold on the plateau. Although the rains in this period is still not enough. The peak of precipitation falls on October-November. These two months are considered the worst time for a vacation in Sri Lanka in general and for a trip to the Horton plateau in particular.

Travel Tips

As already mentioned, it is better to come to the park at the opening, at six in the morning. In the morning hours, the temperature here can drop to twelve degrees, so it will not be superfluous to dress warmer. It is also advisable to bring a raincoat with you. You will need comfortable hiking shoes, because the route is not uniform: somewhere you have to climb a hill, somewhere you have to jump from stone to stone or make your way through the bushes of greenery. Shoes or beach slippers are not suitable for such a walk. Stock up on water. According to the rules of the Horton Plateau, drinks in plastic packaging and some food products cannot be brought into the territory. These restrictions apply so that tourists do not feed the animals living here. Do not dispose of waste in the park area, but take it with you.

Horton Plateau

Board and time

The national park is open to visitors daily from six in the morning until six in the evening. At the same time, entrance tickets are sold only until four in the afternoon. Foreigners pay to visit the plateau in rupees, but based on the estimated price in US dollars. For adults, a ticket will cost fifteen dollars, which is about 2,300 rupees (850 rubles). Children of six to twelve years old are charged eight dollars, approximately 1,250 rupees (460 rubles). Children under the age of six visit the park free of charge, accompanied by an adult. A service charge of eight dollars is added to the indicated price. Those who wish can stay on the Horton plateau with an overnight stay, but in this case you will have to pay a double price.

Entrance by vehicle is charged per vehicle unit: for an SUV or minivan - 250 rupees (90 rubles), for a car - 125 (45 rubles). If you want to take a walk along the park route with an individual guide, it will cost another 750 rupees (280 rubles). By the way, Sri Lanka residents visit the attraction at much lower prices. The above price is valid only for foreigners.

How to get there

On the Horton plateau, it is best to organize a trip from the tourist cities located in the center of Sri Lanka: Ella, Nuwara Eliya, Kandy, Badulla. From coastal resorts in one day to get to the national park and see all the attractions is unlikely to succeed. The easiest way is to go as part of a tour group, then the worries about transportation will not lie with you, but with the organizer. But still it is better to visit the plateau yourself.

Sri Lanka Attractions

To get here early in the morning, it is better to leave in the evening and stay overnight at a hotel in Ohia or some other place in the area. Then, waking up early in the morning, you can get to the Horton checkpoint on a tuk-tuk. Those who do not have their own car can reach Ohia by public transport. Trains run from Nuwara Eliya, Kandy and Colombo along this route.

The cost of travel

No matter where you get yourself, at the last stage you still need to hire a tuk-tuk or rent a car, because public transport does not go directly to the national park. A two-way trip from Nuwara Eliya on a tuk-tuk will cost about 3,500 rupees (1,295 rubles), while a one-way trip will take about two hours. For a jeep or minivan you will have to pay from 4,500 rupees (1,665 rubles), however, if you are traveling in a large company, this is beneficial, since the payment is taken entirely for the car.

You can save money if you go to the Horton plateau not from Nuwara Eliya, but, for example, from Haputale or Bandaravel. From Ohia to get to the checkpoint on a tuk-tuk is the cheapest way - 2000 rupees (740 rubles) in both directions.


The Horton Plateau annually attracts millions of tourists from around the world. Visitors to the park enthusiastically respond to gorgeous views and bizarre exotic landscapes. Many say that it’s amazing and scary to be on the observation deck near the cliff: there is a solid white wall ahead and it really seems that you are standing on the edge of the earth. As for the tourist route, visitors to Horton find it very interesting and fascinating. People like that the track can begin to pass from any direction.

Tourists on the plateau

Among the shortcomings, tourists note a large crowding of visitors in the afternoon. During these hours, not only independent travelers come to the plateau, but also buses with schoolchildren. Many people consider the cost of admission tickets to be overpriced and unreasonably expensive. Be that as it may, all the tourists who visited Horton return from there with pleasant memories. Of course, there is a feeling of fatigue, because walking a route of almost ten kilometers is not an easy task. However, it’s worth it! Those who have visited the "Land's End" return from there under the great impression, which they then save for the rest of their lives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45399/

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