Esmeralda 3 *, Spain. Costa Brava hotels - photos, prices and reviews from tourists from Russia

Today, many tourists can already hear that they during their vacation stayed at the Esmeralda 3 * hotel. Spain, of course, is a fairly large country. However, not every of her hotels is to the liking, and sometimes affordable, of our compatriots. And the Esmeralda 3 * hotel, located in the Costa Brava, suits many travelers with its value for money. In addition, its location is convenient enough for trips on excursions to various attractions of Spain. Although for the best choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with other hotels in Spain, in particular the Costa Brava. By the way, it should be borne in mind that not only in Spain is the Esmeralda 3 * hotel. Rhodes (Greece) has on its territory a hotel with the same name. Therefore, getting acquainted with the living conditions at the Esmeralda hotel or booking a room in it, it is important not to confuse the location. Of course, the island of Rhodes can offer a vacation no less pleasant than the Costa Brava, but such surprises are still better to avoid.

Holidays in the Costa Brava

Costa Brava

Costa Brava - the Mediterranean coast of Spain. It belongs to the northeast of Catalonia and belongs to the Spanish province of Gerona. The coast is 162 km long. It has a subtropical climate, which attracts tourists here.

On the territory of the Costa Brava there are cliffs and bewitching cliffs, Iberian firs and pines, beautiful bays and bays, snow-white sandy and spacious pebble beaches. You can relax on the coast from June to October, but most of all who want to relax in Spain - in July-August. During this period, air temperature reaches 28 ° C, and water - 25 ° C. It is worth noting that the rains in Costa Brava, both in summer and in winter, are quite common, which is why the coast is literally buried in greenery, and hot days are easily tolerated. Thanks to this, a vacation in the Costa Brava is very pleasant.


The Costa Brava is represented by a number of small resort villages. The following resorts are the most popular among tourists from Russia: Blanes, Malgrad de Mar, Tossa de Mar, Lloret de Mar.

Costa Brava hotels 3

Blanes is the most southern resort of the Costa Brava. It is located at a distance of 60 km from Barcelona. At the same time, the transport connection between Blanes and Barcelona is very good - a high-speed train runs. Blanes has the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, which is the best in the region.

The largest resort of the Costa Barva is Lloret de Mar. It is in this town that the Esmeralda 3 * hotel is located. The town itself is located 65 km from Barcelona, ​​and its appearance resembles Ibiza, however, with more affordable prices. The resort has many clubs with night discos, as well as a huge water park in which active tourists like to spend time.

Attention also deserves the resort of Tossa de Mar. Although small, it is distinguished by its picturesqueness due to the presence of magnificent natural landscapes on its territory. The town consists of a resort area and the Old Town, that is, the historical part in which the beautiful fortress Villa Velha is located.

The best hotels of Costa Brava

There are a huge number of hotels on the Costa Brava, so tourists have a lot of choices. However, only some of them can be called the best. These are Cala del Pi 5 * in Playa de Aro, Rigat Park 4 * and Roger de Flor 4 * in Lloret de Maar, as well as Horitzo 4 * and Blaucel 4 * in Blanes. As for the Esmeralda 3 * hotel in Lloret de Mar, although it is not the best, it nevertheless pleasantly surprises its guests with an excellent price-quality ratio.

Esmeralda Apartments 3

Cala del Pi 5 * is located on the first coastline, so that only a few steps to the picturesque beach. The hotel offers 46 comfortable rooms for its guests. Cala del Pi also has a spa, which is its highlight.

Hotel Rigat Park 4 * is able to surprise its guests with a spacious relaxation area with a terrace where you can enjoy plenty of sunbathing. The 93 rooms of the hotel offer fantastic views of the mountains and the sea.

Horitzo 4 * is the best solution for the whole family, because here everyone, regardless of age and personal preferences, will be able to find something to their liking. This is a gym, swimming in the pool, and a spa.

Prices for accommodation in Costa Brava hotels

Resorts located on the Costa Brava are not among the most expensive holiday destinations in Spain. However, prices for accommodation in local hotels can be very different. It all depends on the landscaping, "stardom", location relative to the sea and many other factors. Therefore, if the cost for you is not the last factor when choosing a place to stay in Spain, be sure to devote enough time to studying it. It's no secret that the cost of living in a hotel such as, for example, Esmeralda Hotel 3 *, is much lower than, say, in Cala del Pi 5 *.

Esmeralda 3 Spain

So, a hotel with three stars in the Costa Brava will cost a tourist 30,000 - 32,000 rubles per person for 7 nights. For accommodation in a 4 * hotel you will have to pay 33,000 - 42,000 rubles per person for 7 nights. And, of course, a five-star hotel will cost the most - it will cost 45,000 rubles and more.

Photos of hotels and attractions made by tourists in the Costa Brava

Today, probably, there is no longer such a person who would travel without a camera, especially since most gadgets that tourists also carry with them are equipped with cameras. Thanks to this, on the corresponding resources you can find many different photographs taken by tourists during their holidays in the Costa Brava. Among them are photos of various hotels, including Esmeralda Apartments 3 *, which show the territory of the hotels, their rooms, restaurants and more. It is these images that many tourists rely on when choosing a hotel, because no matter how well described the splendor of nature that surrounds the hotel, still the photos allow you to form a more complete picture of a particular place or object.

Rhodes island vacation

As for the sights, the most commonly used lenses for people on Costa Brava are the Arab Baths, the Tower of the Moors, the Tossa de Mar City Museum, the Cathedral, the Cinema Museum and the Fortress Walls in Girona, the Tossa Lighthouse, Gardens of Saint Clotilde in Lloret.

Reviews of Russian tourists on Costa Brava hotels

The Spanish resort, which was the first to open its “doors” for tourists from Russia, at one time became the Costa Brava. 3 * hotels on this coast are distinguished by affordable prices and an acceptable level of service, unlike many other Spanish resorts. The 3-star Beverly Park Hotel in Blanes has the most flattering reviews. Tourists from Russia, who once rested in this hotel, praise its attentive staff, good food, and the cozy interior of the rooms, although small, and the spacious territory of the hotel, and the well-groomed nearby beach.

Esmeralda 3

But about the hotel Casino Royal 3 *, located in Lloret, the reviews of our compatriots are mostly negative. Many complaints about monotonous food, old and often uncleaned rooms, remoteness from the beach, as well as untidy territory. As for the more expensive Costa Brava hotels - 4 * and 5 *, most tourists leave positive reviews about them, although there are exceptions.

General information about the hotel Esmeralda 3 *

The location of the Esmeralda 3 * hotel is the village of Lloret de Mar. The hotel building was built in 1969, and in 2006 the last restoration was carried out. A huge advantage of the hotel is the proximity of the beach - to go to it no more than three minutes. Fans of active pastime are also pleased with the nearby Water World water park. Girona is located at a distance of 30 km from the hotel, so vacationers can go there at any time for an excursion.

Sun loungers and parasols are provided on the beach. The property has a sun terrace and an outdoor pool. There is a restaurant, bar, and free Wi-Fi access.

Accommodation and meals offered by guests of the Esmeralda Hotel

For your stay, hotel guests can choose one of 155 rooms. All are equipped with air conditioning, TV, telephone, balcony or terrace, comfortable beds. In addition, a cot can be provided in the room upon request. Rooms are 20–25 m² in size.

Meals at the hotel can be organized as an all-inclusive system, or consist only of breakfast - at the choice of guests. In the case of full board, the hotel serves a buffet with Spanish and international dishes.

Esmeralda Hotel 3

Leisure options at the Esmeralda

Due to the fact that the Esmeralda 3 * hotel is located near the beach, most vacationers tend to spend their time there. You can also go sightseeing from nearby attractions from the hotel.

As for spending time in the hotel itself, it offers a swimming pool where you can enjoy swimming, as well as take sunbathing, relaxing on sunbeds. The hotel bar offers guests a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, which are very handy on hot days. It is worth noting that there is no animation in this hotel, so if you are hungry for entertainment, then you better look for a different option. Or think about where you can spend interesting leisure outside the hotel.

Hotel reviews of tourists from Russia

Tourists from Russia, once staying at the Esmeralda 3 * hotel, leaving their reviews, agree on one thing: the prices for accommodation here are quite reasonable. In addition, everyone is pleased with the proximity of the beach. True, many say that in order to get on it, you must cross the road, although many hotels, the location of which is the Costa Brava, suffer from this drawback. The 3 * hotels located on this coast often receive very flattering reviews, as they offer good entertainment opportunities that many Russian tourists in Esmeralda lack so much.

Some guests of the Esmeralda also mention in their reviews a “tiny” bathroom, where the toilet is combined with a shower. In addition, all tourists claim that in reality this hotel is positioned as a two-star (despite the information on numerous resources on the Internet, according to which the hotel has 3 *).


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