Rest in Tsandripsh, Abkhazia. Reviews

Abkhazia is famous for its mild climate and clean sea ​​coast. The republic is located along the Black Sea. Mountain peaks smoothly pass into coastal valleys with sand and pebbles. Tourists vacationing in Abkhazia prefer to combine a beach holiday with excursions in the mountains, where a breathtaking landscape opens up and crystal clear rivers flow into the lakes.


The climate in the region is humid subtropical, Mediterranean. Winter is mild, without severe frosts, and summers are hot.

tsandripsh abkhazia reviews

It used to be uncomfortable to rest here, at an altitude of up to 600 meters of sea level, huge malaria swamps were located and life on the plains was impossible. The population of Abkhazia lived mainly in mountainous areas. More than once the question arose about drainage, the result of this was the planting of plants. Tens of thousands of eucalyptus trees were planted, stretching up to 200 liters of water per day.

So, with the help of eucalyptus, an unfavorable place was ennobled and turned into an excellent health resort, where sea air in the company with the healing properties of this useful tree helps in the treatment of children and adults with respiratory diseases.

Vacation spots

Want to choose the perfect place to relax, with the desire to completely immerse yourself in the nature of the protected places of Abkhazia? Tsandripsh, according to vacationers, will be an ideal village for living.

abkhazia tsandripsh private sector reviews

Remote from the border with Russia, it is equipped for tourists, beautiful cypress alleys are planted in it and a long, wide sand and pebble beach is equipped. The settlement is small, but there are shops and a market, sightseeing routes are developed, there are sights, and because of the beautiful view, I want to stay there forever.

On the rest in the guest houses of Tsandripsh in Abkhazia, the reviews are largely positive. Visitors are satisfied with the location and proximity to the sea, since the village is stretched along the coast. However, not everyone is satisfied with the simplicity of amenities, accommodation in ordinary houses of the private sector of Abkhazia. In reviews of Tsandripsha there are negative comments from tourists about the complete lack of service and a feeling of returning to the USSR.


Various excursion tours are offered for guests of the region, including visits to the highlands and places of significance for the Republic. In Tsandripsh itself, a temple of the 7th century BC e., which is located on the main street. At 8-9 km from the coast towards the mountains is a Turkish fortress, built in the VIII century.

Tourists are taken to Lake Ritsa, to the city of Sukhum, which is more than 2.5 thousand years old. There it is recommended to visit the old botanical garden, striking with a variety of flora, and the monkey nursery, which in Soviet times was used by the research institute of experimental pathology and therapy for research. Now they contain the remaining animals that can be fed through the cage.

guest house tsandripsh abkhazia reviews

I will remember a trip to Gagra, with an overview of the castle and a walk in a cozy park, and the colonnades on the square in the evening are beautifully lit, after such a trip beautiful photographs will definitely remain. Many people like to go to the New Athos monastery, founded in 1875, after which you can visit the unique New Athos caves. Previously, they were called the Anacopian precipice, they are located under the slope of the Iverskaya mountain. The cavity volume is about a million cubic meters, and tourists who come here speak of the cave with enthusiasm.


Based on the reviews, it can be said that the food in Tsandripsha, as in the rest of Abkhazia, has similarities in Georgian cuisine. Vacationers praise mamalyga, chureks with cheese and honey, khachapuri, kharcho and barbecue.

Abkhazia tsandripsh vacationers reviews

They say bad things about fruits and vegetables, according to visitors, the fruits are imported here, they do not have sweet juice, and they try to start draining down the chin. Prices in cafes are average, comparable to the cost of lunch in St. Petersburg or Moscow. The cost of products in stores is 20-25% higher than Russian ones; dairy products are often already spoiled.


Descent to the sea near the village of Tsandripsh in Abkhazia, according to tourists, is gentle and very convenient for families with children. The beach is large, with lots of free places and well visible, which is certainly a huge plus for parents.

Recently, there have been many negative reviews about the dishonesty of Abkhazians, about the negative attitude towards Russian tourists. Endless cases of robbery, theft, and fraud are reported. Unfortunately, security guarantees do not exist in any country or place of rest, but in Abkhazia you need to be doubly cautious and not trust strangers.


The fullness of nature will allow the city dweller to move away from multi-story problems. The sea, sun, fresh air with the smell of eucalyptus, mountain views will make even the shortest vacation stunning and calm. Pensioners and those who come with children will really like to relax in Abkhazia.

tsandripsh abkhazia holiday reviews

A relaxing holiday can be overshadowed by the lack of ripe fruit grown here, the risk of meeting scammers or robbers. Resting in Tsandripsha, you need to be careful, ensuring safety for yourself and others. But it should be borne in mind that any clusters of tourists in any country are filled with criminal elements, so do not tune in beforehand.

Residents of Abkhazia are mostly hospitable and nice, willing to help and will not leave them in trouble. And the bright sun above your head and the rapidly warming seashore with warm water will definitely give you a bright and good experience. Once visited Tsandripsh express a desire to return there again, because relaxing in a beautiful area you really relax with your soul.


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