Crocheted sweatshirts with diagrams, photos and description

Knitting clothes is much more difficult than any small crafts or interior items. Here you need to draw patterns, observe the size, carefully monitor the pattern and, most difficult for most craftswomen, dissolve the unsuccessful sections and bandage them.

However, there are some models that can be called quite simple. For example, openwork not fitted jacket, which can be crocheted.

sweatshirts with schemes

How to work with motives

Compilation of paintings from separately related motifs is considered one of the most difficult knitting techniques. In the manufacture of crocheted fragments, the main difficulty consists in the accurate execution of their central part, as well as in the correct connection. You should also distribute the yarn so that it is enough for the whole product. The final stage of work deserves special mention: closing the ends of the thread. This requires a lot of perseverance and patience of the craftswoman, since there is no creative component here, and this boring process just needs to be endured.

By linking motives, you can create completely different sweaters with a crochet (problems should not arise with schemes, since many magazines offer them in large numbers).

Fragments come in several levels of complexity: from elementary, consisting of 3-5 rows, to extremely complex, which include many rows and require in-depth knowledge of crochet techniques. This article will discuss the principle of making a crocheted openwork sweater with diagrams, photographs and a description of the main stages.

It will also be described knitting a summer blouse with a short sleeve using a seamless pattern of "pineapple" and mesh.

Square framed tunic

The model shown in the following photo is perfect for hot summer days and cool sea evenings.

openwork sweatshirts with schemes

The optimal material for its manufacture will be 100% cotton or linen. In extreme cases, the content of artificial fibers (acrylic, polyamide, nylon, microfiber) should not exceed 30%. These components do not allow clothes to “breathe”; it becomes hot, even if there are holes. In addition, these materials can reduce the cost of the appearance of sweaters crocheted. With the schemes shown in the figure, the work becomes much simpler.

beautiful crocheted sweatshirts with schemes

Here, the principle of the fragment, the strapping for the neck and lower edge of the product, as well as the layout of the motifs, are depicted. Based on the fact that the fragments are square in shape, it is extremely simple to make canvases from them.

Color distribution value

At first glance at the blouse, it seems that it is made of beige round motifs, the joints are made of white mesh, and the gaps are filled with small white fragments. In fact, this effect is achieved by the correct distribution of the colors of the yarn. The whole motif is knitted with beige thread, and the last row - white. This technique is often used to emphasize the beauty of the motif and knit tablecloths, bedspreads and crocheted sweatshirts. With schemes of hexagonal and triangular fragments, this play of color also applies.

The tying of the neck, sleeves and bottom of the product is best done with the same color of yarn that the last row of motive is connected (in this case, white). Thus, the blouse receives a complete appearance, a kind of frame.

How to combine motives

When the first fragment is ready, you need to measure it and draw a wiring diagram. The number of fragments depends on the size of the jacket. To determine how many squares are needed, the chest circumference should be divided in half, and this number should be divided by the width of the motive. In this case, four motifs make up one horizontal row of details of the front and back of the sweater jacket crocheted. With patterns containing fewer rows, you will need to knit more motifs.

The height of the parts (product length) is very easy to adjust, you just need to add or remove a number of fragments.

The opinions of many craftswomen are divided on when to combine the motives: in the process of knitting the last row or stitch together the finished pieces with a needle. There is no correct answer, since each method is good in its own way. The first allows you to quickly and accurately make up a whole fabric, the second is suitable for beginner knitters who are afraid to make a mistake (because to correct it you will not have to dissolve the last rows of several fragments, you just need to open the seam).

An important tip: to wash or steam over summer sweaters with crochet patterns from motifs is possible only when the elements are connected and the harness is ready. Otherwise, you can fix the distorted form of the motive, and it is very difficult to fix it.

Beautiful crocheted sweatshirts with solid patterns

Solid patterns are called that fit in straight and return (or circular) rows from the beginning to the end of the part. This type of work is slightly simpler than described above, but also requires attention and perseverance. Many such patterns are used to crochet warm sweaters , with patterns that do not contain openwork holes.

The photo at the beginning of the article shows a summer blouse, its pattern with dimensions and a pattern of the pattern are given below.

warm crocheted sweatshirts with patterns

Details of the front and back are knitted with one even cloth, its width is 9 rapports. The first and third rows of “pineapples” include 8 whole rapports and two halves located near the bar, and in the second row all the elements are whole. This arrangement is due to the staggered arrangement of “pineapples”.

Forming armholes and bevels

For the convenience of knitting the bevel of the throat, the cuff of the sleeves and armholes, the developers of the scheme suggest switching to knitting the net.

crochet summer sweatshirts with patterns
When cells are reduced, the canvas becomes narrower. A cell can be shortened without knitting it or moving to the top with connecting posts.

Tying is done when the details of the blouse are completely ready and stitched.


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