“Bear Lakes”, Schelkovo District: recreation, fishing, reviews

If the company of friends, family, newlyweds wanted to have a good rest, then you need to come to the Schelkovo district of the Moscow region. In these places there is a base called the Bear Lakes. For an interesting holiday, a fun pastime, there is a lot. In the summer it is water entertainments, walks in the fresh air, discos, entertainment program. Fishing enthusiasts can come here both in summer and in winter, and no one will leave without a catch!

What the organizers of the country club offer

"Bear Lakes" Schelkovo District

“Bear Lakes” (Schelkovo District) are not only water bodies. On the shore there is a whole recreation center with a hotel, cottages, spa complex, business center. There is a large, specially equipped, paintball field.

This country club has everything for organizing weddings, children's parties, banquets. A special stay program has been developed for the elderly.

Fishing lovers will also take their souls here. There are special stocked lakes in the area that guarantee an excellent catch. In other parts of the lakes you can do water sports, plenty to ride on boats, boats.

Schelkovo district of the Moscow region

Accommodation in cottages

If you want to visit Bear Lake (Moscow Region) and spend several days and nights here, then a country club would be the best option. Here you can stay in detached cottages or a hotel.

Two-story wooden cottages, built as a Russian hut. You can live here at any time of the year. In some houses there is a Russian bath with a font or a Finnish sauna. Near the cottages are grounds with barbecue facilities. You do not need to take dishes and skewers with you, the staff will provide all this on demand.

The bedrooms have 8, 6 or 4 beds. The houses have microwaves, a refrigerator, cutlery, dishes, central heating, and a TV.

Hotel accommodation

On the territory of the country club "Bear Lakes" (Schelkovo district) there are two three-story hotel buildings. Depending on the price of the room, you can choose apartments of the class: standard, junior suite, business, suite No. 1, suite No. 2. Secured guests can stay in the Suite room with a fireplace.

Regardless of the cost of the room, in addition to basic amenities, all have a TV with 17 channels, a minibar, a shower or bath with accessories, and a telephone.

Water recreation

Bear Lake Moscow Region

Country Club "Bear Lakes" offers its visitors summer rides on water bikes, boats, boats. In winter, the lakes freeze, so you can skate in special areas.

It actively promotes water sports - wake. Those who want to ride on water on the board. For beginners it is better to go for a jet ski or a board with a winch. This will give a lot of pleasant impressions.

More experienced athletes can train on the water board, learning freestyle tricks and various jumps. To practice this sport you will be given everything you need to rent, you can use the services of an instructor. Photos and video will remain as a keepsake.


This is another type of active entertainment. In the forest, not far from the base, there is a special platform where teams compete in accuracy, accuracy. The instructor will answer all questions, tell you the rules of the game. Participants are given special equipment. It will help protect your face and body from damage or injury during the game.

Minimum ammunition consists of a weapon and a marker. Shoot special balls filled with paint.

Here you can play at any time of the day - with the onset of twilight, the lighting is turned on.

Paintball allows adults to return to childhood for a while and just as carefree play the "war game". Of course, the impressions will be unforgettable, and the mood will remain upbeat for a long time.

Team building

Bear Lake Village Shchelkovo District

It will also help excellent outdoor activities and team building. The organizers, in the framework of team building, offer several programs.

The team course will help to understand the psychological portrait of the team. About this in writing will tell the trainer, who composed the competition program.

Rafting is an exciting part of team building. Participants are given logs, empty plastic barrels, ropes. They must build a raft out of this material, and then a solemn launching of swimming equipment on water will take place. After this, fun competitions will begin to pull the enemy raft.

Bear Lakes, Schelkovo District - fishing

bear lakes Schelkovo district fishing

You can sit with a fishing rod, spinning rod not only in the territory of the recreation center. Free fishing is available to everyone. In order to catch a pike in autumn, spring, and carp, crucian carp, tench in spring and summer, you can come to the Schelkovo district of the Moscow region and sit with a fishing rod on the shore of the Big Bear Lake.

It has the correct rectangular shape. Not without reason in the pre-war years, on this reservoir, tests of new developments were often carried out - seaplane models, combat boats.

Big Bear Lake has an area of ​​0.4 square meters. km, the depth reaches 6 meters. It connects to the Pekhorka River channel. In the east, the shore of the lake is covered with forest, and in the west of the reservoir there is a highway.

You can fish not only on the Big, but also on the Small Bear Lake. Its deepest place is 14 meters, and the area is 0.07 square meters. km

Those who have already been here leave reviews about Bear Lakes. Fishermen say it’s better to take a boat with you, as the coast is not equipped. They also advise you to come here in the early morning and on weekdays in the summer, as on weekends lovers come to swim and relax in nature.

Fishermen share the secrets of the catch. They say that occasionally at night fishing you can catch eel on the bottom fishing rod. On bait fish in the fall quite often catch perch on a fishing rod.

Bear-water aquatic monster

There is one more reason to visit this place. They say that Bear Lakes (Shchelkovo District) are fraught with mystery and there is something much larger than fish.

Old-timers say that there used to be a barn on the shore of the reservoir. Animals went here to a watering place, but suddenly they began to disappear. At first, people thought that some thief was taking them away. But he worked silently and left no trace.

I managed to see the culprit of the events to one milkmaid. When she washed herself near the water, she heard a cow roar at the watering hole and saw something big and black come out of the water, grabbed the unfortunate animal and carried him into the abyss.

After several more cases of disappearance of animals, it was decided to move the barn away from this place. But rumors about an incomprehensible underwater monster did not spread beyond this place until in 1999, tourists from Japan arrived on Bear Lakes (Schelkovo District). It is said that one of them saw Nessie and reported this to Russian ichthyologists.

They examined the muddy bottom and came to the conclusion that it can be double and that under the visible lake the underwater can hide, where Nessie lives.

Whether this is true or not is not known for certain. In the meantime, people come to these places to relax, breathe fresh air and go fishing. In any case, you need to be extremely careful on the water, then you will return home happy, rested and with a catch!

bear lakes reviews


Like everything else, the reviews about the Bear Lakes suburban base are different. There are not only positive, but also negative ones. Some do not recommend going here and regret that they themselves have been here. This category of travelers notes that it is quite difficult to get to the place, since there is only one sign on the highway 1 km from the turn. Complain about the staff, that the rooms are not always clean. Someone did not like the food that was fed.

But all travelers speak well of nature, of the lakes themselves, which are worth a look. More positive reviews from those who rested as a large corporate company. Therefore, it is worth considering what composition to come here.

How to get here

bear lakes map

It will tell you how to get to Bear Lakes, a map. There are several ways to get here. If you do not have personal transport, then you need to get to the Shchelkovskaya metro station, and from there take a bus or minibus to the Novy Gorodok stop.

If you are heading to a country club, then you need to walk 200 meters, and on the right you will see a sign with a direction indicator. Passing through it, you will enter the forest and soon find yourself at the base gate.

If you are going fishing or relaxing to the lakes privately, then after getting off the bus at the Novy Gorodok stop, you need to go to the final destination of the trip for about 1 km.

You can get to these places by car. To do this, you need to go along the Shchelkovsky highway, and in the area of ​​the 12th km, after seeing the sign "Country Club" Bear Lakes "", turn in that direction. The address of this recreation center: the village of Bear Lake, Schelkovo district, building 65-A.

You can book a room online, then you will be given a 7% discount. If you go to the lakes “savage”, then, having paid a small amount, you will go fishing for your pleasure. In this case, the amount of catch is not limited.

You are waiting for any (of three) Bear Lake. The Moscow region is rich in beauties, like ponds, where you can not only go fishing beautifully, but just relax in the lap of beautiful nature with your beloved friends, loved ones or in splendid isolation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45431/

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