PD-14 - engine. Turbofan engine: new developments

Quite recently, in the framework of the IL-76LL laboratory, tests began where the PD-14 was tested - an engine that is considered the most important development in domestic civil aviation for thirty years. Why? There are many reasons for this.

front 14 engine

General view

PD-14 is the fifth generation engine among turbojet engines. It is a complex structure where innovative engineering solutions are implemented. Take at least a turbine blade rotating with a frequency of twelve thousand revolutions per minute. At the same time, a centrifugal force of eighteen tons acts on it. There are up to seventy such blades in the turbine.

How it all began

The idea of ​​creating an engine appeared at the beginning of the two thousandths at JSC Aviadvigatel. For a long period, the developments of world leaders in engine production at that time were studied, both air transportation and used aircraft were analyzed. At that time, the Russian market was flooded with foreign manufacturers of everything and everything. This hit hard on the domestic engine industry. Therefore, the developers faced a difficult task not only to reach the level of world leaders, but also to surpass existing technologies, as well as to make domestic aircraft competitive in environmental, price and economic terms. It is clear that to realize such a task was not easy.

Therefore, it was decided to use all the advantages of domestic enterprises and research institutes for the production of engines.

The main idea of ​​the project was to create a modern gas generator with such parameters on the basis of which it was possible to build engines of different capacities. They were supposed to be installed on different aircraft, as well as ground-based devices - at power plants and gas pumping units. The gas generator is the most difficult unit of the motor with high voltage. It was thanks to its unification that the task was solved in ensuring mass production for various units. At the same time, the cost of each of the future models was significantly reduced. All materials and technologies during the design were not imported (and could not, even if such a desire arose, since the data is secret and not disclosed), but was produced in Russia.

About Confidentiality

PD 10

It should be borne in mind that in addition to Russian companies, only the USA, France and Great Britain have technologies for creating turbojet engines of new generations. It turns out that they are owned by a smaller number of countries compared to those that possess nuclear weapons or are able to launch satellites into outer space. China, for example, has been trying to succeed in this area for many years. He easily managed to copy the domestic SU-27, but the AL-31F engine remained unavailable. Therefore, this country is still forced to buy a completely new engine in Russia. That is why developments in this industry are protected by the state.

Cooperation of developers and manufacturers

All participants who planned to implement the project supported the idea. In 2006, they signed a protocol on joint implementation, which later became the basis for future cooperation.

The initiative has gained government support. The project was called "PD-14." The engine was developed at JSC Aviadvigatel, and produced at JSC UK UEC. In addition to the main companies, a number of leading aviation engine building enterprises, industry institutes and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the implementation.

Synchronous production

PD-14 - a turbofan dual-circuit engine with a thrust of 14 tons. It is supposed to be installed in the MS-21 aircraft (they are designed for the number of passengers from one hundred thirty to one hundred and eighty), which will be put into operation from 2017. Therefore, the aircraft engine is created synchronously with the MS-21 itself.

When implementing the project, the so-called Gate-technologies are used. At the end of each stage, an appropriate examination is carried out, in which specialists - representatives of all organizations take part. Thanks to this mode, if necessary, it is possible to make adjustments in time and eliminate possible errors.

What's new in the engine

The foundation was laid on classic solutions that proved their reliability in the development of PD-14. The engine at the same time contains modern design technologies. Used, for example, nickel and titanium superalloys, which ensure the achievement of the desired parameters. Thus, Russian developers made a qualitative breakthrough to a new level, where the aircraft engine improved in all major respects.

airplane engine

Thus, fuel consumption decreased by twelve to sixteen percent. The introduction of polymer composite materials has improved noise attenuation and reduced engine weight. There are about twenty new materials.

High quality workmanship is achieved through sixteen major technologies used. Previously, they were not used in engine building. Therefore, now they are actively developing and introducing into production.

In 2012, in order to demonstrate the engine with the declared technological and constructive solutions, the engine demonstrator of technologies successfully passed bench tests. Excellent results have been achieved in acoustics, emission and thermodynamics.

In order for the PD-14 engine to prove its characteristics and flight suitability, a special qualification of the materials used is used. The databank where the materials are entered contains all the information about the level of structural strength that they have. All materials are tested in special modern laboratories.

turbofan engine

Project objectives

The development of engines is accompanied by the following objectives:

  • reduction in production costs;
  • reduced maintenance and repair costs;
  • guaranteed stable operation of the mechanism;
  • reduction in fuel consumption;
  • weight reduction;
  • noise reduction, emissions of harmful substances.

Together with work on the engine, a convenient system for servicing units after sale is created. It includes, in addition to optimal repair and maintenance, logistics schemes, warranties and service. This is especially important due to the fact that this system is almost absent, since there are few operated domestic aircraft.

Guarantee of success

In 2013, an application was submitted for a certificate for PD-14, and tests were already conducted at the end of 2015.

Due to the fact that the project is being implemented by a number of enterprises and research institutes, the efficient use of budget funds is ensured. Investments in both the development and the actual implementation of the project allow us to overcome the lag that was observed in the domestic aviation industry and lay the foundation for its subsequent development.

The development of new technologies is now becoming especially effective, as our own practice will help to prevent all kinds of mistakes. All developments are implemented in a deliberately successful project. All project participants continue to profit from other orders, which negates the risk of losses.

PD-7, PD-10, PD-14 vs PS0-90

front engine 14 specifications

The only domestic engine that airliners are equipped with in Russia today is the PS-90A. All other aircraft have foreign units.

The project developers plan to transfer in the future all Russian aircraft to domestic new engines.

PS-90A is a turbofan engine. The turbojet PD-14 solved the problems previously found in jet engines, which prevented their use in civil aviation. The main problems were huge fuel consumption and loud noise. In the new project, these and other obstacles were overcome, thanks to which the engines will now be used for civilian aircraft.

engine development

The PD-14 engine family also includes PD-7 units with a thrust of up to 7900 kilograms and PD-10 with a thrust of up to 9900 kilograms. The most powerful modification of the PD-14M is able to increase the flight range both with maximum load and without it. And it will be implemented with reduced fuel consumption from ten to fourteen percent compared to the one currently consumed by a turbofan engine.

Demand in the domestic and foreign market

The developers are fully confident in the prospect of saturation with the PD-14 engines of the domestic market. Among the five competing airliners operating in the domestic market, the MS-21 has a significant advantage in the number of passengers. It is capable of carrying two hundred and twelve people. Compare: the Boeing 737 carries only 189 passengers, and the Bombardir-CS300 - only 135. In addition, the volumes for luggage, passage and seats will increase. This will facilitate and speed up the process of loading and unloading passengers.

Another significant advantage is the low cost of the aircraft. If a domestic aircraft with the best engine inside costs seventy-eight million dollars, then the Boeing 737, for example, costs almost one hundred and seven million for companies, and the Bombardir-CS300 costs eighty million.

new engines

As for the prospects for the MS-21 to enter the international market, the future is still vague here. The only real foreign buyer is a Malaysian company that has already ordered twenty-five aircraft.

Among domestic companies, the plane was ordered:

  • Aeroflot - fifty pieces;
  • VEB Leasing - thirty;
  • Ilyushin Finance - twenty-eight;
  • Sberbank Leasing - twenty;
  • “IrAero” - ten.

The fact that both our and foreign companies are not yet striving to acquire the MS-21 may be associated with unfinished trials. In addition, there is the problem of the lack of a developed service system after the sale of airliners.

Nevertheless, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference in late 2015 called the completion of the PD-14 project the most important event in Russian engine building since the eighties of the twentieth century and expressed confidence that our new engines will surpass foreign analogues.

Therefore, there is every reason to predict the success of the domestic engine and aircraft industry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45450/

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