Dmitrovsky district, Lake Krugloye

In huge Russia very often the same names of settlements, geographical objects are found. A simple uncomplicated toponym “Krugloe” has 19 lakes and dozens of villages, villages, towns. In 18 regions of Russia, from Brest to Chelyabinsk, there are several villages with the same name.

Small fraction of the Volga basin

Krugloye Lake is not always such in the geometric sense, and then it is more difficult to explain the origin of the name. The area of ​​Lake Moscow Region of the same name also does not very much resemble a circle, rather some part of it.

round lake
It can be assumed that a reservoir of glacial origin in Dmitrovsky district once corresponded to its name in a form, or Lake Krugloye seemed such to our distant ancestors. The Moscow Region Laida (wide body of water), which belongs to the Gabovsky rural settlement, is located 28 km from the Moscow Ring Road, and together with the Dolgoye reservoir, which is connected to the channel, belongs to relict lakes. Eric is called the Meshcherikha River, which belongs to the Oka and Volga water basins. Its total length is 17 km.

Small rivulet with a great history

It flows into Lake Krugloye, flowing out of it, passes through Krasnaya Polyana. Further, its path lies through the Dolgoe pond and, bypassing Sheremetyevo Airport from the north, the river flows into Klyazma. On the way, after the accession of Lobny to it, Meshcherich changes his purely Russian name to “Alba”. The history of the 17-kilometer small river is rich in which two factory ponds are also created. And all these rivulets, flowing mainly to the north, will ultimately give their waters to the Volga, thus joining the great water of European Russia. Dmitrovsky district of Moscow Region is very rich in water resources - many ponds, lakes, of which Nerskoye is also of glacial origin, and Vvedenskoye and Svinskoe are not. The rivers flowing through the area are straight, like Dubna, or indirect tributaries of the Volga - Yakhroma and Vela.

Picturesque Moscow Region

Krugloye Lake, surrounded by the Kalinsko-Dmitrov Ridge, belonging to the eponymous hill, is located among picturesque mixed forests, the water in it is not only amazingly clear, but also healing, as it contains radon. On the shores of the 18th largest lake in the Moscow region, in addition to the settlements of Rybaki, Ozeretskoye, Agafonikha, Myshetskoye and the horticultural community , there are a training base for the Russian national teams and excellent rest houses and pensions, the most famous of which is called Krugloye Lake.

round lake dmitrovsky district
The Dmitrovsky district, not far from Moscow, has a good infrastructure that provides full relaxation of weekends and holidays, as well as a longer spa treatment. All this will be fully provided by the sanatorium “Moscow Region” in Aksakovo and the already mentioned boarding house “Lake Krugloye” intended for medical and rehabilitation rest. Dmitrovsky district also has such wonderful recreation facilities as Boyarskaya Manor, Afesta Park, Birch Grove, hotel and entertainment complex Fresh Wind, etc.

Another Round Lake

With regard to good treatment, good rest, wonderful pastime and in connection with the same name, it is necessary to mention the village of Abrau Durso. The round lake is in no way inferior to the best recreational areas of the Moscow Region, and given its geographical position, it has its own unique climatic advantages of the treatment. The uniqueness of these places was awarded the most flattering comparisons in literature and in numerous reviews. So, one of the enthusiastic admirers of Abrau-Durso calls him little Switzerland, the Black Sea Champagne and Russian California at the same time.

Fresh water bodies of the Krasnodar Territory

Decorates and adds mystery to the area and Lake Sweet Limanchik. Its origin is inexplicable. The reservoir, which is a conservation area, on the banks of which unique herbs grow, is filled with pure fresh water - and this is a stone's throw from the Black Sea. Enormous body of water called Abrau is shrouded in legends and legends. On its shore lies the famous Abrau-Durso village named after him.

abrau durso round lake
"Round Lake", a boarding house belonging to this locality, is located near the main attraction of the Krasnodar Territory - the famous lake. Abrau Pond is the largest storage of fresh water throughout the Western Caucasus. The estate "Round Lake" is a modern well-equipped recreation center, located in a beautiful valley surrounded by relict forests. On its territory there is parking and a Russian bath, 4 barbecue areas and a dining room, a beautiful pool with a sunbathing area and dressing rooms. The cost of rooms in a boarding house is different.

Fairytale Manor

On a small cape is the estate "Round Lake". The beach of the Black Sea coast and the shore of Lake Abrau are respectively on the left and right sides of the recreation center. The distance to the sea is about 1000 meters, the coast of the lake is slightly closer.

round lake beach
The sea beaches located near the estate are mostly wild, while the shores of the lake are pretty well arranged. There is a boat station and the entire beach infrastructure. Camping is located directly on the shore, there is a very attractive promenade, on which, among many sculptures, there is a monument to L. Utesov and the fountain “Spray of champagne”. There are many cozy corners.

Other attractions of these places

For vacationers in the Boarding house “Round Lake”, the beach, like the promenade of Abrau, are, in principle, within walking distance, and walking here is quite attractive. In addition, the famous champagne wines factory bearing the same name - “Abrau-Durso” brings popularity to the village.

round lake abrau
Another attraction was the church of St. Xenia, erected in the village. The village itself is located 14 km from Novorossiysk, where vacationers can make excursions. For guests of the estate "Round Lake" Abrau is the main object to visit. Guests of all the neighboring holiday houses come here - the promenade, as in many coastal cities, is a cultural and entertainment center.

Unsolved Mysteries

The legends surrounding the lake are maintained by its secrets. Inexplicable is both its origin and the disappearance of water entering the lake. The river Abrau flows into it, and at the bottom there are enough sources. Nothing flows out of the lake, and the water disappears somewhere. Mysterious is an inexplicable luminous band in the evenings, passing along the surface of the reservoir and freezing last in winter.

round lake photo
Fans of legends consider her to be the girl Abrau who ran across the lake, who was hurrying to her beloved Durso, who was standing on the other side. The prospect of a comfortable stay, healing air, the waters of the sea and the lake, the opportunity to hear many legends surrounding local attractions - all this is fully provided to vacationers of the estate "Round Lake". Photos of the amazing views of these places can be seen in the article.


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