Shah River, Krasnodar Territory: description, features, photo

A unique river Shahe flows through the territory of the Russian Federation. A photo of the waterway displays the beauty of the local surroundings and landscapes. The channel passes through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The river is the second largest waterway in the city of Sochi. Other settlements, such as Bolshoi and Maly Kichmay, Solokhaul, Babuk-Aul, were also located on it. The water stream belongs to the Black Sea basin. The river Shahe (Sochi) has been popular in the tourism sector since the days of the Soviet Union, since the all-Union route number 30 passed here. There is also a local attraction in the valley - 33 waterfalls. The mountain gorge is located on one of the tributaries - the Dzhegosh stream. This place is located north of the village of Big Kichmay.

river shah


The exact origin of the hydronym cannot be determined. There are several unofficial versions. Scientists suggest that when creating the word Adyghe bases were used, which have an ending in -he.

A plausible version may be a translation from the Circassian language. On it, "chalet" means "fast as a doe." This is understandable, since the mountain type river has a very fast flow, its waters descend from a great height by a noisy stream. Therefore, "fast as a doe" perfectly reflects its character.

According to another version, the hydronym is associated with the Turkic language. In this dialect, "shah" means "river of kings." After all, she has been known since ancient times. In ancient times, two tribes lived on this territory: Zikhi and Sanigi. And the river bed was the border between these peoples.


The river Shahe has a length of 65 km. The source is located on the slopes of a mountain called Big Chura. Its height is a little less than 2000 m. The river in the Black Sea carries its waters. The mouth is located near the village of Golovinka. The pool area is 562 square meters. km In the Sochi region, the Shah is second only to the Mzymta River. The water artery has several large tributaries: the right - Azu, Kichmay, Maly Bznych and others, the left - Bely, Bzogu, Bzych (the largest, length - 25 km). The highest point of the basin is located at an altitude of more than 2.2 thousand meters (Mount Big Chura).

The river Shahe has a fast flow. It is fully consistent with mountain water flows. In the lower reaches, it forms a floodplain, the width of which is about 600 m. A steep slope is observed in the upper reaches, but towards the middle it slightly decreases.

The highest level of the river occurs at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. At this time, water can rise more than 4 m. The water regime is unstable. The watercourse is fed by groundwater and precipitation. During the low-water period, Shahe is replenished by springs and groundwater. Floods are seasonal, caused mainly by torrential rains and snowmelt. During this period, the river becomes a stormy powerful stream.

river shah sochi


The river Shah flows through the mountains, so the coastline is abundantly strewn with stones. There is little vegetation on the coast, mostly shrubs, and in some areas it is completely absent. But the hills are covered with dense greenery.

This area is kind of unique. It is next to the river that there are tea plantations and orchards. It is not for nothing that this region is famous throughout Russia as the birthplace of tea. In order to appreciate the delights of these places, it is worth taking a walk. The air is saturated with freshness, and the vegetation that is here adds a lot of unique aromas.

Fishing and recreation

The depths in the river are shallow, therefore it is not used for the usual beach holiday, except for places near the mouth. However, this does not stop fishermen from coming here for a good catch. The Shah River is rich in such representatives of the underwater world as gudgeon, roach, chub, pike, and closer to the sea you can catch mullet or trout. Fishermen most often use a fly fishing rod or float tackle. Those who come here for pike catch on a wobbler.

river shah photo

For excursions and just walks across the river, there are many suspension bridges. Thanks to them, you can cross the narrow channel of the mountain stream, as well as admire the local landscapes.


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