How to use a contactless card of Sberbank: instructions

Since 2016, the Russian market of bank cards has been pleasing customers with the opportunity to make purchases in stores even faster. This was made possible with the help of contactless technologies - PayPass and PayWave. Sberbank PJSC was one of the first in Russia to use the technology in the manufacture of new credit cards and debit cards. Those who previously paid for purchases using a PIN code began to learn how to use a Sberbank contactless card.

What is contactless payment technology?

Earlier, before the advent of plastic cards with PayPass and PayWave, owners of banking products dialed a PIN code to make purchases. The payment process took from 45 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

how to use a contactless card of sberbank

With the introduction of contactless payment technology, buyers have the opportunity to pay for purchases in no more than 5 seconds.

Contactless payment technology is the process of making an expense transaction without entering the PIN code of a bank card on the POS terminal when paying for a purchase worth up to 1000 rubles. The limit on the amount chosen is not accidental: despite the convenience, it protects the client’s funds in case of theft.

Purchases worth more than 1000 rubles are made in the usual way - after entering the customer code. How to use a Sberbank contactless card at an ATM without entering a PIN, and the customer will be able to pay for purchases in the store only within the limit.

How to find out if there is contactless technology on the card?

Cards with which you can pay without entering a PIN differ from ordinary means of payment by the presence of an icon with the image of "waves" (as with a Wi-Fi connection). It is located on the front side of the plastic, most often in the right corner of the card.

how to use a contactless sberbank card in a store

If there is such an icon on the card, then it is non-contact. Since 2017, all cards of Sberbank PJSC, except for instant and social cards, are equipped with contactless payment technology. Customers with cards who were previously unable to pay for purchases without entering a PIN, after a planned reissue, received new credit cards with a contactless payment icon on the front side.

A feature of such cards is that the payment technology is activated automatically. The owner of the payment tool does not need to do anything in order to use the card for purchases without entering a PIN code.

How to make a card contactless?

If a client knows how to use Sberbank’s contactless credit card, but his credit card does not allow it, he can order a new one or issue a reissue.

The production time for a new or reissued card is from 1 to 14 days. On a new card, in case of reissue, everything that was on the previous payment instrument will be indicated, including a special icon on the front side. In case of early reissue, you will have to pay a commission of 150 rubles. The bank card number (16 or 15 digits on the front side) will change.

Where can I pay with a card with contactless technology?

One of the drawbacks, according to the owners of such means of payment, is the inability to use card technology 100% in many stores. It is only about contactless payment, that is, without entering a PIN for up to 1000 rubles. Code entry purchases can be made in any POS terminal, regardless of hardware.

how to use a contactless credit card sberbank

To evaluate whether it is possible to pay for a purchase without entering a PIN, the client should:

  • clarify this feature with cashiers. They are the first to know about the possibility of contactless payment in the store. Cashiers will always help to correctly make a payment with a credit card and indicate possible errors.
  • see if there is a radio wave icon near the checkout, indicating contactless payment technology. Sometimes instead of it the names of technologies are indicated - PayPass and PayWave.
  • when paying, see on the terminal the inscription “Present or insert a card” + technology icon.

In what cases will it fail to pay without entering the PIN code?

Knowing how to use a Sberbank card with contactless payment, customers cannot always apply it. One of the reasons is the excess payment amount.

It is important to remember that payment without entering a PIN code is only possible in the amount of 1000 rubles or less. Purchases over the limit are paid as before - with the customer code. In this case, the client does not need to insert a card into the terminal. He can lean it against the device and then enter the PIN.

how to use a card with contactless technology

It will not be possible to use the technology on old POS-terminals. They are located in small shops or private retail outlets.

After the introduction of PayPass and PayWave technologies, most large stores and chains began to massively purchase new devices for payment. This attracts modern users of bank cards and speeds up the process of paying for goods. The purchase payment process was reduced to only 5 seconds. In addition, customers at such terminals can pay with their mobile phone, also using contactless technology.

How to use a contactless card of Sberbank: instructions

To pay without entering a PIN, no special knowledge and skills are required, and the operation itself takes no more than 5 seconds. At the same time, it is not necessary for the client to get a card from a wallet or credit card: the technology allows you to make an expense transaction even at a short distance.

How to use a Sberbank contactless card in a store:

  1. Wait until the message “Raise or insert a card” appears on the terminal screen.
  2. Lightly touch or bring the payment method of one of the parties to the POS terminal.
  3. Wait until a signal sounds or a check comes out from the cashier's device.

What to do if payment has not occurred?

Even customers who have learned how to use a Sberbank card with contactless technology, sometimes cannot make a payment when presenting a credit card.

how to use a contactless card of sberbank

The reason for this may be:

  • card malfunction. If the problem repeats repeatedly, it is recommended to issue a reissue through the Contact Center, Sberbank Online or one of the offices of Sberbank;
  • misuse of technology. Too much distance to the terminal or a tight cover can interfere with payment;
  • terminal malfunction. Not all new devices work correctly. Sometimes, even with external signs of a possible payment without entering a PIN code, the buyer may have difficulties;
  • lack of communication with the bank. These are temporary difficulties, which exclude any possibility of cashless payment, including the introduction of a PIN.

Payment using a smartphone without a Sberbank card

The most advanced owners not only learned to pay without entering a PIN code in stores, but also use the capabilities of a smartphone for this. You can pay from a card without using it using the following applications: Samsung Pay, Apple Pay or Android Pay. They can be downloaded and installed for free.

Before using the application, the client must add a card. This can be done by entering all the data into the system or simply taking a photo of the payment instrument.

How to use Sberbank contactless card from your phone:

  • enter the application.
  • choose a bank card.
  • bring the phone to the payment terminal.
  • wait for the purchase payment.

If the operation is performed through Apple Pay, you must hold Touch ID in the payment process. In other applications, this is not necessary.

how to use a contactless card with a sberbank

The disadvantage of this method is that not all employees of the trading network know how to use a contactless card of Sberbank without the card itself. Therefore, for some cashiers this method of payment, even 2 years after its implementation, is surprising. But they do not have the right to refuse to pay for purchases using a smartphone if their terminal supports this function.

Is it safe to pay by card without a PIN code? Owner Tips

Using contactless technology significantly reduces time, but also carries additional risks for customers.

Firstly, the advent of technology has led to active actions by scammers. Those who steal such cards can easily make small purchases without wasting time searching for a confidential code.

Secondly, there are devices that allow you to steal funds from customer accounts. Contactless technology is poorly protected, which gives attackers access to the accounts of the owners. They take advantage of this, using special programs for reading data and embezzlement when approaching customers with such credit cards.

Thirdly, with contactless payment, many customers have repeatedly complained about re-debiting funds in the event of a terminal freeze. To avoid overpaying, it is not necessary to remove the card without waiting for a payment signal or check receipt.

how to use a contactless sberbank card from your phone

How to use a contactless card of Sberbank to protect yourself from scammers:

  1. Do not carry payment in wallet.
  2. Do not approach strangers, carrying a card in pockets outside.
  3. Immediately block it if it is lost, stolen or “swallowed” by an ATM.


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