LED lamp for plants: types, features. How to make a phytolamp with your own hands

Every summer resident knows how important the lighting plays in the development of seedlings or growing indoor flowers. For many cultures, lack of sunlight is fatal. But where to get the warming warmth of the sun on cold spring days, when the snow still lies outside the window and a strong wind is rampant?

Additional illumination at such a time is provided by the LED lamp for plants. It is this light source that is the savior for those crops that are planted in the spring in greenhouses and in winter on window sills in apartments. But the right choice of phytolamps is a very important point, which should be given maximum attention. There are several types of lighting devices for seedlings. Among them there are those that are not recommended at all. There are those who are real saviors of gardeners.

led lamp for plants

Right light

When buying a light source, it is very important to choose one that contains the necessary radiation spectrum. Many lighting devices do not give energy to sunlight, but emit only a spectrum visible to humans.

Everyone knows that any tree or flower needs ultraviolet light. But for the skin and eyes of a person, such lighting is harmful. Manufacturers are trying to create such LED-lamps for plants that would be most useful for seedlings, but completely safe for humans.

Warm (yellow or orange) light is also useful. It helps crops not only grow in the right way, but also promotes rapid flowering. If you notice that the flowers are formed unevenly, it is precisely this kind of light spectrum that your seedlings lack.

But a large amount of heat, on the contrary, harms plants. No heating and burning lamps should be used during this period. If you use light sources that give heat, then do not forget about cooling. Turn off the lamps for a while so that the plants rest. You can also use special fans. But growing seedlings in this way will cost "a pretty penny."

By the way, experts believe that cultures absolutely do not need round-the-clock coverage. It will be enough to include a light source over the seedlings for seven to eight hours a day.

Which lamp to choose?

It seems to many beginning summer residents that a conventional incandescent lamp suspended above a tub with seedlings will be quite enough. This is a completely wrong approach. It turns out that incandescent lamps do not give the full spectrum of radiation necessary for the normal development of plants. Of course, there are lamps of the full spectrum, but they are quite expensive, and investing in them is completely unprofitable.

Fluorescent or energy-saving light bulbs are also not suitable. Their spectrum is unusual for humans and even harmful. And the magnitude of the light flux will not allow the harmonious development of cultures.

led plant lights

LED lights

In a separate category, gardeners allocate special LED lamps (LED). Gardeners call lamps for plants gardeners and they trust their spring seedlings.

For the organization of illumination of indoor plants or spring seedlings, an LED lamp is considered the most optimal solution. Moreover, it is used not only for growing small "portions" of seedlings on the home windowsill, but also for its production in large industrial greenhouses and nurseries.

If, say, fluorescent bulbs give a lot of heat, but a small amount of the required light, then the LED lamp for plants is the right full spectrum of radiation, and good light output, and natural light for crops. For a person, however, such lighting will be more than unusual. It is purple-pink, unpleasant to the eyes. But for seedlings, it can easily replace the sun. And you can look at the seedlings, enjoy its development and growth at those moments when the lighting device is turned off.

do-it-yourself led lamp for plants

Benefits of LED Plant Lights

  • Low energy consumption (compared with other types of lighting devices used for growing garden and vegetable crops).
  • The 50W LED plant luminaire will provide them with just the right “useful" rays. Even a 10W fixture will be much more efficient than any other lamp.
  • Such lighting devices have a long service life.
  • There is completely no heating of the objects surrounding the lamp and the plants themselves. They can be placed both at PVC windows, and at wooden furniture.
  • Depending on the period of life of a vegetable crop, you can adjust the device by adjusting the light intensity and spectrum.
  • There is no flicker. Your eyes will be comfortable if you are next to the "seedling" window sill.
  • Environmental friendliness, safety, impossibility of explosion.
  • The LED lamp for plants used for illumination makes it possible to water them much less often, since the soil does not heat up, therefore, does not dry out.

By all indicators, LED lamps are the most useful. Let them cost an order of magnitude more expensive than some other sources of lighting, but pay for themselves very quickly. Many gardeners say that one appliance has served them for about ten years or more. Profitable, isn't it?

DIY phytolamp

Any gardener-gardener can whip up a phytolamp. It does not take much time and does not require large financial investments. Everything you need can be found in any hardware store.

To make an LED lamp for plants with your own hands, you will need a regular profile, several types of LEDs (red, white, blue light), sills (usually used for linoleum), an electric current stabilizer, wires, glue. A soldering iron and, in fact, the ability to use it are also very useful.

led plant lamp reviews

  • Buy everything you need in the store (be sure to consider the stabilizer indicators when choosing).
  • Check the performance of the LEDs with a tester.
  • Mark the places where the LEDs will be located (the step can start from seventy millimeters).
  • Fix the LEDs with the adhesive to the intended place (note the polarity).
  • Connect them together with a wire.
  • At 40 watts, set the soldering iron and solder.
  • Fix the sills in the profile, then install the stabilizer.
  • Attach an ordinary plug to it.


No matter what you choose: buy in the store or make a DIY LED lamp for plants with your own hands. Reviews on LED backlighting for crops are always positive, whatever the production. According to gardeners, such lighting sources are excellent helpers for those who want to get strong seedlings.

led plant light 50w

When using such a highlight, the seedlings will never stretch, but will develop evenly. Also in many reviews it is noted that such sources of additional light serve for many years. This is a very economical and profitable investment of your own money. Someone appreciates the savings, others - the convenience of work and a long service life. But all the reviews agree on one thing - this is a necessary and useful thing that should be in the arsenal of any summer resident.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45477/

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