The capital of Yakutia. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): cities and areas

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation leading in terms of the area occupied. Moreover, many Russians about this region and the people living there have only a vague idea, which has developed on the basis of long-outdated data. Therefore, it makes sense to learn a little more about what the capital of Yakutia - Yakutsk represents, what is the history of this city and what other large settlements are on the territory of this republic.

Basic information

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), or, as it was called then, the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, was formed in the first years after the establishment of Soviet power in the region. It is the largest administrative-territorial unit, but in terms of population density it occupies one of the last places in the Russian Federation. Moreover, its land is incredibly rich in natural resources, which, if used correctly, can become a source of a real breakthrough in the economy of the republic.

Sakha Yakutia is the capital

Yakutia borders on Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Magadan, Irkutsk and Amur Regions, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk and Transbaikal Territories. In addition, in the north of its shores, the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea are washed.


The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (the capital is Yakutsk) has a sharply continental climate, with very short summers and long winters (April to October), when the air temperature can drop to −50 degrees. As for the summer, in the hottest month - July - the thermometer barely reaches +18 degrees.

Sakha (Yakutia): capital

On the vast territory of the republic, just a little more than two dozen cities and urban-type settlements are located. Among them, the main one is the capital of Yakutia. This is the city of Yakutsk, where 294 thousand people live, most of which belong to the indigenous nationality. It consists of 8 districts, including seven suburban villages.

the capital of yakutia saha photo

In 2010, the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was included in the list of twenty best cities of Russia for the business of Forbes magazine, in which it took thirteenth place.

History of Yakutsk (briefly)

In 1643, the Lensky prison was moved to the territory of the modern city, founded by the centurion Peter Beketov 20 years earlier. Then he was renamed Yakutsk, and also proclaimed the administrative center of the entire Lena Territory. Despite this, for a long time the city was more like a large village, and its development began only in 1907, when, according to a royal order, he was appointed governor I. Kraft. By his order, the capital of Yakutia was electrified and telephoned, and the first museum was opened there.

Architectural attractions of Yakutsk

As already mentioned, the capital of Yakutia was founded more than 370 years ago, so there you can see many different historical and cultural monuments. In particular, in the Old Town district, you can see many old buildings and their modern reconstructions, giving an idea of ​​how Yakutsk looked 100-200 years ago. In general, it is considered the best place for walking excursions, there even sidewalks and the roadway are paved with chocks. Therefore, the capital of Yakutia is remembered by tourists as a place where they walked along the “wooden” streets.

capital of yakutia


The capital of Yakutia Sakha, the photo of which will decorate your tourist album, will be interesting to fans of monuments and sculptural compositions. In particular, there you can see the unique mammoth statue, which was installed in the courtyard of the Institute of permafrost, at the place where the well-preserved corpse of this animal was found. Another image of a prehistoric relative of modern elephants is located next to the new building of the Yakut Circus. Moreover, on the back of the mammoth are two gilded acrobats. In addition, in the capital of the republic you can see the monument of friendship, depicting the first family, created by Russian and Yakut, and their baby mestizo. Like all citizens of the former USSR, residents of Yakutia took part in the defense of their great homeland during the Second World War. In memory of those who never returned from the battlefield, the Victory Stela was installed.


Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (capital - Yakutsk) has a distinctive culture. To get to know her, it is worth visiting the local museums. There are a little less than a dozen, but there you can see unique examples of decorative and applied art of the republic. For example, magnificent collections are presented in the United Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North and in the Museum of Hummus Music.

republic of yakutia capital

Theaters and concert halls

In Yakutsk there are several places for organizing cultural activities. For example, classical music lovers can visit the local Opera and Ballet Theater, founded in 1971, and at the Pushkin Russian Drama Theater they will be offered to become a spectator of performances created based on the works of Russian and foreign playwrights.

capital of yakutia yakutsk

This cultural institution is also known for the fact that within its walls are held all the most significant events in the public life of the republic, including the inauguration of the president.

Circus and Zoo

The Republic of Yakutia (the capital - Yakutsk) has been pursuing a policy under the motto “All the best for children” for several years now, as the authorities understand how important it is to ensure the most comfortable conditions for their young citizens, who, due to severe weather conditions, are deprived of many entertainments available to their peers from other countries. regions. In particular, the only Diamond Circus in the Arctic operates for them in the capital, in the troupe of which more than 60 artists constantly work.

A favorite place to visit the Yakut kids is also the Orto-Doydu Zoo, the only one in the world that operates in extreme cold. There you can see not only animals living in the region, but also “guests” from Africa, the Americas and Australia. In addition, there is a department in the zoo where they are ready to accept and cure any wild animal that is in trouble.

The capital of Yakutia: temples

The city has several churches and religious buildings built in different years. In particular, you can visit the St. Nicholas Church, which is the only building of its kind that has retained its original architectural appearance from the 19th century. The church is notorious for the fact that in the first years of Soviet power in its fence the “Reds” shot those who at that time were considered “counter” - representatives of the intelligentsia and clergy, as well as entrepreneurs, among whom there were many patrons. Another ancient temple of Yakutsk - the Gradoyakutsky Transfiguration Cathedral - was built in the 20s of the year before last at the expense of the merchants of the Solovievs. It is the main church of the Yakut-Lena Diocese.

republic of saha yakutia capital

Since 1997, the Chapel of Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, which is located in the courtyard of the Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of the North, has also been operating in the city.

Since 2005, a mosque for Muslim believers has also been operating in the city.


The main educational center of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia is the capital, Yakutsk, where there are more than ten different universities, including the Northeast Federal University, named after M.K. Amosov. Higher educational institutions of the city also train specialists in the field of agriculture, pedagogy, art and culture, as well as various engineers, economists, lawyers, etc. In addition, there are medical, pedagogical, industrial-pedagogical and other colleges in Yakutsk.

Sports objects

In Yakutsk, there is a large and excellently equipped ice palace, which is called “Elley Bootur”. There are also several artificial turf stadiums. Among them are “Tuymaada” and “Youth”. Sports sections for children and adults operate in the Sports Palace “50 Years of Victory”, as well as at the sports complexes “Triumph”, “Sterkh”, “Dolgun”, “Nugget”, “Tandem”, “Modun” and “Cholbon”.

capital of yakutia photo

Districts, cities and towns

The Republic of Sakha is administratively divided into so-called uluses. There are 34 of them, of which 3 are national.

The capital of Yakutia, the photo of which you have already seen, is not the only large settlement in the Republic of Sakha. Of course, it is the most populated and developed, but there are many interesting things in other cities and towns.

  • Oymyakon

This village, where less than 500 people live, is known as one of the “poles of the cold" of the planet.

  • Diamond

As the name implies, this urban-type settlement is the place where the world-famous Yakut diamonds are mined.

  • Verkhoyansk

The village is famous for the fact that during the 19th - early 20th centuries, politically unreliable citizens were exiled who opposed the autocracy, as well as Poles fighting for the independence of their homeland.

  • Lensk

The village was founded in the middle of the 17th century. There is an interesting local history museum and a very beautiful monument to the coachman.

  • Peaceful

Residents of this city call it the Diamond Capital of Russia. And this is entirely justified, since there since 1957 the extraction of these precious stones was conducted in an open way.

  • Reap

In Yakutia, there are not many enterprises that could compare with the Zhataisk ship-repair and shipbuilding plant. In addition, the village has a large oil storage.

Now you know what the republic of Yakutia is famous for, the capital of which is rapidly developing today and attracts tourists who want to get to know the distinctive culture of the peoples of this region.


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