How to tie a bow from a ribbon or from colored paper?

With the advent of bows, much has changed in our lives, especially in the field of celebration. Previously, only smaller details were available for decorating the banquet hall, for example, colored confetti and garlands, but with the invention of ribbons and paper bows, the holiday really became brighter. Similar details of the decoration could also be hung on the wall, attached to furniture and even the ceiling. In addition to them, hair bows appeared, which also gained wide popularity among the fair sex, because they looked very cute and pretty. In general, they appeared everywhere, and almost everyone knew how to tie a ribbon or paper bow . However, there have been changes in the tying technique. If initially the bow was tied on a simple knot, straightened and fastened to the right place, now different craftsmen can boast of different technology for tying bows, which is considered a real manifestation of imagination and creativity. So, we suggest considering several options for how to tie a bow from a satin ribbon or colored paper.

how to tie a ribbon bow

  • Terry bow. This is the very first technology for tying bows, which appeared a long time ago and gained immense popularity due to its colorfulness. In order to make such a bow, you must first fold the ribbon several times and make cuts on it, but so that they cannot tear during further actions. Next, expand the bow and look for the place where the incision was made. Found already? Then we move it to the center and again we make loops from the tape, but taking into account these notches (they will serve as the basis). We tie two loops with notches together to make a bow. And then - we attach to them additional folded loops on the sides. As a result, we get a magnificent bow and the answer to the question of how to tie a bow from a ribbon beautifully and quickly.
    how to tie a satin ribbon bow
  • Classic bow. Very similar to the previous version, but the technique of its manufacture is slightly different. In order to make a classic bow, you need to choose a thinner ribbon. The steps are the same, but in the end, when we start to fill the places on the side, you need to double the number of loops. As a result, we should get almost the same terry bow, but from thinner ribbons and with a lot of loops. If you are wondering about how to tie a bow from a ribbon more beautifully, then you can cut one loop into two parts and leave it to hang like a “tendril”, curling them with scissors.
  • Two-color bow. Make it very simple. To do this, you need to take two tapes of the same size, but one to be thicker and the other thinner. At first, we work only with a thick ribbon, tying it in the way you like and attaching it to the packaging or wall. Next, we do the same action, only with a thin ribbon. As a result, we get two bows attached to one another, which will form a colorful combination.
    bows for hair

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make a bow from a ribbon, you just need to have imagination and a desire to do something creative


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