Application for financial assistance: sample and writing form with an example, types of financial assistance

Many people for various reasons need financial assistance, since force majeure circumstances arise in their lives. You can request such assistance at your place of work. For this, a competent application for financial assistance is compiled. A sample of this document can be used so that it contains all the necessary information about the applicant. On the basis of this document, the employer issues an order stating what amount is assigned to the employee.

The concept of material assistance

The law clearly states that each head of a state-owned company should provide financial assistance to its employees. She is not included in their salary. Many employers always meet their employees, so if any specific and unforeseen situations arise in the life of citizens, they can expect an additional cash payment.

This payment is made by issuing the relevant order by the head of the company. Additionally, local regulations may fix the possibility for employees to receive appropriate assistance. Often, measures to provide material support are prescribed in a collective labor contract.

In large organizations, at the beginning of the year, a special cash fund is formed, intended for additional payments to employees.

financial aid application

When are funds issued?

An application for financial assistance may be prepared by employees for various reasons. Most often, the need for such support arises in the following situations:

  • registration of annual leave during which the employee plans any trip, therefore, needs additional funds besides vacation pay;
  • birth of a child;
  • marriage;
  • retirement;
  • death of a close relative;
  • forced long-term treatment;
  • execution of an industrial injury;
  • getting a certain disability group.

The above situations are indeed a good reason to receive material support from the management of the company where the citizen works. At the time of preparation of the application for financial assistance in connection with various circumstances, it is necessary to indicate a specific reason for processing such support.

Such a statement must be accompanied by other documents that prove the occurrence of a specific event in the life of a citizen. Such a document may be a birth certificate of a child or marriage registration.

financial assistance application sample

Assistance General Points

If an employee of a company really realizes that he needs material support, then he must formally request it from the management of the company. For this, a corresponding statement is drawn up. It indicates the reason for the purpose of payment. It is advisable to use a sample application for financial assistance in order to prevent any errors.

The main nuances of the purpose of such a payment include:

  • payments are provided not only by the local regulatory documents of the company, but also by federal legislation, but this applies only to government agencies;
  • in private companies, the manager may refuse to pay material assistance;
  • the amount of this payment is established by the direct director of the organization, which takes into account what position the applicant occupies in the company, whether he was disciplined over the past year, what salary he receives, and also how much money is available in the corresponding fund.

Often, a collective agreement prescribes what the maximum amount can be transferred to employees annually in the form of support. For this, a fixed rate or a percentage of the salary may be used.

application for financial assistance for vacation sample

How is the application compiled?

When forming this document, it is advisable to use a sample application for financial assistance. The free form is used for this, but the required information should be included in the text. Some companies have special samples of applications for financial assistance, which can be studied in the personnel department.

When compiling this document, the following information must be entered:

  • the name of the organization in which the citizen works;
  • information about the head of the company, since it is in his name that a statement is formed;
  • information about the applicant submitted by his full name and position held in the company;
  • the name of the document is indicated, which is an application for assistance in the form of material payments;
  • the text contains a direct request for additional funds in connection with the occurrence of any unforeseen and complex events in the life of an employee of the organization;
  • the reason for the purpose of payment is given, which may be represented by the death of a relative, a serious illness or the appearance of a baby in the family;
  • a reference is left to the legislative act, the local internal documentation of the company or the collective agreement, if these documents indicate the possibility of the employee receiving assistance from the employer;
  • lists the documents attached to the application, which confirm the validity of the request;
  • the applicant’s signature is placed at the end, and the date the document is handed over to the company representative.

A sample leave application for financial assistance can be found below.

application for financial assistance in connection

What documents are attached?

Usually, employers do not require applicants to confirm the reasons for obtaining financial assistance, but it is advisable to transmit such supporting documentation along with the application. Additionally, confirmation is often required that other types of material assistance were not received by the citizen from other sources.

If two family members work in the same company, then only one of them can be assigned a payment. For the proper preparation of the document, it is advisable to use a sample application for financial assistance. Other documents are attached to it, which depend on the reason for the appeal:

  • Long-term treatment is required. If an employee falls ill and needs expensive treatment, he can ask the employer for a transfer of a certain amount used to pay for the services of medical organizations. To do this, you need to attach a medical certificate to the application, which indicates the diagnosis, and also prescribes how much money is required for treatment. Additionally, an extract from a medical card, a medical history and receipts for payment for services or the purchase of medicines are requested from a medical organization. If rehabilitation is required in the sanatorium, the attending physician must issue an appropriate direction in which he has his signature and seal of the organization.
  • The death of a close relative. Often, employees of different companies draw up an application for financial assistance in connection with the death of a family member. Assistance is provided if a really close relative dies, to which parents or children, as well as sisters and brothers, die. When compiling a statement, it is important to indicate the degree of kinship. A copy of the death certificate is attached to the application.
  • With the birth of a child. If a baby appears in the family, this always leads to unforeseen and significant expenses. Therefore, material support in the form of a large sum of funds can be received at the place of work by the father. To do this, he compiles an appropriate statement stating that he had a child. The birth certificate of the baby is attached to this document.

A sample application for financial assistance for treatment can be studied below.

financial aid application sample

Can I ask for a vacation payout?

Going on vacation is a good enough reason to ask at the place of work to receive a certain amount of funds. It can be used for travel or other purposes. To do this, a competent application for financial assistance for the vacation is compiled.

In some state organizations, directly in the statutory documentation indicates the possibility of transferring a certain payment to employees before they go on annual standard leave. In this case, the employer will not be able to refuse to transfer funds. It is advisable to preliminarily study a sample application for financial assistance for a vacation in order to correctly draw up this document.

The nuances of getting help with treatment

Often, employees of different companies have a question about how to write an application for financial assistance to pay for treatment. For this, it is important to indicate directly in this document the reason for receiving the cash payment.

Such funds are assigned as part of a collective agreement or other local act, so commercial companies may by law refuse to give an employee such assistance. They can pay 4 thousand rubles, so as not to pay tax, since such a payment is presented as a gift.

The initiative should come exclusively from the employee directly, therefore assistance is provided on a declarative basis.

How is the payment made by the employer?

The head of the company after receiving a statement from the employee decides on the advisability of providing him with support. If it is positive, then it is correctly executed, for which an order is issued. The following information is entered into it:

  • name of company;
  • information about the head of the company;
  • the reason for publication, represented by the provision of financial assistance to a particular employee;
  • the amount of payment is indicated;
  • reasons are given for transferring funds, for which it is necessary to focus on the text of a previously received application;
  • date of issue of the order;
  • signature of the head and seal of the organization.

This document is transferred to the accounting department, after which the funds are transferred to the employee.

how to write an application for financial assistance

Taxation payout

Based on Art. 217 of the Tax Code are not taxed on payments transferred to employees in the form of assistance if their size does not exceed 4 thousand rubles. If a large amount is paid, then it is represented by the part of the salary with which personal income tax is collected in the amount of 13%.

If the payment is intended for the employee whose child was born, then the amount is not taxed if it does not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not fix a specific application form for the provision of financial assistance, therefore, employees of various organizations can compose a text in any form. Often, HR specialists offer samples of such documents. If the organization is state-owned, then the employer does not have the right to refuse to appoint such support if the employee has a good reason. Often such information is recorded in the statutory documentation.

When making such a payment, you can indicate in official documents that it acts as an encouragement or compensation. If a small amount not exceeding 4 thousand rubles is issued, then often such a payment is not formalized.

financial aid application form

Assistance Assignment Rules

An employee who wants to receive a payment from the employer must use the sample application for material assistance so that the necessary amount of funds is transferred to him. When assigning a payment, the following rules are taken into account:

  • help is transferred only at a time, so the amount cannot be divided into parts and paid several times a month;
  • it is allowed that the application be transmitted by the authorized representative of the employee if he is being treated at a medical institution, but this person must have a power of attorney certified by a notary;
  • the amount should not be calculated taking into account what position the citizen occupies in the company team;
  • even if several truancy was recorded over the course of several years of work, this cannot serve as a basis for refusing support.

Transfer of such payments is not the responsibility of the head of the company, therefore he has the right to refuse to pay any amount of funds to the employee. If the funds in the reserve fund of the organization have run out, the employer can take advantage of the unused profit.

statement of financial assistance to employees

Can I contact the employer for help without good reason?

An application for financial assistance to employees can even be drawn up for people who have not experienced any specific events in life, but who are poor, and therefore are in a stably difficult financial situation. To do this, it is important to have evidence that one person in the family has a sum of money that is below the subsistence level.

Under such conditions, you can not only apply at the place of work, but even contact the local authorities to receive support from the state. For this, appeals to the social protection authorities are compiled.

Who else is offered help?

Students who study in full-time and receive a scholarship can count on financial assistance. To do this, they must have evidence of their deplorable financial condition.

Even former employees who retired or were laid off can receive support. At the same time, state enterprises cannot refuse to transfer funds if the need for payment is provided for by the contents of their constituent documents. When preparing such a statement, it is important to indicate the details of the bank account to which the company will transfer funds.

application for financial assistance in connection with death


All state organizations and many private companies provide financial support to their employees in case of difficult situations. For this, the employee must correctly compose a statement using current samples.

The amount of payment is determined by the direct manager of the company. A company, in the local regulatory acts of which there is no information on mandatory assistance, may refuse an employee to transfer such a payment.


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